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Let me tell you guys something....


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The Pens goaltending is their weak spot. They have two lines that I wouldn't trade with anyone in the NHL. Fleury is the weak link. As a matter of fact, over the last 3-4 weeks, Thibault has been better than Fleury. Fleury has a tendency to let in a lot of soft and late goals.


d00d, Fleury's 4th in the league in wins, ahead of Ryan Miller. He's also got a 90% save percentage. GAA's a bit high, but if he wins, he wins.

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Pens a bit away yet. One line teams don't do well in the playoffs. Especially smallish teams with not a lot of physical guys. Even though its the "new" NHL it still a much more physical affair in the post season.

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d00d, Fleury's 4th in the league in wins, ahead of Ryan Miller. He's also got a 90% save percentage. GAA's a bit high, but if he wins, he wins.

Of course he does. I mean, up until recently he played most of the games. The Pens are a good team. Two weeks ago, Fleury was benched and Thibault was named the starter. Fleury was also pulled out of some games.


Fleury, while not bad by any means, is the weak spot of the Penguins.


Not saying the Penguins are the Yankees by any means....................but if you put a solid, but not spectacular pitcher on the Yanks staff, he'll be up there in wins too.


He's kind of the Tom Barrasso of the modern Pens. Another words, he's benefiting from alot of talent in front of him.

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This is why (this thread) is why I ground myself more and more at SabreSpace and sorry for being such a BFLO snob... Why the Bills and the NFL's national attention (along of course with the Sabres doing well) is why I have always felt closer to the Sabres...


If the Bills ever left, even if they were winning... I wouldn't give a flyin' phuck... Now if the Sabres left, even if they were losing... I would be MORE hurt.


The Sabres in so many ways historically are the anti-BFLO team... True they never won the Cup... But, there is so much more pedigree in the team...


And again, sorry for being such a BFLO snob... It is clearly "our" team... That is those of us that grew up in the Southern Ontario/WNY region.


Elitist to the BFLO region I am sure... But, who ever accused me of NOT being elitist AT times...



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This is why (this thread) is why I ground myself more and more at SabreSpace and sorry for being such a BFLO snob... Why the Bills and the NFL's national attention (along of course with the Sabres doing well) is why I have always felt closer to the Sabres...


If the Bills ever left, even if they were winning... I wouldn't give a flyin' phuck... Now if the Sabres left, even if they were losing... I would be MORE hurt.


The Sabres in so many ways historically are the anti-BFLO team... True they never won the Cup... But, there is so much more pedigree in the team...


And again, sorry for being such a BFLO snob... It is clearly "our" team... That is those of us that grew up in the Southern Ontario/WNY region.


Elitist to the BFLO region I am sure... But, who ever accused me of NOT being elitist AT times...





Thank you. It's not really about being an elitist fan though. Heck, I know that I'm no super fan. I'm just a fan who can't fathom team swapping. I have center ice and get to watch maybe 75% percent of the games and I read Sabrespace. That's pretty much the extent of my support of this team. It really does boil down to a different philosophy that I believe is unique to WNYers. Living in Raleigh, many of my neighbors and co-workers are transplants from different parts of the country. People from cities with NHL teams like Chicago, Boston, Philly and Detroit. These people are all Canes fans now and they have just as hard of a time understanding why I'm not a Canes fan as I do understanding why they bailed on their hometown team. I think it boils down to what someone else brought up in a thread a few days ago, transplanted WNYers are the only ones who refer to the region as "home" no matter how long they have been away. The Sabres and Bills are a little piece of home that we can bring with us and we refuse to let go.

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Thank you. It's not really about being an elitist fan though. Heck, I know that I'm no super fan. I'm just a fan who can't fathom team swapping. I have center ice and get to watch maybe 75% percent of the games and I read Sabrespace. That's pretty much the extent of my support of this team. It really does boil down to a different philosophy that I believe is unique to WNYers. Living in Raleigh, many of my neighbors and co-workers are transplants from different parts of the country. People from cities with NHL teams like Chicago, Boston, Philly and Detroit. These people are all Canes fans now and they have just as hard of a time understanding why I'm not a Canes fan as I do understanding why they bailed on their hometown team. I think it boils down to what someone else brought up in a thread a few days ago, transplanted WNYers are the only ones who refer to the region as "home" no matter how long they have been away. The Sabres and Bills are a little piece of home that we can bring with us and we refuse to let go.


Totally agree!


My family and I are "going home" for Easter, leaving Holy Thursday and coming back that Tuesday (better believe... I am staying for Dingus Day! :D )


Kinda strange... Because my kids were born here in NW Indiana... I think they even refer to WNY as "home"...


My son and I went to the Sabres v. 'Hawks game back in January... I MADE my son leave his 'Hawks hat in the car, in favor of his Sabres' hat... How is that for twisted parenting! :thumbdown:


I will always be "exiled!"


Now they funny thing is... You see the same mentality in some of the immigrants that come to this country... Must revolve around the economics more than the heart? Makes one relate better to their situation and the ecomomics behind it... Who knows?



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Thank you. It's not really about being an elitist fan though. Heck, I know that I'm no super fan. I'm just a fan who can't fathom team swapping. I have center ice and get to watch maybe 75% percent of the games and I read Sabrespace. That's pretty much the extent of my support of this team. It really does boil down to a different philosophy that I believe is unique to WNYers. Living in Raleigh, many of my neighbors and co-workers are transplants from different parts of the country. People from cities with NHL teams like Chicago, Boston, Philly and Detroit. These people are all Canes fans now and they have just as hard of a time understanding why I'm not a Canes fan as I do understanding why they bailed on their hometown team. I think it boils down to what someone else brought up in a thread a few days ago, transplanted WNYers are the only ones who refer to the region as "home" no matter how long they have been away. The Sabres and Bills are a little piece of home that we can bring with us and we refuse to let go.

Again numbnuts, who the fugg swapped teams? We went down there to root on Ronny Francis in 2002, with Penguins jerseys on. We liked it. When our team wasn't in the playoffs last year, we went again. And rooted for the home team.


I still call Pittsburgh "home", just like you. LOL. Unreal. We went for the atmosphere. The atmosphere in Raleigh was good. Instead of sitting around picking our ass in 80 degree heat in May, and heading for a local bar or Hall and Oates concert....we went and watched hockey. Low and behold, we actually let ourselves and had fun. We also rooted for the home team.


I haven't paid attention to them any this year. Matter of fact, I didn't pay attention to them last year, until the playoffs.


Your philosophy isn't unique to WNY'ers.......that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. But when a bunch of transplanted Pittsburghers have a choice in May and the only sprorting events going on in the region are Nats or O's baseball, or playoff hockey......well, gee Elmer, sorry we went down to Raleigh and rooted for the home team. When this current Pens team doesn't make the playoffs again (which should be about 2022), we'll choose to go to a Nats game instead. But of course, we won't let ourselves have fun if they aren't playing the Pirates.

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I MADE my son leave his 'Hawks hat in the car, in favor of his Sabres' hat... How is that for twisted parenting! :thumbdown:


You bought your son a Blackhawks hat????? And you are calling Lv-Bills the team swapper? You've got to train that kid from birth. Why mix him up by having him own hats from two different teams? It's like buying your 3 year old son dolls to play with.

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You bought your son a Blackhawks hat????? And you are calling Lv-Bills the team swapper? You've got to train that kid from birth. Why mix him up by having him own hats from two different teams? It's like buying your 3 year old son dolls to play with.





Not a team swapper... I never called Lv-Bills one either... I REMEMBER he was a Pitt fan... Sorry I didn't call my other Bills brethren out for giving him schit! :D


Believe it or not... I kinda always like the 'Hawks as my western team... Something to do with the unis when I was a kid... Glad we beat them in the 1970's, TWICE in the playoffs though.


Cringe... It is a pretty cool logo/lineage... And Wirtz has ALL but alienated the fans here... So it is an easy gig to get in! :thumbdown:

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Again numbnuts, who the fugg swapped teams?


You did, numbnuts.


We went down there to root on Ronny Francis in 2002, with Penguins jerseys on. We liked it. When our team wasn't in the playoffs last year, we went again. And rooted for the home team.


I still call Pittsburgh "home", just like you. LOL. Unreal. We went for the atmosphere. The atmosphere in Raleigh was good. Instead of sitting around picking our ass in 80 degree heat in May, and heading for a local bar or Hall and Oates concert....we went and watched hockey. Low and behold, we actually let ourselves and had fun. We also rooted for the home team.


I haven't paid attention to them any this year. Matter of fact, I didn't pay attention to them last year, until the playoffs.


Your philosophy isn't unique to WNY'ers.......that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. But when a bunch of transplanted Pittsburghers have a choice in May and the only sprorting events going on in the region are Nats or O's baseball, or playoff hockey......well, gee Elmer, sorry we went down to Raleigh and rooted for the home team. When this current Pens team doesn't make the playoffs again (which should be about 2022), we'll choose to go to a Nats game instead. But of course, we won't let ourselves have fun if they aren't playing the Pirates.





I'll just let your words stand on their own as continued proof that you just don't get it.

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I will say this, however, this team is more talented then the Lemieux era teams of the early 90's.

You're on friggin' crack. That team with Cullen, Recchi, Lemiux, Jagr, Coffey, Mullen, Murphy, Roberts, Stevens, Young, Trottier, Barrasso and Francis would beat the living crap outta the current Penguins - especially if they played under today's rules. Try counting the HoFers in that group. Then compare them to Crosby and company. The current group only has to continue to evolve for another decade (actually more) to even sniff the jocks of the aformentioned.


More talented? No way. More hyped? Definitely.

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You're on friggin' crack. That team with Cullen, Recchi, Lemiux, Jagr, Coffey, Mullen, Murphy, Roberts, Stevens, Young, Trottier, Barrasso and Francis would beat the living crap outta the current Penguins - especially if they played under today's rules. Try counting the HoFers in that group. Then compare them to Crosby and company. The current group only has to continue to evolve for another decade (actually more) to even sniff the jocks of the aformentioned.


More talented? No way. More hyped? Definitely.


Totally agree. Actually, it isn't even a debate.

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You're on friggin' crack. That team with Cullen, Recchi, Lemiux, Jagr, Coffey, Mullen, Murphy, Roberts, Stevens, Young, Trottier, Barrasso and Francis would beat the living crap outta the current Penguins - especially if they played under today's rules. Try counting the HoFers in that group. Then compare them to Crosby and company. The current group only has to continue to evolve for another decade (actually more) to even sniff the jocks of the aformentioned.


More talented? No way. More hyped? Definitely.

This team is a mere image, albeit younger, of that team. This Penguins team is already good, and young. Lemieux's Penguins took years to become the team that dominated the NHL for a few years. That Pens team had a core of Lemiuex, Jagr and Francis. Period. There was a little bit of Mullen, Stevens, and Murphy sprinkled in. Guys like Coffey were there briefly, along with Ulf Samuleson and Rick Tocchet. If anything, your argument would have been better if you would have mentioned Robbie Brown and the plugger Phil Borque in that bunch. The fact that you mentioned Brian Trottier is laughable as he was about 90 yrs old when with the Pens. Tommy B was the beneficiary of the offensive skill in front of him. Period. He might have been one the most over-rated goaltenders of all time. The Penguins used to win many games 10-7, 8-6, 6-5 back then. As a matter of fact, and I think unjustified, a lot of Burgh fans sometimes called for Ken Wregget to be in goal instead of Barrasso.


Anyway, this current team is already better at a MUCH MUCH younger age. When you add a new arena, the Pens will able not only keep alot of these guys, but also add some new one's that will be like Paul Coffey, Samuelson and Tocchet. Sergei Gonchar is already thriving because of the young talent in front of him. No one will be Paul Coffey though.


The things Penguins fans are seeing now are uncanny of things those early 90's teams used to do. Crosby will take Lemieux's place in Pittsburgh lore in terms of statistical achievement. I don't think Crosby will be quite as good as Mario, however, if he stays healthy, he will surpass and reset many of Mario's records. Mario was hurt A LOT. Malkin, in most Burgh fans opinion will be better than Jagr. Malkin has an incredible shot. This guy has a knack for scoring Mario-esque goals already. He has a lot to learn yet, but his flashes of brialliance are already just as bright as Jagr's were. Jordan Staal also comes from a great hockey pedigree and is arguably already as good as Malkin. These guys are all 20 years old or younger, and at certain times are dominating the NHL.


Admittedly, the new Pens GM Ray Shero didn't think they would be good this fast. So, after this season, expect Pittsburgh to add your guys like Paul Coffey, Ulffy, Tochett, and the like.


The new trio of Crosby, Malkin, and Staal could easily eclipse what Mario, Jagr and Francis were able to do. Mario's health wrecked alot of the Pens plans back then.......if this trio stays healthy, the Pens will be adding more cups than that 90's group. It's been a long time since, essentially, a bunch of teenagers have made the rest of the NHL look silly.


Sky's the limit!

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Admittedly, the new Pens GM Ray Shero didn't think they would be good this fast. So, after this season, expect Pittsburgh to add your guys like Paul Coffey, Ulffy, Tochett, and the like.


The new trio of Crosby, Malkin, and Staal could easily eclipse what Mario, Jagr and Francis were able to do. Mario's health wrecked alot of the Pens plans back then.......if this trio stays healthy, the Pens will be adding more cups than that 90's group. It's been a long time since, essentially, a bunch of teenagers have made the rest of the NHL look silly.


Sky's the limit!

No, the salary cap is the limit, and you'll be right up against it before you can even think of adding anybody. All those young stars are going to want to get PAID, and around the same time.

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No, the salary cap is the limit, and you'll be right up against it before you can even think of adding anybody. All those young stars are going to want to get PAID, and around the same time.

This is right on 100%. But their services will be locked up for a little while. In that time, we are hoping the cap will go up just enough to keep them. Who knows, but you are 100% correct, the only thing that will wreck this team from being a dynasty is the salary cap. I have a weird feeling, although nothing has indicated this, that Malkin is going to want to seperate himself from Crosby and prove he is just as good someday. Juat my gut feeling.


Legit point!

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LOL. Oops! Oh well, I may have flunked out of English class, but at least I have two Stanley Cup Champs T-shirts! :lol:


MIRROR dammit!


Only 2? What did you do with the Carolina one you bought last year? Thew it away cause they probably won't make the playoffs? :thumbsup:

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