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It's so refreshing to hear about pro athletes finishing their degree and having a plan B in their hip pocket for their post NFL careers. I can relate to this as I am trying to finish my degree. Ellison obviously has motivation involved. This should be the kind of examples that we should expose our children to as an upside to getting a good education.. This is truly the example of a good role model. :D


and actually, in the case of really smart guys like Troy Vincent (and hopefully Ellison) Football is the Plan B. if these guys are smart they realize that they have a great opportunity to make some good cash and make some great contacts while theyre young. but that, even if they are lucky, it lasts MAYBE 10 years. For a lot of guys, Professional Football is something they did for a bit before they turned 30 and got serious about a career.

and actually, in the case of really smart guys like Troy Vincent (and hopefully Ellison) Football is the Plan B. if these guys are smart they realize that they have a great opportunity to make some good cash and make some great contacts while theyre young. but that, even if they are lucky, it lasts MAYBE 10 years. For a lot of guys, Professional Football is something they did for a bit before they turned 30 and got serious about a career.



:D That's a good way to look at it. For me it's always interesting to hear or read someone elses point of view like your take on this DrDankenstein. I agree.

" Ellison’s tuition is now being covered by the Bills, even though Banker said the OSU athletic department will pay for any player to who wants to come back to school and finish his degree."


I guess I didn't know this. The Bills and The Ohio State University are class acts. Do all teams/schools do this?


Yes, many schools do this for all of their athletes. I was a track athlete back in the '80s at a Big Ten school and had a full tuition scholarship. I paid my own room and board while I was competing, but once my eligiblilty was exhausted, they gave me a full ride - tuition plus room and board - to finish my degree in my fifth year. The funds for this comes out of a different pool, so that's why I got a better deal in my last year. (It didn't count against the school's limits of scholarships per sport.) I assume this is still the case so kids can finish their degree. Not all take advantage of it though...especially in the big name sports.

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