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Supposedly... He even has a number of DUI's that have been swept under the rug...


What is it called the "blue wall of silence?" or something?


Its... Chicago... We fix elections and there are no rats in the police force!


How about the pussys who sat and watched a women get beaten and the chochas did not intervene. Fugging sickening!

I am not trying to bash officers here... They have a hard job and this stroke was OFF-DUTY... Stuff like this really is sad... Almost as sad as the elderly lady with the walker getting mugged.





Why not - after throwing haymakers at a female half his size, 1st they went in and offered to pay her off to keep her mouth shut. Then when that didn't work they threatened her and the owner if they moved forward with the case. Nice. Total abuse of power, and is all too common. Cops suck - at least the corrupt ones, which there are more of than the system wants to acknowledge.

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