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Chicago Cop Beats Female Bartender For Not Serving Him

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Anyone catch this? It is all over town on the newscasts... An off-duty Chicago cop, drunk, is refused service... So he goes crazy on the female bartender... Then after the viscious beatdown, rumor has it the bartender was offered money to keep quite...


The guy looks about 6'-2" and goes about 260... Giving the over 5' female quite a kicking, smacking beatdown!


Now you wonder why people distrust cops...


Sorry, no video yet... But, I am sure it is all over... It is all over the news... And all captured on videotape...


What a great way for "Chicago's Finest" to get the PR out about one of their officers... They are in for a world of hurt... :w00t:

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Anyone catch this? It is all over town on the newscasts... An off-duty Chicago cop, drunk, is refused service... So he goes crazy on the female bartender... Then after the viscious beatdown, rumor has it the bartender was offered money to keep quite...


The guy looks about 6'-2" and goes about 260... Giving the over 5' female quite a kicking, smacking beatdown!


Now you wonder why people distrust cops...


Sorry, no video yet... But, I am sure it is all over... It is all over the news... And all captured on videotape...


What a great way for "Chicago's Finest" to get the PR out about one of their officers... They are in for a world of hurt... :w00t:

Exiled, you can't say "all caught on tape" and then not provide the video.....thats some bullsh*t.

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Exiled, you can't say "all caught on tape" and then not provide the video.....thats some bullsh*t.



Sorry... I am at work... I can't pull up the video on the computer...


I guess the cop beat someone else before and the guy ended up dead... I guess he got off that rap...


And Promo... There are sure some bad apples out there... It doesn't help the good guys, only hurts them... Unfortunately, the taxpayers are gonna pay for this royal eff up that they have been protecting... And rightly so... the evidence is damning... This is pretty bad... Not sure if the dude had his weapon on him, but there was a guy witnessing the whole thing... Not sure why he didn't jump on the cop? Maybe because he had his weapon on him...


It has to be on YouTube by now?


Pretty phucked up... And if there was a cover-up attempt, even more so phucked up...

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Video of !@#$ Cop


Here you go, thats pretty fugged up. If I was in that bar (not trying to sound like an internet tough guy or anything) that guy would have had a few full beer bottle broken over his dome piece.


It is pretty messed up and is the buzz of the town... Thanks for the link.


I was thinking the same thing... Why not jump the guy, bar stool, chair, what not?... Again, maybe he flashed his weapon?... But, you gotta take a chance? His gun may have went off in the scuffle... Isn't that a chance you gotta take?... He really beats the bartender down, it lasts a pretty long time...


I am not trying to bash officers here... They have a hard job and this stroke was OFF-DUTY... Stuff like this really is sad... Almost as sad as the elderly lady with the walker getting mugged.


Power corrupts... I don't know what it is, it just does.


I think I told the story one time at the lock how a group of off-duty Chicago officers came through on a PC (pleasure craft/rec boat)... They were 6 sheets to the wind... The thing is we were locking an upbound petroleum tow... Which by law, NO PC are allowed to lock with, that is the way the priority goes and the safety system is set-up... In these cases we lock the tow and come back for the PC... Sometimes it may take three separate tow lockages to enable us to make a special PC lockage... Back to the story... The guys came in after the tow and proceeded to throw their weight around, they wouldn't leave... Brandished their weapons, made threats... Pretty amazing because this whole incident in full view of many others and lives immortally in our rather bland log book... This went on for about 3 hours! Still carried on even after their LT had to be called in to talk these guys out... They finally were persuaded to leave... Threats were made at retalitation, what not... Some officers even banded together to stake out the front of the access road to the lock for months later, hoping to harass and ticket any unsuspecting driver! All because a few officers thought they were ABOVE the law and safety rules...


I am sure it happens more than it is reported... And really fouls up the system and the great work the huge majority of officers do...


To defend such actions is beyond reason...



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As should the two pussies standing around who collectively didn't have the nutsack to grab a chair and beat the !@#$er over the head the moment he hit her.



You got that right LA. I tell ya, she's one tough little broad and she could bartend for/with me any day. :thumbsup:


One thing I despise is a cowardly bully (Note: The Dean refrains from making the easy George W Bush comparison ). (And, because I'm feeling so freakin magnaminous, I won't even make the RobGuy comparison that is just dying to be made.) This fuc#er does not reflect poorly on cops, IMO. I've known very good and very poor cops in my day. They are just like people :worthy: ...some good and some bad.


This guy is simply the scum of the earth.

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As should the two pussies standing around who collectively didn't have the nutsack to grab a chair and beat the !@#$er over the head the moment he hit her.

Chair, bottle whatever was in sight would have been upside the pigs head. Siht like this makes me sick and I can't believe those two pussies on the side weren't fuggin man enough to ball up and drop that choad. Must have been the Johnny Cash playing in the back ground. Good for her for not serving that !@#$.

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As should the two pussies standing around who collectively didn't have the nutsack to grab a chair and beat the !@#$er over the head the moment he hit her.



While I agree wholeheartedly with you. The problem is most off duty police carry their weapons. It could have been worse had someone smacked him. Either way, he's a scumbag and he's now going to get what he deserves.

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