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Are the Democrates Proud of This?


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I hope this brings a reaction to all that view it. While you may not agree with the war, you don't burn our troops in effigy. This is disgusting and a moral outrage.


This is the extreme left taking over the Democratic party.

WTF does this rally have to do with the Democratic party, or "Democrates"?


Sure, this out-of-context photo is bad. These idiots have the freedom to do this, just as the idiots in the KKK can have a rally. Note that they also won't show their faces, which says to me that it's just as possible that these guys are plants by the opposition to make a peaceful rally look bad -- and I have seen this happen before. But does the rest of what's going on there strike you as un-American? American flags waving -- not burning, people gathering peacefully, speaking their minds, sharing ideas? They may not be the ideas you agree with, and they may not even be that well thought-out. I don't know. I wasn't there. But if you look at all those photos, that's America in practice, in its ugliness and at its best all at once.

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I hope this brings a reaction to all that view it. While you may not agree with the war, you don't burn our troops in effigy. This is disgusting and a moral outrage.


This is the extreme left taking over the Democratic party.

Tell me, is that somehow different than the perceptions from the partisan apologists from the other side saying "the radikal (sic) Religious Right" has taken over the Republican Party?


"Political Fear Mongering! Catch it!"

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I hope this brings a reaction to all that view it. While you may not agree with the war, you don't burn our troops in effigy. This is disgusting and a moral outrage.


This is the extreme left taking over the Democratic party.


When you woke up this morning, did you eat a bowl full of paint chips? Thats the only reason to explain this post.

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Okay, this IS a fringe element...even I can admit that, but the concept of the extrmee left taking over the Democratic Party is pretty well-documented.


Then who runs the GOP, if not Focus on the Family?

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Okay, this IS a fringe element...even I can admit that, but the concept of the extrmee left taking over the Democratic Party is pretty well-documented.


and the extreme right is taking over the GOP, so whats your point?

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Okay, this IS a fringe element...even I can admit that, but the concept of the extrmee left taking over the Democratic Party is pretty well-documented.


link? biblography?


what is the political platform of the extreme left? is it constitutional?


because for argument sake, infusing church and politics IS NOT.


and just to be a smartasss- burning the flag IS constitutional....

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You answer to my pointing out that its not insane to make the assertion that the fringe is becoming the mainstream is to say "but they do it to?"


Nice spin....and partisanship, AS USUAL.


what are you basing this on!? where is the extreme left (socialism) apparent in MAINSTREAM politics?????

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link? biblography?


what is the political platform of the extreme left? is it constitutional?


because for argument sake, infusing church and politics IS NOT.


and just to be a smartasss- burning the flag IS constitutional....


Thought youd NEVER ask:


Micheal Moore was the guest of honor at the DNC Convention


John Edwards hires two extreme left bloggers and supports them. The same Edwards bows out of a Fox debate and then crows about it...on "Daily Kos"?.


"Celebrity" members of the left like Jessie Jackson and other rub elbows with hard core socialists like Hugo Chavez.


Moveon.org claim they now "own the Democratic Party."


The entire Democratic Party bails on Joe Lieberman and supports Ned Lamont.


Two words: HOWARD DEAN

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Thought youd NEVER ask:


Micheal Moore was the guest of honor at the DNC Convention


John Edwards hires two extreme left bloggers and supports them. The same Edwards bows out of a Fox debate and then crows about it...on "Daily Kos"?.


"Celebrity" members of the left like Jessie Jackson and other rub elbows with hard core socialists like Hugo Chavez.


Moveon.org claim they now "own the Democratic Party."


The entire Democratic Party bails on Joe Lieberman and supports Ned Lamont.


Two words: HOWARD DEAN


Ralph Reed never gave a speech at an RNC convention.


RNC never uses Newsmax to deliver "news."


James Dobson has absolutely no say at the GOP.


Shall we go on?

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Your answer to me pointing out that its not insane to make the assertion that the fringe is becoming the mainstream (regardless of party) is to say "but they do it to?"


Nice spin....and partisanship, AS USUAL.


no, i wasnt justifying anything you said about dems, merely pointing out that what you were screaming about is going on over there on your side as well. Frankly, as someone in the middle of the road, i really hate both parties more and more.


(Note: regarding the GOP, my problems arent necessarily with republicans so much as they are with bush)

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Thought youd NEVER ask:


Micheal Moore was the guest of honor at the DNC Convention


not a socialist...at least not one that adovcates socialism as a preferred method of governing


John Edwards hires two extreme left bloggers and supports them. The same Edwards bows out of a Fox debate and then crows about it...on "Daily Kos"?.


the bloggers = moderately relevant, but bloggers write for other blogger who share their opinions. blogs do not equal 6:00 evening news


"Celebrity" members of the left like Jessie Jackson and other rub elbows with hard core socialists like Hugo Chavez.


Jessie Jackson- not a politician

Heads of state in Spain and Sweden (just to name two biggies) = socialist. We rub elbows with them all the time...


Moveon.org claim they now "own the Democratic Party."


who cares?


The entire Democratic Party bails on Joe Lieberman and supports Ned Lamont.


because the Democratic Party has united against the war policy..?



Two words: HOWARD DEAN



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National Health Care for all, funded by taxpayer dollars is NOT a form of socialism?


Look...Ill even back it down a bit.....the fringe element is CREEPING IN to the mainstream.




for the record the US is the only industrialized nation WITHOUT nationalized health care.

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for the record the US is the only industrialized nation WITHOUT nationalized health care.


Yet, a disproportionate advancement in medicine is coming from the US. Imagine that.

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Yet, a disproportionate advancement in medicine is coming from the US. Imagine that.



That's simply not true


I said nothing of the war. Stay on the question. In what way would you tax All americans for your healthcare utopia?


that link should answer your question too...but if I really had the answer as to how to restructure the national AMERICAN health care system, I wouldn't be working in sales.

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