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Is The Average American Better Off Today Than In 1970?

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Hell if I know, I wasn't born yet.


I would argue that life itself is better due to technological advancement, but whether the Average American is better off depends on semantics which haven't been defined in the original post.

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God, I had one that was green, orange and brown and basically looked like all the members of PETA and Greenpeace had a joint luncheon, got in a big circle and all threw up in the middle.


What's your sign, man? I once knew this cat with the same shirt, man. But not so much spew, much lighter on the spew.

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You know, has middle class person/family been hurt by job loses, taxes and immigration, the need for a two family income, etc.


Or has technology, bigger homes, more people living farther from crowded cities etc. made life better?


I tend to feel things have gotten better, but I bet someone could make the opposite argument.


Tough question. I think the top 3rd of society is much, much better off. The rest (bottom 2/3) are much much worse off.


Example: My dad had three kids, bought brand new cars, had boats, motorcycles, sent three kids to college etc etc. Had a 1500 square foot house in 1977. He's also built 4 new homes and has a place in Florida.


My brother: Moved his three kids and wife out of their 862 square foot house in 2005 after living there for 10 years. Keeps getting laid off. Always behind on his bills. Has terrible credit. Can't buy anything extra.

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My mother's aunt survived ovarian cancer in 1970 that my mother couldn't in 1999... Diagnosed at the same stage... Then again, knowing the family history and applying it during the 20 years since my mother's aunt's diagnosis... My mother might be living today...


I know this is an ass backwards statement... And just part of the "small tragedy" within the big picture...

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Yes. People by and large live longer, healthier lives. The air is cleaner. The water is cleaner. We have hundreds of media outlets to divert our attention. We have computers that can do what we want them to (Imagine a message board based on direct-impact typewriters). We no longer live under the threat of MAD. Today, heart disease isn't a death sentence. Fewer people smoke. We have more variety in our food choices now than at any other time in recorded human history. The list could go on and on.


Don't listen when some idiot Luddite eco-freak tells you we're worse off, and that the past is some sort of "golden age". It wasn't. The past sucked. It was filled with disease, war, destitution, famine, illiteracy rampant poverty and ignorance.


I agree...


But... The one room school house were so MUCH better then!... At least in Alaska!



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God, I had one that was green, orange and brown and basically looked like all the members of PETA and Greenpeace had a joint luncheon, got in a big circle and all threw up in the middle.


I made my First Holy Communion in a green leisure suite with white stitching!...


Boy, in 1976... Quite some dude I was!



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