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It was just on fox that the city of Boston tore down a house that the Babe lived in while he played in Boston.  I hope your curse now lasts another 86 years....  That is a shame......


Kick their sorry ass's Yanks......




Boy they are trying ANYTHING to break this curse that a lot of people believe....


I for one hope its true...if it is....Pedro's Daddy will B word $lap him silly!!!

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Oh  big fu&%ing deal. Its a god damn house in boston not your city right moron? Give it a damn break already. Stupid a$$ topic




But if Ted Williams's house was in New York and NYC tore it down, ESPN would have a roundtable discussing whether this was planned by the Yankees, and also blame it on their payroll. Please I could only hear the Red Sox fan now if that happened <_<:lol:

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It was just on fox that the city of Boston tore down a house that the Babe lived in while he played in Boston.  I hope your curse now lasts another 86 years....  That is a shame......


Kick their sorry ass's Yanks......


Man you are boorish.......... Give it a F'n rest. <_<

Navy Tard

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Has anyone seen the HBO documentary on the Curse of the Bambino?  It's shocking to see how many Sox fans believe in that nonsense.



or mabe you can get your information before posting idiocy.


I was actually interviewed for the documentary, and was brought in under fase pretenses. It wasn't supposed to be about the "Curse". It's amazing what questions and editing will do.


Luckiy I didn't make the show. I woudn't give them the answers they wanted.


The ony people who believe in the "Curse" are the uneducated and illiterate.

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or mabe you can get your information before posting idiocy.


I was actually interviewed for the documentary, and was brought in under fase pretenses. It wasn't supposed to be about the "Curse". It's amazing what questions and editing will do.


Luckiy I didn't make the show. I woudn't give them the answers they wanted.


The ony people who believe in the "Curse" are the uneducated and illiterate.



I wasn't aware that HBO had a Michael Moore style agenda when making that "documentary". <_<


I'm a scientist, I don't believe in curses, but many of your fellow fans apparently do.

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There is no curse. The Red Sox have just sucked for 86 years. They still suck and the Yankees are going to kick their sorry asses again.



I'm looking forward to watching this almost as much as I am the NLCS. I want Boston to just kick the hell out of the Yankees and send NYC into a year long depression.

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Im sick of posts like the one from this idiot Kasper. What a complete moron with this stevestojan post. Go to hell you little patheitc loser. GO SOX!!!


Hello pot, meet kettle.


Note to lil' Vinny: If you're going to insult someone's intelligence, have the mental fortitude to spell everything in your post correctly AND use proper punctuation.



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