Alaska Darin Posted March 19, 2007 Posted March 19, 2007 "Our spatial analysis of Antarctic meteorological data demonstrates a net cooling on the Antarctic continent between 1966 and 2000, particularly during summer and autumn." It is thus quite surprising that despite apparent increase in global temperatures during the last 20 years (e.g., Jones et al. 1999), the Antarctic region in general shows slight cooling during the period. Such cooling could partly explain the slight positive trend in sea ice extent observed during the 1979–96 period by Cavalieri et al. (1997). We have used ice-flow velocity measurements from synthetic aperture radar to reassess the mass balance of the Ross Ice Streams, West Antarctica. We find strong evidence for ice-sheet growth (+26.8 gigatons per year), in contrast to earlier estimates indicating a mass deficit (20.9 gigatons per year). Temperatures could increase rapidly, and then decrease just as rapidly--as they have repeatedly over the past 420,000 years Our data also suggest that the ice masses that border the Weddell Sea are more extensive than they were during the previous glacial minimum. Keep in mind that Antarctica holds about NINETY PERCENT of the world's ICE. Draw your own conclusions. I know the hippies are all over Global Warming and I agree that we need better stewardship of the environment, but...
Wacka Posted March 19, 2007 Posted March 19, 2007 Up very late last night and while watching a Nova show on tornadoes, (I fell asleep from 7:30-10:30 PM, then stayed up till 3 AM) and I saw a commercial for a Nova show on PBS. I think it was titled "Is the sun fooling us". Maybe they are actualy jumping off the global warming religion bandwagon? On the other hand I could have been hallucinating.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Hey Al, whatcha got to say about THIS?
Merovingian Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 There will be no reply form algore or any of his friends for one important reason. They do not have to answer to the facts. They make a living (and a dam good one at that) running all over the globe in private jets preaching this rhetoric. At the same time they are promoting the purchase of "carbon credits" as a way to make you feel better about your right to drive a car or heat your home. Has anyone mentioned that algore has stock in these carbon credits companies? Well like I said, it a good living. As long as you do not mind living that way.
Gavin in Va Beach Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 The reason Gore is pushing global warming... "Consider that the United States spends tens of billions of dollars on frenzied programs to upgrade and improve the technology of bombers and fighter planes to counter an increasingly remote threat to our national security, but we are content to see hundreds of millions of automobiles using an old technological approach not radically different from the one first used decades ago in the Model A Ford. We now know that their cumulative impact on the global environment is posing a mortal threat to the security of every nation that is more deadly than that of any military enemy we are ever again likely to confront. Though it is technically possible to build high-mileage cars and trucks, we are told that mandating a more rapid transition to more efficient vehicles will cause an unacceptable disruption in the current structure of the automobile industry. Industry officials content that it is unfair to single out their industry while ignoring others that also contribute to the problem; I agree, but their point only illustrates further the need for a truly global, comprehensive, and strategic approach to the energy problem. I support new laws to mandate improvements in automobile fleet mileage, but much more is needed. Within the context of the SEI [strategic Environment Initiative], it ought to be possible to establish a coordinated global program to accomplish the strategic goal of completely eliminating the internal combustion engine over, say, a twenty-five-year period." - then-Senator Al Gore, from his book, Earth in the Balance, pages 325-326, published by Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 The reason Gore is pushing global warming... Holy Christ. Is that guy for real? Eliminate the ICE in 25 years? So he was hoping to have eliminated them 10 years from TODAY? LMAO. What a snake oil salesman.
/dev/null Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Up very late last night and while watching a Nova show on tornadoes, (I fell asleep from 7:30-10:30 PM, then stayed up till 3 AM) and I saw a commercial for a Nova show on PBS. I think it was titled "Is the sun fooling us". Maybe they are actualy jumping off the global warming religion bandwagon? On the other hand I could have been hallucinating. Ah yes, the Sun. He is a crafty one isn't he. For millenia people around the world have worshipped it, developed religions, and told stories of Sun Gods. But now he has some competition for followers with the new Church of Global Warming
finknottle Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 There will be no reply form algore or any of his friends for one important reason... Maybe they feel that these papers are an excellent argument for global warming. With the exception of the second paper (which I couldn't retrieve in full), all seem to accept the data behind global warming. Here's the opening before the first quote which the poster neglected to include: "The average air temperature at the Earth's surface has increased by 0.06 °C per decade during the 20th century1, and by 0.19 °C per decade from 1979 to 19982. Climate models generally predict amplified warming in polar regions3, 4, as observed in Antarctica's peninsula region over the second half of the 20th century5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Although previous reports suggest slight recent continental warming9, 10, " They are only marveling at certain counter phenomona. But this is not surprising. Only an idiot believes that an average increase of x degrees means every location will increase by x degrees. The phenonoma of global warming, should it come to pass, will be important not for the temperature rise per se but rather the disruption of current climate patterns. With new wind currents and sea currents, some places will get warmer, some colder. Some wetter, some dryer. Europe, for example, will freeze if the Atlantic conveyer shifts direction.
Alaska Darin Posted March 21, 2007 Author Posted March 21, 2007 Maybe they feel that these papers are an excellent argument for global warming. With the exception of the second paper (which I couldn't retrieve in full), all seem to accept the data behind global warming. Here's the opening before the first quote which the poster neglected to include: "The average air temperature at the Earth's surface has increased by 0.06 °C per decade during the 20th century1, and by 0.19 °C per decade from 1979 to 19982. Climate models generally predict amplified warming in polar regions3, 4, as observed in Antarctica's peninsula region over the second half of the 20th century5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Although previous reports suggest slight recent continental warming9, 10, " They are only marveling at certain counter phenomona. But this is not surprising. Only an idiot believes that an average increase of x degrees means every location will increase by x degrees. The phenonoma of global warming, should it come to pass, will be important not for the temperature rise per se but rather the disruption of current climate patterns. With new wind currents and sea currents, some places will get warmer, some colder. Some wetter, some dryer. Europe, for example, will freeze if the Atlantic conveyer shifts direction. I didn't neglect anything. I posted the data in full. I also asked people to draw their own conclusions. To me, Global Warming is junk science. I don't at all disagree that the human race is a terrible steward of the environment and we need to be far more careful and cognizant of what we're doing to the planet, but that doesn't mean that I at all accept what Gore and the money grubbing scum who join him are selling. Global Warming is Y2K and Africanized Honey Bees. Science can't accurately tell you the weather in a 10 day window but somehow the speculation that human induced CO2 emissions are having major climate affect is now considered gospel (to the point that Antarctica is getting colder and the Ross Ice Shelf is getting thicker can be pooh poohed with a wave but other areas of the planet's warming is a major cause for alarm ). Environmental Groups in the US generate untold billions in solicited cash with very little oversight from the Federal Government - but I'm sure that's not what Global Warming is all about. Antarctica has a huge affect on the planet's climate.
PatPatPatSack Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 I didn't neglect anything. I posted the data in full. I also asked people to draw their own conclusions. To me, Global Warming is junk science. I don't at all disagree that the human race is a terrible steward of the environment and we need to be far more careful and cognizant of what we're doing to the planet, but that doesn't mean that I at all accept what Gore and the money grubbing scum who join him are selling. Oh yeah. Al Gore has decided to spend his time preaching about a problem that could negatively impact the human race. Just a wee little thing. And that makes him money grubbing? If he were pursuing the presidency, I'd allow that insight. If he were (like the scumbag Ron Regan) shilling for foreign companies after his political career was over, I'd accept that. If he were working for a pharmaceutical company trying to get drugs approved by using his political influence to trump the scientists (ala Rummey) I'd believe that. But since you have trumpeted that what 90% of scientists believe: that the earth is in involved in a general warming progression that could fundamently change our society, since you have declared that junk science, then it must be so. Hah. Your opinions on the Bills are entertaining. Your pompous political posturing in the face of real scientists who do this for a living; is just plain retarded. The boy who said the emperor had no clothes was just in it for the money too. Those self same scientists practicing "junk science" have given you a pretty cushy life. But you should join the portion of the human race that forever believes that their dogma is better than science - well, just because. Most consider you a diick. Now you are a stupid diick. Rock on.
Alaska Darin Posted March 21, 2007 Author Posted March 21, 2007 Oh yeah. Al Gore has decided to spend his time preaching about a problem that could negatively impact the human race. Just a wee little thing.And that makes him money grubbing? If he were pursuing the presidency, I'd allow that insight. If he were (like the scumbag Ron Regan) shilling for foreign companies after his political career was over, I'd accept that. If he were working for a pharmaceutical company trying to get drugs approved by using his political influence to trump the scientists (ala Rummey) I'd believe that. Would that be the same Al Gore who made his fortune off Occidental Petroleum and paved the way for them to open the environmentally sensitive Elk Hills? You're right, since he's not running for political office he couldn't possibly be doing anything untoward. But since you have trumpeted that what 90% of scientists believe: that the earth is in involved in a general warming progression that could fundamently change our society, since you have declared that junk science, then it must be so. Hah. At one time in history, I'm quite sure you could have found over 90% of the scientific community would agree that the earth was flat, was the center of the solar system, etc. Science is never wrong. That's why I'm pulling Africanized honey bees outta my igloo this Spring. They also never invent causes, make things seem worse than they are, or fudge data a bit to get more "free" funding. Nah, that never happens. Your opinions on the Bills are entertaining. Your pompous political posturing in the face of real scientists who do this for a living; is just plain retarded. Uh wait, am I supposed to care about YOUR opinion for some reason? The boy who said the emperor had no clothes was just in it for the money too. That's just a gem. Those self same scientists practicing "junk science" have given you a pretty cushy life. But you should join the portion of the human race that forever believes that their dogma is better than science - well, just because. What part of "we should be better stewards of the environment" did you have a problem with? You're right, man. The fact that there's so much contrarian evidence or conclusions based on gigantic leaps while A LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE are getting VERY RICH off TAXPAYER money is no reason for scepticism. After all, Hollywood did make an Oscar winning "documentary" on the subject. Nothing to see here. Question nothing, it's a half a degree warmer "somewhere" and it's likely the fault of hairspray. Most consider you a diick. Now you are a stupid diick. Dude, I'm not sure it's possible for me to care less about other people's opinions. Especially some guy who thinks he needs to spell "dick" differently. Rock on. I was so waiting for someone's permission. Thank goodness it was yours.
EC-Bills Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 robble robble robble Yeah go on and believe in Al. It's obviously easier than thinking.
SilverNRed Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Oh yeah. Al Gore has decided to spend his time preaching about a problem that could negatively impact the human race. Just a wee little thing.And that makes him money grubbing? If he were pursuing the presidency, I'd allow that insight. If he were (like the scumbag Ron Regan) shilling for foreign companies after his political career was over, I'd accept that. If he were working for a pharmaceutical company trying to get drugs approved by using his political influence to trump the scientists (ala Rummey) I'd believe that. Ronald Reagan was a scumbag and Al Gore is trying to save the human race? When you get a chance, drop me a postcard from whatever wacky alternate reality you live in. Do people greet each other with "goodbye" and say "hello" when they're leaving too? Al Gore was in the White House from 1993 to 2001 but decided to save the Sorry if people are a little skeptical about his motives. Oh, and that thing about the skewed data he presents doesn't help either. But since you have trumpeted that what 90% of scientists believe: that the earth is in involved in a general warming progression that could fundamently change our society, since you have declared that junk science, then it must be so. Hah. Nice try. I've never heard any scientist say the earth isn't in a "general warming progression" but the cause of that progession is what the debate is about. The ice caps are melting on Mars too, so either our emissions are really out of control or there's more to this phenomena than Gore wants us to believe. Not that a consensus in the scientific community confirms anything. There was scientific resistance to AC current, wireless communication, and the earth being round back in the day. And in the 70's, scientists were freaking out about global cooling. The scientific community always agrees on something until they decide to agree on something else. Those self same scientists practicing "junk science" have given you a pretty cushy life. But you should join the portion of the human race that forever believes that their dogma is better than science - well, just because.Who gave who a cushy life? What? And you're right, nothing says "dogma" like providing links to studies that raise questions about commonly held beliefs. Most consider you a diick. Now you are a stupid diick. Thank goodness you're here to express what "most" of us think.
X. Benedict Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 The Atlantic Monthly this month has an article by Buffalonian Gregg Easterbrook that includes that Buffalo may be a big winner in the great Global Warmup. There may be an unexplored upside. And AD, suggesting that we should be good stewards of the environment is just about the height of ass ness. Good thing you got taken down a peg.
Alaska Darin Posted March 21, 2007 Author Posted March 21, 2007 The Atlantic Monthly this month has an article by Buffalonian Gregg Easterbrook that includes that Buffalo may be a big winner in the great Global Warmup. There may be an unexplored upside. And AD, suggesting that we should be good stewards of the environment is just about the height of ass ness. Good thing you got taken down a peg. Aw, you know you think I'm a "diick".
X. Benedict Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Aw, you know you think I'm a "diick". How do you know what I thiink?
/dev/null Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 The Atlantic Monthly this month has an article by Buffalonian Gregg Easterbrook that includes that Buffalo may be a big winner in the great Global Warmup. There may be an unexplored upside. Upside Does that mean Buffalo is also high motor and had a good Wonderlic score?
X. Benedict Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Upside Does that mean Buffalo is also high motor and had a good Wonderlic score? Just be sure to get the 40 time before you buy real estate.
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