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I don't understand. What was so bad about his response. Something I missed here.


BTW, before you call me a "rook" I've been on this board for 5 years under a different name.



It was a shiity way to respond. He obviously is a rookie.

And by the way, saying you're not a rook and have been using a different name for 5 years is in and of itself a rookie mistake.

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Ehh, for the record, I thought the poster was being sarcastic with the :unsure: icon. I figured she was being sarcastic because it's so far in advance of the regular season, and there was no use for schedules yet.


My apologies to the poster that I accidentally / unintentionally insulted.

Ehh, for the record, I thought the poster was being sarcastic with the :unsure: icon. I figured she was being sarcastic because it's so far in advance of the regular season, and there was no use for schedules yet.


My apologies to the poster that I accidentally / unintentionally insulted.

I wouldn't worry about it. Sometimes words on a message board get misinterpreted. The crew that was on there way to your house with the tar & feathers can now retreat back to their keyboards. :censored:

Ehh, for the record, I thought the poster was being sarcastic with the :unsure: icon. I figured she was being sarcastic because it's so far in advance of the regular season, and there was no use for schedules yet.


My apologies to the poster that I accidentally / unintentionally insulted.


Good work. She is completely cool and will understand. I am sure of this. This is why people were freaking out. If you ever met her, you would know what I mean.

A classy apology to a classy woman.

It's all good. :censored:

Ehh, for the record, I thought the poster was being sarcastic with the :unsure: icon. I figured she was being sarcastic because it's so far in advance of the regular season, and there was no use for schedules yet.


My apologies to the poster that I accidentally / unintentionally insulted.



I think it's all good. Still not sure why you thought it was sarcastic, but that's my problem. Sorry I jumped down your throat.


A word of advice (if you care). Take so time before you assume someone is attacking you. Get to know the poster, if possible


I should that have taken advice with my reaction to you, but it seemed quite clear you were attacking her.


Even the clueless Yasman waited for a while before calling me a "dick". I gotta give him some credit for that. :censored:

Especially if they wear funny hats to tailgates (but, they kiss nice). :unsure:




Especially if they wear funny hats to tailgates (but, they kiss nice). :unsure:

I was trying to figure out how this thread got to be so long, so I took some time to read through it, got to this part, and threw up in my mouth a little. Then I saw the photo that Jay posted and threw up all over my keyboard. :censored: If tongue was involved, I don't want to know.


Hey Gidge...enough people got your back or what?

You should see them on Sundays!!



Off topic. Related to your avatar.


I'm having dinner at Pizza John's Knotted Bar (a great establishment, now defunct, on Lovejoy in the Bufftown). There's a football game on the two TVs at each end of the bar. I get up from my table to check out the game and stand just to the left of the middle of the bar.


So, I'm watching the TV at the left end of the bar. The guy to my right was watching the TV at the right side of the bar (same game, mind you) after a couple of minutes, the gentleman to my right asked me, "Who's playing?" I told him the two teams who were playing. Then he asked, "Who's that at quarterback?" I told him the name of the QB. Then I looked at him.


It was Rick motherfuc#ing Azar. I said to him, "I'm sorry, I thought you were Rick Azar."

It was Rick motherfuc#ing Azar. I said to him, "I'm sorry, I thought you were Rick Azar."


And they paid him to do sports! :unsure: You weren't surprised though were you?

Hey Gidge...enough people got your back or what?


Damn....this was an amazing thread. Didn't know there were so many white knights here. I salute (and appreciate) you all. Thank you. :worthy:


Rob? Your apology may have been a little lame and given under pressure, but I don't hold a grudge. You can buy me two Blue lights at the next tailgate or away game and all will be forgiven. :lol:


And a note to the newbies. The publication of the NFL schedule is an exciting day because it's actually when planning begins for "away" games. Blocking hotels and setting up parties etc. for large groups of visiting Bills fans is a lot of work and has to start early to be successful. We post all the information in the "Tailgate" section of this board. My suggestion was for Scott (SDS), our esteemed leader, to clean out all last year's threads to get ready for the new season.


And, my :w00t: icon is actually not my sarcasm smilie

I don't know who that handsome dude is, but I'm adding that pic to my TBD profile!

Muhammad Ali : "I'm pritty"


Reporter : "You're not that pretty"


Ali : "I'm a baaad man"


So this is The Dean. Care to share who the individual to your left is? Another TSW member? Just curious.........Interesting to put a face with a name.

Damn....this was an amazing thread. Didn't know there were so many white knights here. I salute (and appreciate) you all. Thank you. :worthy:


Rob? Your apology may have been a little lame and given under pressure, but I don't hold a grudge. You can buy me two Blue lights at the next tailgate or away game and all will be forgiven. :lol:


And a note to the newbies. The publication of the NFL schedule is an exciting day because it's actually when planning begins for "away" games. Blocking hotels and setting up parties etc. for large groups of visiting Bills fans is a lot of work and has to start early to be successful. We post all the information in the "Tailgate" section of this board. My suggestion was for Scott (SDS), our esteemed leader, to clean out all last year's threads to get ready for the new season.


And, my :w00t: icon is actually not my sarcasm smilie


poor robguy , given 50 lashes .

at least no one cut off his hand

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