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Police arrest 7-year-old on dirt bike

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First off the kid did do something wrong. He was riding a motor vehicle on a sidewalk. That said he shouldn't have been arrested, however, he probably should have had the bike taken away. What you are seeing is only one side however. Did he hit someone or something doing damage? Was he a menance? Has he or the parents been warned before?


Lord knows the media would never only tell one side of the story that never happens.

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Maybe the kid learned that actions have consequences (which a lot of people don't seem to know today).


A friend of mine was about 12 and went to a nearby construction site. Him and another kid wee tking plywood to build a fort. The cops caught him. Tey hauled him down to the station and called his father. Hid dad said "Do I have to pick hi up right now?" The cop said no, he could sit. My friends father decided to let him sit in a cell for 3-4 hours to let him know what it was like to be locked up. I was told this story by them when we were adults.


Today, almost all parents would rush down and complain abot locking up a kid.

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First off the kid did do something wrong. He was riding a motor vehicle on a sidewalk. That said he shouldn't have been arrested, however, he probably should have had the bike taken away. What you are seeing is only one side however. Did he hit someone or something doing damage? Was he a menance? Has he or the parents been warned before?


Lord knows the media would never only tell one side of the story that never happens.


Yep. So rather than just tell him, come with us, they handcuff the poor bloke.

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Yep. So rather than just tell him, come with us, they handcuff the poor bloke.

That's a nice little sotry, but let's not convict the police until the facts come out and not the media and parents "view" of the events. Is it quite possible that he was trying to run, and while calming the parents the cops decided that cuffing him might keep him in place and not let him endanger himself by running off into the streets. Afterall he is only 7 , gotta look out for his welfare. Could you imagine the story if the kid had run away into traffic and been hit?


Yup, I'll wait for the actual facts to come out. There are always two sides to the story. Let's hear them both.

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The child committed a misdemeanor (by SC state law). I would have arrested him as well.

He is in Maryland, where the just outgoing mayor and now governer has a 100% arrest policy. Meaning if the police question whether to arrest someone or not the policy if to bring them in and let the supervisors and DA sort it out.

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He is in Maryland, where the just outgoing mayor and now governer has a 100% arrest policy. Meaning if the police question whether to arrest someone or not the policy if to bring them in and let the supervisors and DA sort it out.


That's a great policy. :rolleyes:

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