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  The Dean said:
You were right the first time, POOJ. The left lane is for PASSING. Drive on the right, for Christ's sake.



That's all per state and it depends on the type of highway. Here in GA, that's only true for limited access divided highways. So, I-75? Slower traffic keep right. No exit/entrance ramps? It doesn't matter, pick your lane.


So now I get to be mad at *everyone* going slow! :lol:;)


Kyle Brovlavski that damn Jew rat

Leopold Stotch aka butters

Randy Marsh aka That N*gger Guy



emo kids, goth kids

morbidly obese people that criticize me for being too thin, even though I am 6'3 195

that cousin in the family that is always in and out of jail, and on crack


Physically fit people parking in the handicapped spot whether or not they have a sticker. If a member of your family is handicapped it doesn't give you the right to take one of those spots whenever you want.



People who don't acknowledge you when you hold open a door for them--either male or female. A simple nod of the head and eye contact will do if you are afraid to speak.


People who tailgate me when I'm driving in the left lane. I the limit is 65 I'll be doing 80+. Once I get past traffic I will move to the right to let you pass. If you must pull a Dale Earnhardt and ride my bumper I will be compelled to slow down to the speed limit--or keep pace with the car to my right.






Tom Donahoe annoys the hell out of me.


OJ Simpson--from childhood 'hero' to multiple murderer to side show freak. He is more than annoying, he is loathsome, but this thread will do for now.




Bill & Hill


Parents who expect the school system to teach their kids everything. Oh, btw, please don't give little Jonnie any homework, it will interfere with our evening.




People who thought Doug Floutie would lead the Bills to the promised land, and continue to believe so today.

  Sketch Soland said:
Okay, a serious one:


Dr. Motherphucking Phil


The Antichrist incarnate.

Can't believe I left that fugger off my list. Pathetic bastard.

  Beerball said:
Physically fit people parking in the handicapped spot whether or not they have a sticker. If a member of your family is handicapped it doesn't give you the right to take one of those spots whenever you want.

People who don't acknowledge you when you hold open a door for them--either male or female. A simple nod of the head and eye contact will do if you are afraid to speak.


People who tailgate me when I'm driving in the left lane. I the limit is 65 I'll be doing 80+. Once I get past traffic I will move to the right to let you pass. If you must pull a Dale Earnhardt and ride my bumper I will be compelled to slow down to the speed limit--or keep pace with the car to my right.






Tom Donahoe annoys the hell out of me.


OJ Simpson--from childhood 'hero' to multiple murderer to side show freak. He is more than annoying, he is loathsome, but this thread will do for now.




Bill & Hill


Parents who expect the school system to teach their kids everything. Oh, btw, please don't give little Jonnie any homework, it will interfere with our evening.




People who thought Doug Floutie would lead the Bills to the promised land, and continue to believe so today.


Kinda surprised George W didn't make that list. Although he is more loathsome than annoying. Dontchathink?

  The Dean said:
Kinda surprised George W didn't make that list. Although he is more loathsome than annoying. Dontchathink?

I would place him in the "in over his head" category.


Agree on Madonna - what's with the fake accent already, you're from freakin Michigan you has-been! Nancy Grace - that voice of hers and he whole schtick is the worst.


My personal list:

David Schwimmer - he looks like a human with Turtle-like features (turtle-ish or turtle-esque?) and he's a no-talent hack.


Al Sharpton - always shows up if there's a chance he can push his own personal agenda and mug for an additonal 15 minutes of fame


David Caruso - this pastey white fool with his..... overly dramatic........ pauses...... and I'm so much........... cooler than you...... attitude


Michael Irvin - I would love to see the contract HE signed with the devil to get the breaks he's gotten in life.


Jeff Goldblum - (see david schwimmer)


Ben Stiller - it's an intangible with this guy, but I just can't stand him or the characters he plays his dad is funnier than he'll ever be


Bjork - mousy looking little freak... get away from me, you creep me out!!!


Andrew Lesko (the guy who wears the riddler suit and tells me how much money I can make by opening a coffee shop) - this guy is just WIERD.


Ted (isn't he a little old to go by Tedy?) Bruschi - the night he came back for his first game after his "stroke" and they made it into the second coming of the mesiah, I had just had enough.


Boston Fans - freakin front-runners... you can't swing a dead cat and hit a Bruins fan can you, but now they think a Super Bowl and World Series win is a birth-right.


Bruce Willis - that stupid "how-cool-am-I" smirk got old exactly 10 minutes after moonlighting went off the air


Pretentious douches who buy a wooden hut from thailand , have it shipped to the US, and make a paneled wall out of it in their house because it "appeals to them not to have to cut down a tree to do it", and then do an interview about it in the NY Times like they're special.

  The Dean said:
You were right the first time, POOJ. The left lane is for PASSING. Drive on the right, for Christ's sake.


But then there's a sh-- load of traffic on the right lane.

  /dev/null said:
People who feel the need to grieve the loss of a loved one by writing a message on the back windshield of their car


You haven't by any chance spent any length of time in Colorado have you? That is RAMPANT out here, especially in Southern Colorado. It's now passed the "Calvin Pissing on something" sticker as my new vehicular pet-peeve.


I forgot one on my pervious list

Chris Kataan - he knows what he's doing and he's doing it to intentionally annoy me... I KNOW he is.

  A Pirate looks at 37 said:
You haven't by any chance spent any length of time in Colorado have you? That is RAMPANT out here, especially in Southern Colorado. It's now passed the "Calvin Pissing on something" sticker as my new vehicular pet-peeve.


I forgot one on my pervious list

Chris Kataan - he knows what he's doing and he's doing it to intentionally annoy me... I KNOW he is.



You got that right, bub. A less than-no-talent bum. His existence is actually sucking talent and humor out of the universe.


The Deal or No Deal ho's- Why do you have to ruin a body I would like to jump through my TV and work over like my Labrador does to strangers legs, with "witty" comments that make me want to strangle you? Open the damn suitcase and shut the F up!

  The Dean said:
You got that right, bub. A less than-no-talent bum. His existence is actually sucking talent and humor out of the universe.


Him and Andy Dick.


Faux-Comic Sinkholes of Sustenance.

  Dwight Drane said:
The Deal or No Deal ho's- Why do you have to ruin a body I would like to jump through my TV and work over like my Labrador does to strangers legs, with "witty" comments that make me want to strangle you? Open the damn suitcase and shut the F up!


This is why they invented blowup dolls. :lol:

  Sketch Soland said:
Him and Andy Dick.


Faux-Comic Sinkholes of Sustenance.


Well then since we're at it, let's throw Jack Black in there too... are you a musician or a comedian, because right now you're sucking a both.

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