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'Scuse me?????


nag1 /næg/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nag] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, nagged, nag·ging, noun

–verb (used with object)

1. to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands.


5. Also, nagger. a person who nags, esp. habitually.


:lol: (South Park Rocks)




"They.....they put a suit on it!"


"Oh look, his face is turning red. He's like a little strawberry!"


"Who.....is the freakin' genius.....that put suspenders on him????"


The kid who won't hurry up while your stopped at a cross walk. They try to piss you off by walking even slower. I just want to run them over...


people that drive in the left lane as if it was just another lane....god that annoys the hell out of me...the left lane is for passing....pass and get back in the right lane when it is safe to do so :lol:


People who sit in the right lane and give condescending looks as you drive by in the left lane trying to make up time and save tires by using the left lane as an actual lane of travel.


Bill Maher (Little weasel.)

Robin Quivers(It's kinda cool how someone with so little going for her can pull such a awesome paycheck. Talk about a gravy trainer!)

Star Jones (See Robin Quivers)



Nice thread btw :lol:


as long as you are passing and as long as if someone comes up behind you in the left lane, and there is no one in the right lane, you move over...i am with you, but if you are in the left lane just cruising and slowing down the flow of traffic in the passing lane. then FU, unless of course you arent mocking my post


People who sit in the right lane and give condescending looks as you drive by in the left lane trying to make up time and save tires by using the left lane as an actual lane of travel.
The Human Race

Not all are bad. The residents of Antarctica are pretty good. What is it they are called again? Penguins. See Penguins are good people, just ask Tom, he loves Penguins.


* Rosie O'Donnel. YOU DO NOT AGREE SO I WILL SCREAM AT YOU! AH! AK! AH! ...and the housewives that follow because guns kill people.


* Those guys that that take "Learn Microsoft Windows XP Professional in Three Weeks" class and go about trying to get professional computer jobs. O(n) what? Just reboot into safe mode!


* Sean Hannity *and* Al Fraken, actually... political radio hosts in general. What the hell gives him the right to deem anyone a "Great American?"


* This one guy at work that never shuts up!

as long as you are passing and as long as if someone comes up behind you in the left lane, and there is no one in the right lane, you move over...i am with you, but if you are in the left lane just cruising and slowing down the flow of traffic in the passing lane. then FU, unless of course you arent mocking my post

Ask JSP, rarely does anyone come up from behind me when I am driving, If anyone does come up behind me, they must be doing well over 85 and I will gladly let them pass.

Ask JSP, rarely does anyone come up from behind me when I am driving, If anyone does come up behind me, they must be doing well over 85 and I will gladly let them pass.



Why are you driving in the left hand lane again?


ok, so we are on the same page, the left lane is for faster driving...not idiots cruising along their merry old way chatting to their girlfreinds...god those people annoy me :lol:


Ask JSP, rarely does anyone come up from behind me when I am driving, If anyone does come up behind me, they must be doing well over 85 and I will gladly let them pass.
ok, so we are on the same page, the left lane is for faster driving...not idiots cruising along their merry old way chatting to their girlfreinds...god those people annoy me :lol:



You were right the first time, POOJ. The left lane is for PASSING. Drive on the right, for Christ's sake.

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