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Are Illegal Immigrants Good Or Bad For Economy?

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Is it physically painful to be as stupid as you are? Or are you just too stupid to experience the neurological sensation known as pain? The rusty gears in your head literally squeak when they turn. And if your head's not squeaking right now, it means you're not thinking. And if a rusty old squeak has never emerged from your head, then neither has any particular thought.


Of course you don't understand what I'm saying, you nitwit! It would require at least a 5th grade reading level to understand my earlier posts, and we all know that's well beyond your very limited means. I wrote that the aging process reduces raw driving ability. Of course, that one sailed right over your stupid little head. I also wrote that older drivers compensate for this by staying within their own limitations. Your response to that was to gape and drool at the keyboard. I wrote that the drivers who were turning the roads into a game of Russian roulette were generally young or middle aged drivers. You responded by trying to shove a sandwich into your rectum; thinking it was your mouth.


You really are a stupid loser.


So you didn't contradict yourself when I asked the same question, posed differently, you answered once yes and once no? Interesting........

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You've gone over to the Dark Side! Tom and Ramius welcome you with open arms. You've succumbed to the temptation to make the vague, baseless accusation, in a way which pretends its underlying truth must be so obvious that anyone can see it.


But there can be only two Sith: a pupil and a master. If your conversion to the Dark Side is complete, Tom will ask you to kill Ramius; to give him a more apt pupil. And Ramius may ask you to kill Tom, so that he can become the master.

Good. Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth...Treefiddy

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Now this is a post!


Thanks, but it matters little in terms of the idiotic direction this thread has taken.


I suggest that you stay with issues such as this instead of abstract, mathematical bu!!sh-- that means nothing. You will never win, and you are wasting time.


Look at this thread. M.G. actually started a thread on a topic worthy of discussion. His view is dumb and he failed to offer any basis for such stupidity, but to his credit, at least (for once) he put something out that was worth talking about. Now, the entire thread was sullied because of mundane horseschit about automobile accidents. Is this what you wish to discuss?


If so, please disregard this post and continue to indulge in nonsense with those willing to go there, although I must say it is as boring as hell.

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Thanks, but it matters little in terms of the idiotic direction this thread has taken.


I suggest that you stay with issues such as this instead of abstract, mathematical bu!!sh-- that means nothing. You will never win, and you are wasting time.


Look at this thread. M.G. actually started a thread on a topic worthy of discussion. His view is dumb and he failed to offer any basis for such stupidity, but to his credit, at least (for once) he put something out that was worth talking about. Now, the entire thread was sullied because of mundane horseschit about automobile accidents. Is this what you wish to discuss?


If so, please disregard this post and continue to indulge in nonsense with those willing to go there, although I must say it is as boring as hell.

Your criticism of my approach is 100% justified. I let myself get distracted by the dead end of driving quality, which was a mistake. Thanks for calling me on that.

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Why don't we just all settle this with a TBD "cage match" at the next tailgate!


We can bill it as:


"Three enter... Only one comes out alive!"


TBDWWF (Two Bills Drive World Wrestling Federation) proudly presents: Regression to the MEAN Tour!


Starring: "Da Führer Eugenics", "The Compassionate Slave Owner"... And out of special retirement "The Masked Supercilious, Pedantic Anal Orifice!"


Be there for the beat down or be square!




I am telling you ... That is one way to get me to a tailgate!



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Tom would crush everyone with his giant melon. It'd be no contest. That says nothing of Holcomb's Arm just flailing around like a crab out of water, what with his head being so firmly planted in his anal cavity.




And the rest of the Bills' tailgating brethren?


Lapping the action up in a drunken stupor! :D

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Oh... What about the gentle slave owner?


Providing down pillows for the wives and girlfriends as he attempts to seduce them!


i'll fight the cage match against the x-morons, but i aint wearing one of those stupid ass 1800's southern "gentleman" outfits.

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See, THAT is the spirit Ramius... We can all get along and laugh!


Just busting your chops is all... No offense!




:wallbash: i suppose bringing a whip to the match would be a tad bit hypocritical? ;)

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Tom would crush everyone with his giant melon. It'd be no contest.

You noticed that gigantic growth on his neck too, did you? At first the doctors thought it was due to an iodine deficiency. Then they thought it was some freakish kind of cancer. But the tests came up negative. Finally they realized the growth on his neck was a swollen ego.


Rigorous medical testing made it clear the swelling was starving his brain of blood. Out of the blue, Tom told one doctor that he didn't understand the difference between error and variance. Disturbed by these incoherent babblings, they tried to put him under. "How can you do this to me," he asked, "when you confuse heritability with inheritability?"


They performed an operation to reroute blood away from the melon-ego, and back toward his brain. The operation was a success--initially. Tom made a number of intelligent posts about the military. But slowly that ego began reclaiming the brain's blood supply. Tom's eyes began glazing over, and he began muttering about 3.5's and dice.


They tried to shake him awake, but to no avail. "Robble," he said when they shook him. So they shook him some more. "Robble, robble," he replied. "Hamburger U. At least I don't go to Hamburger U."

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You noticed that gigantic growth on his neck too, did you? At first the doctors thought it was due to an iodine deficiency. Then they thought it was some freakish kind of cancer. But the tests came up negative. Finally they realized the growth on his neck was a swollen ego.


Rigorous medical testing made it clear the swelling was starving his brain of blood. Out of the blue, Tom told one doctor that he didn't understand the difference between error and variance. Disturbed by these incoherent babblings, they tried to put him under. "How can you do this to me," he asked, "when you confuse heritability with inheritability?"


They performed an operation to reroute blood away from the melon-ego, and back toward his brain. The operation was a success--initially. Tom made a number of intelligent posts about the military. But slowly that ego began reclaiming the brain's blood supply. Tom's eyes began glazing over, and he began muttering about 3.5's and dice.


They tried to shake him awake, but to no avail. "Robble," he said when they shook him. So they shook him some more. "Robble, robble," he replied. "Hamburger U. At least I don't go to hamburger U."


That's amusing.


It would be hilarious if you weren't pointedly highlighting your own ignorance. :beer::wallbash:

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That's amusing.


It would be hilarious if you weren't pointedly highlighting your own ignorance. :(:lol:

Immediately after accusing me of "highlighting [my] own ignorance," you proceed to display your ignorance of the fact that the doh emoticon is no longer available. Ironic, wouldn't you say?

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