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Are Illegal Immigrants Good Or Bad For Economy?

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You don't think I've seen old people driving badly? Ha! I've witnessed a veritable 20 course feast of bad driving. Nearly every variation on that theme you can imagine I've seen. Your 86 year old father-in-law's bad driving can't shock or surprise me. But the bad driving I saw in Florida was mostly because of young or middle aged people. And in the areas populated by elderly people (as opposed to immigrants) the driving was considerably better.


The aging process reduces raw driving ability, don't get me wrong. But most elderly people seem to know their own limitations. They may annoy you, they may slow you down, but they usually won't get you killed. The people who made the roads into a game of Russian roulette were not old people.


So what you're really saying (at least this time) is that poor driving has to do more with age than where they are from?

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Go back to doing whatever on earth it is you did before you somehow managed to stumble across these discussion boards. Leave intelligent discussions for people who have functioning brains. This means people other than loser morons like yourself.


And by intelligent discussions, you mean the ones where you claim that brown people, errr, immigrants, are the ones causing all the driving problems in the US? Or is your idea of intelligence claiming that the power grid can be expanded by simply running more power lines? Perhaps your idea of intelligence is trying to explain how a person can take 1 single die, and roll a 3.5, or that there is "error" in rolling said die.


As for your supposed intelligence, i understand that you were probably considered "above average" in your Hamburger U graduating class. I understand you were one of the top french fry salters. But remember that intelligence is relative. In the real world out here, you cant mask your inability to fully comprehend a concept. I know that you are handicapped by your inability to read. If you just accepted this, and didnt pretend like you are the resident expert on everything, your life would be much happier. Instead of arguing, you could spend your day salting fries, taking drive thru orders, and masturbating to your kelly holcomb shrine. Your life would be better, and then us adults could have a real conversation without you interrupting like the petulant child that you are.

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So what you're really saying (at least this time) is that poor driving has to do more with age than where they are from?

No. I'm saying that I've lived in areas with lots of elderly people. Their driving was annoying and slow, but not life threatening.

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And by intelligent discussions, you mean the ones where you claim that brown people, errr, immigrants, are the ones causing all the driving problems in the US? Or is your idea of intelligence claiming that the power grid can be expanded by simply running more power lines? Perhaps your idea of intelligence is trying to explain how a person can take 1 single die, and roll a 3.5, or that there is "error" in rolling said die.


As for your supposed intelligence, i understand that you were probably considered "above average" in your Hamburger U graduating class. I understand you were one of the top french fry salters. But remember that intelligence is relative. In the real world out here, you cant mask your inability to fully comprehend a concept. I know that you are handicapped by your inability to read. If you just accepted this, and didnt pretend like you are the resident expert on everything, your life would be much happier. Instead of arguing, you could spend your day salting fries, taking drive thru orders, and masturbating to your kelly holcomb shrine. Your life would be better, and then us adults could have a real conversation without you interrupting like the petulant child that you are.

You're even more of a pathetic loser than I'd realized. I have a pretty good imagination, but I never imagined anyone being quite as stupid as you. There are cattle that could out-think you seven times out of ten. Cattle! Do you know how stupid cattle are? Of course not: you're too stupid to know anything.

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You're even more of a pathetic loser than I'd realized. I have a pretty good imagination, but I never imagined anyone being quite as stupid as you. There are cattle that could out-think you seven times out of ten. Cattle! Do you know how stupid cattle are? Of course not: you're too stupid to know anything.


figures you'd free-associate cattle. Did they bump you off fries today onto the burger counter?


You didnt disappoint, however. I was expecting something along the lines of your "No, you're more stupider than me" response. You cant critically think when it comes to the real world, so why would you actually think when it comes to forming insults?

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figures you'd free-associate cattle. Did they bump you off fries today onto the burger counter?


You didnt disappoint, however. I was expecting something along the lines of your "No, you're more stupider than me" response. You cant critically think when it comes to the real world, so why would you actually think when it comes to forming insults?

You know something? You really are dumb. And I'm not just saying that. It's true. You're too stupid to understand the concept of averages, you think that 5 + x = 8 is calculus, you didn't understand the test/retest effect even after the Stanford and Duke articles explained it to you, you don't know beans about the concept of an "expected value," and the only way you know how to express your disagreement with anyone is to pretend they're even dumber than you.


For you to insult anyone's critical thinking skills is like Jeffery Dahmer raising ethical questions about someone's food preparation techniques. You really are a loser, you know that?

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No. I'm saying that I've lived in areas with lots of elderly people. Their driving was annoying and slow, but not life threatening.


But you are saying that drivers involved in life threatening accidents are usually younger, correct?

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So HA, when I say this:


So what you're really saying (at least this time) is that poor driving has to do more with age than where they are from?
You respond with this:


No. I'm saying that I've lived in areas with lots of elderly people. Their driving was annoying and slow, but not life threatening.


But when I say this:


But you are saying that drivers involved in life threatening accidents are usually younger, correct?
You respond with this:


The people I saw who were creating the most danger on the roads were usually young or middle aged people, yes.


Hmm, me thinks you contradict yourself a bit. :rolleyes:

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So HA, when I say this:


You respond with this:

But when I say this:


You respond with this:

Hmm, me thinks you contradict yourself a bit. :rolleyes:

How am I contradicting myself? I've written that older drivers can be slow and annoying, but are usually not life-threatening. I've also written that the people I saw who turned roads into a game of Russian roulette weren't older drivers--they were young or middle aged. I'm at a loss to see where you believe the self-contradiction is.

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I'm an illegal immigrant. I have a safe driving record, while wearing my hat. Though, when I don't wear my hat, I get tickets sontimes.


I have my own lawn care business here for the last 15 years in America. I have 30 employees. My children are American citizens. I really had no education in Mexico City, maybe a fourth grade education by American standards. But two of my children are now Doctors in Pediatrics here in Arizona.


I've never had a car accident. But the two children, the Doctors, have had accidents with white people. And it was their fault.



Damn, gringos. :rolleyes:



So, I'd say we contribute to the economy.

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Just checking. The wall bash does feel better.

You've gone over to the Dark Side! Tom and Ramius welcome you with open arms. You've succumbed to the temptation to make the vague, baseless accusation, in a way which pretends its underlying truth must be so obvious that anyone can see it.


But there can be only two Sith: a pupil and a master. If your conversion to the Dark Side is complete, Tom will ask you to kill Ramius; to give him a more apt pupil. And Ramius may ask you to kill Tom, so that he can become the master.

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Once is enough for me. You know HA is right, you guys are stupid. :w00t:


you're catching on quicker than i thought.


You've already figured out that even tho HA said age played no role in driving ability, and followed up that by saying that younger people are more likely to cause accidents, we're the ones who dont understand what he's saying. :rolleyes:

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you're catching on quicker than i thought.


You've already figured out that even tho HA said age played no role in driving ability, and followed up that by saying that younger people are more likely to cause accidents, we're the ones who dont understand what he's saying. :rolleyes:

Is it physically painful to be as stupid as you are? Or are you just too stupid to experience the neurological sensation known as pain? The rusty gears in your head literally squeak when they turn. And if your head's not squeaking right now, it means you're not thinking. And if a rusty old squeak has never emerged from your head, then neither has any particular thought.


Of course you don't understand what I'm saying, you nitwit! It would require at least a 5th grade reading level to understand my earlier posts, and we all know that's well beyond your very limited means. I wrote that the aging process reduces raw driving ability. Of course, that one sailed right over your stupid little head. I also wrote that older drivers compensate for this by staying within their own limitations. Your response to that was to gape and drool at the keyboard. I wrote that the drivers who were turning the roads into a game of Russian roulette were generally young or middle aged drivers. You responded by trying to shove a sandwich into your rectum; thinking it was your mouth.


You really are a stupid loser.

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Is it physically painful to be as stupid as you are? Or are you just too stupid to experience the neurological sensation known as pain? The rusty gears in your head literally squeak when they turn. And if your head's not squeaking right now, it means you're not thinking. And if a rusty old squeak has never emerged from your head, then neither has any particular thought.


Of course you don't understand what I'm saying, you nitwit! It would require at least a 5th grade reading level to understand my earlier posts, and we all know that's well beyond your very limited means. I wrote that the aging process reduces raw driving ability. Of course, that one sailed right over your stupid little head. I also wrote that older drivers compensate for this by staying within their own limitations. Your response to that was to gape and drool at the keyboard. I wrote that the drivers who were turning the roads into a game of Russian roulette were generally young or middle aged drivers. You responded by trying to shove a sandwich into your rectum; thinking it was your mouth.


You really are a stupid loser.



Though, I think you are a complete and utter moron and completely wrong, that was funny. :rolleyes:

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