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Are Illegal Immigrants Good Or Bad For Economy?

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Ok, here we go again. Big cities=more illegal immigrants and Big cities=more accidents does not correlate to more accidents=caused by illegal immigrants which is your arguement. I live in orange county CA which parts are loaded with illegals and parts are whiter than Michael Jackson. And the white parts have a chit load of accidents caused by people making lots of money who are to fuggin' full of themselves to pay attention to other people on the road.


So according to you lack of turn signals, taking stupid avoidable risks is done more by illegals? Pal, they're illegal and fear deportation. If anything they're being more careful.

I never specified that the drivers I saw were illegal immigrants. I don't actually know how may of the drivers I saw were legal versus illegal. All I'm saying is that I've seen a wide spectrum of driving behaviors; most of which have been bad. Immigrant-heavy areas have been considerably worse than the norm, at least in my experience. And you know what? If I was to spend some time in Orange County, I'd probably conclude that the white/rich/spoiled drivers you've experienced are worse than the norm too.

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I never specified that the drivers I saw were illegal immigrants. I don't actually know how may of the drivers I saw were legal versus illegal. All I'm saying is that I've seen a wide spectrum of driving behaviors; most of which have been bad. Immigrant-heavy areas have been considerably worse than the norm, at least in my experience. And you know what? If I was to spend some time in Orange County, I'd probably conclude that the white/rich/spoiled drivers you've experienced are worse than the norm too.


So if cap wearing immigrants are a problem, as are white spoiled brats, what is the norm? Fatherland-lustin' skinheads?

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Fatherland-lustin' skinheads have been less brainwashed by their ideology than you've been by whatever pinko hogwash someone dumped into your all-too-mushy head.


Yeay. I finally made the communist roster!! This is will make May Day that much more pleasant. Uncles Karl, Freidrich & Volodya will be so proud that I made the list.

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The problem I have with you is that I've never once even seen you consider a viewpoint outside of your own intellectually shallow, blinkered, myopic, ultra-liberal viewpoint. There are alternative ways of looking at things, and you have your pejorative labels for those viewpoints, and that's that. I've never once gotten the sense that it's occurred to you to question whether those labels are actually true. You accept their truth the way a child accepts the existence of Santa Claus. And that's why it's impossible to have a political discussion with you.


I thought liberals didn't believe in Santa Claus? Color me confused.

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That'd be an interesting calc. One thing I don't quite understand though is, when exactly did HA make this into an immigrant issue instead of an illegal immigrant issue? (He has been discussing immigrants, not illegal immigrants, I just don't understand how that occurred.) The reason I ask is, I thought most people were discussing illegal immigration, and I didn't see any stats on the Census bureau's site that covers illegals (not surprisingly).


I still think it would be interesting, although I expect, as you seem to, that there will be little to no correlation between immigrant populations and overall accident rates.



I never specified that the drivers I saw were illegal immigrants.



Satisfied now? Now I don't even have to worry about confirming my assumption.

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Here it is again. I tried to tell you what you're doing wrong. And instead of listening, you give me some more of your intellectually shallow manure.


Yeah, don't give him any more intellectually shallow manure. He's overstocked with his own.

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Ok, so it's brown people that drive funny? :w00t:

Yeah, that's what I said. :rolleyes:


I was basing my driving-related comments on my life experience. If you like, I can tell you this: "I noticed that in immigrant-heavy areas, the quality of driving was considerably worse than most other places I'd been. And every time I noticed someone doing something stupid, I ran the offending vehicle off the road. Once it was stopped, I demanded to see proof of citizenship. Based on my penchant for discerning legals from illegals, I concluded that a piece of paper which says, 'you are now a legal U.S. resident or citizen' automatically makes someone a better driver."


But a paragraph like that wouldn't be true. I had no way of knowing which immigrants were here legally, and which were here illegally. I simply observed that recent immigrants seemed to bring their home countries' driving styles with them.

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Yeah, that's what I said. :rolleyes:


I was basing my driving-related comments on my life experience. If you like, I can tell you this: "I noticed that in immigrant-heavy areas, the quality of driving was considerably worse than most other places I'd been. And every time I noticed someone doing something stupid, I ran the offending vehicle off the road. Once it was stopped, I demanded to see proof of citizenship. Based on my penchant for discerning legals from illegals, I concluded that a piece of paper which says, 'you are now a legal U.S. resident or citizen' automatically makes someone a better driver."


But a paragraph like that wouldn't be true. I had no way of knowing which immigrants were here legally, and which were here illegally. I simply observed that recent immigrants seemed to bring their home countries' driving styles with them.


WE GOT IT DUDE!!! DRIVING IS WORSE IN AREAS OF HEAVY IMMIGRANT POPULATIONS!! WE'RE NOT DISAGREEING WITH THAT!!! JUST WHAT THE !@#$ DO IMMIGRANTS HAVE TO DO WITH THAT!!! Sorry just though you might me hard of hearing. So do Germans who are used to driving the autoban drive worse? Italians, Brits, Spanish? No, it's just your little observation that little brown people from little brown countries drive like crap in said small countries so they drive badly here. I'm willing to bet my next paycheck you put some little brown guy next to my 86 year old father-in-law (who lives in Florida by the way) that the little brown guy is going to beat his pants off in a driving test. Not too many little brown guys driving through farmer's markets and killing 10 people.

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WE GOT IT DUDE!!! DRIVING IS WORSE IN AREAS OF HEAVY IMMIGRANT POPULATIONS!! WE'RE NOT DISAGREEING WITH THAT!!! JUST WHAT THE !@#$ DO IMMIGRANTS HAVE TO DO WITH THAT!!! Sorry just though you might me hard of hearing. So do Germans who are used to driving the autoban drive worse? Italians, Brits, Spanish? No, it's just your little observation that little brown people from little brown countries drive like crap in said small countries so they drive badly here. I'm willing to bet my next paycheck you put some little brown guy next to my 86 year old father-in-law (who lives in Florida by the way) that the little brown guy is going to beat his pants off in a driving test. Not too many little brown guys driving through farmer's markets and killing 10 people.

You don't think I've seen old people driving badly? Ha! I've witnessed a veritable 20 course feast of bad driving. Nearly every variation on that theme you can imagine I've seen. Your 86 year old father-in-law's bad driving can't shock or surprise me. But the bad driving I saw in Florida was mostly because of young or middle aged people. And in the areas populated by elderly people (as opposed to immigrants) the driving was considerably better.


The aging process reduces raw driving ability, don't get me wrong. But most elderly people seem to know their own limitations. They may annoy you, they may slow you down, but they usually won't get you killed. The people who made the roads into a game of Russian roulette were not old people.

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Ok, if i am keeping correct tabs, according to holcombs arm,


1. stupid people need to be exterminated because they will cause the downfall of society

2. people from 3rd world countries are "polluting" america, and should not be allowed to breed

3. people from 3rd world countries are inherently stupid, and therefore can never be of use to society, thereby they shouldnt be allowed to breed

4. wetbacks cant drive and are causing harm to americans when they get behind the wheel, so they need to be booted out/not allowed to breed


Did i hit a time portal back to 1930's Germany?



The Holcombian utopia: A bunch of white american 140+ IQ people driving electric cars, burning corn stalks, laying power lines, and rolling 3.5's on a die.

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3. people from 3rd world countries are inherently stupid, and therefore can never be of use to society, thereby they shouldnt be allowed to breed

Wrong, you little moron. I've written that you are stupid. In fact, you're beyond stupid. If there was a way for an I.Q. score to be negative, I'm sure you would have achieved that.


I have not written that people from Third World countries are stupid. Some of them are very smart, others are of average intelligence, and there are those who are dim bulbs. But none of them are quite so dim as you.


Go back to doing whatever on earth it is you did before you somehow managed to stumble across these discussion boards. Leave intelligent discussions for people who have functioning brains. This means people other than loser morons like yourself.

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