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Are Illegal Immigrants Good Or Bad For Economy?

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That's not even remotely what he said...and he does have a point. One of the main causes of illegal immigrants is an immigration process that takes too long to get too few people legally residing in the country. What JSP said could just as easily mean "immigration reform" - which any sane person can see is necessary, given the amount of illegals in out country - as "amnesty".


Of course, ever since Bush came out in support of immigration reform, people have assumed it means "amnesty" anyway, because Bush Bad...


Maybe I'm just fuggin' insane then Tom. Has anyone taken into consideration that the reason there are too many illegals in the country now is that we don't inforce the laws that are currently in place. We've turned a blind eye to the problem for decades and now it appears to be that the illegal immigrants run how we operate/enforce the system. There is a city here in Orange county that was enforcing and EXISTING law that prohibits people from soliciting work on the sidewalks. OC Register article here.


From the article:


"They have the fundamental right to solicit work just like a business can advertise a sale … or a Girl Scout can sell cookies outside a market," said ACLU attorney Nora Preciado at a news conference today.
A company advertises sales with signs on their own property. Girl Scouts do not sell cookies on the sidewalk. They sell them outside of grocery stores after getting permission from the OWNER of the store.


According to the city law, passed in 1993, workers are prohibited from standing on the sidewalk or street to solicit work. It is also unlawful to stop or park a car in order to hire someone off the street.


Sounds reasonable to me, however.......


"We're absolutely committed to not enforcing it," Scott said.


They (the ACLU and illegal immigrants) got us by the nuts guys.


What do I propose? Well it's not my area of expertise, but I suggest we enforce laws such as this one and increase the fines to employers hiring people that do not have the right to be here.

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What do I propose? Well it's not my area of expertise, but I suggest we enforce laws such as this one and increase the fines to employers hiring people that do not have the right to be here.


Again, what's worse? Illegals here to work or natural-born citizens who sit around on their ass all day and refuse to work for anything but a "livable wage"?

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Don't worry, 150 years down the road the government will be forced to apologize for how we treated the illegals.


In a statement written in spanish. There was an article in the OC Register feeling sorry for a guy who was in trouble because he signed mortgage docs and didn't realize it was an adjustable rate. The problem, the docs were in English and he doesn't speak English. Note to you sir, if you can't read what the docs say, don't sign them or find someone to translate them. If you want a part of the American dream that's wonderful, but we dream in English here. Now is the guy who sold the loan a sleazy bastard? Well most of them are, but whatever happened to self accountability?

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In a statement written in spanish. There was an article in the OC Register feeling sorry for a guy who was in trouble because he signed mortgage docs and didn't realize it was an adjustable rate. The problem, the docs were in English and he doesn't speak English. Note to you sir, if you can't read what the docs say, don't sign them or find someone to translate them. If you want a part of the American dream that's wonderful, but we dream in English here. Now is the guy who sold the loan a sleazy bastard? Well most of them are, but whatever happened to self accountability?


In that case, I have no problems. You sign it, you are responsible for it.


All I care is that these people help grow the economy, unlike the lazy, worthless slugs you see on those "Venezuela loves us" commercials from Citgo.

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Again, what's worse? Illegals here to work or natural-born citizens who sit around on their ass all day and refuse to work for anything but a "livable wage"?


Joe, you're not following me. I've said time and time again. Let me say it a bit louder for you, you appear to be hard of hearing. I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE ONES WORKING. BUT THERE ARE MANY, MANY HERE THAT ARE NOT. The floodgates have been opened and immigration reform is going to open them further. Also Joe it's the illegals that have driven the wages down below the livable line and taken jobs from some of those citizens who would do them if they paid more.

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In that case, I have no problems. You sign it, you are responsible for it.


All I care is that these people help grow the economy, unlike the lazy, worthless slugs you see on those "Venezuela loves us" commercials from Citgo.


But they also drag the economy by overcrowding our schools and our healthcare system. Which is the greater?.....I don't have that answer, but I would like to try reducing the drag on the economy first before we crown them as a necessary evil.

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OK, so then what do you propose? It's obvious enforcement is an abject failure, just like in the War on Drugs. So long as there is a disparity in prosparity on both sides of the border, people will continue to come to this country.


The President of Mexico just told Bush we should do more to help their economy.

That will keep more people in Mexico.


Far enough, but why isn't their nationalized industry and corrupt government looked at as part of the problem?


They have a ton of oil there but since they discourage foreign investment, not as much comes out.


Our family was forced down on the ground (including an 8 year old) by the local police while on vacation.


They searched our car. Asked how much cash we had. They took it and left.

So I don't that type of action is going to help with the tourist industry.

That and those pesky human heads washing up on the beach.


They have the prime location in the world, right next to the world's largest economy.

A ton of natural resources, great weather and scenery, and large population that wants to work.

Don't you think somebody might start looking at THEIR government to get the economy growing?

And I am sure companies in the US would rather work with their people than China.

But they make it so damn hard to do business.

That is why Volkswagon left...

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Joe, you're not following me. I've said time and time again. Let me say it a bit louder for you, you appear to be hard of hearing. I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE ONES WORKING. BUT THERE ARE MANY, MANY HERE THAT ARE NOT. The floodgates have been opened and immigration reform is going to open them further. Also Joe it's the illegals that have driven the wages down below the livable line and taken jobs from some of those citizens who would do them if they paid more.


Well that is where the problem always lies. You can't have one without the other.


For example, how many Italiens came from Italy and worked their asses off to adapt to a new society. Who follows, the ones who started the trend of organized crime.


You have to take the good with the bad.

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OK, so then what do you propose? It's obvious enforcement is an abject failure, just like in the War on Drugs. So long as there is a disparity in prosparity on both sides of the border, people will continue to come to this country.


I propose that thousands of them invade your neighborhood, and set up a safe house next door to you with 50 people living in it, just like in Farmingville, NY..

I further propose that they flood your school district and it will have to make provisions for child care for the anchor babies of 14 year olds, and that your taxes are raised through the roof to do so, and of course pay for their free lunches and ESL courses. You better dust off the wallet to pay for some Spanish teachers as well, because a huge portion of them are not literate in any language.


The last thing I propose is that you think about it, and let us know what happened to a hard core patriot named Joe Six Pack. He was a tough guy, and WILL ALWAYS BE a hero who defended our country. When did he become a hypocrite?

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I propose that thousands of them invade your neighborhood, and set up a safe house next door to you with 50 people living in it, just like in Farmingville, NY..

I further propose that they flood your school district and it will have to make provisions for child care for the anchor babies of 14 year olds, and that your taxes are raised through the roof to do so, and of course pay for their free lunches and ESL courses. You better dust off the wallet to pay for some Spanish teachers as well, because a huge portion of them are not literate in any language.


The 12 million children of illegal immigrants are American citizens.

What happens to them?


They are here legally even if their parents aren't.

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The 12 million children of illegal immigrants are American citizens.

What happens to them?


They are here legally even if their parents aren't.


Just like Elian, children belong with their parents. Ironic how the one morally sound move Clinton made cost Gore the election, no?


I don't think that children should be rewarded with American Citizenship simply because their parents are criminals. Do you?

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I propose that thousands of them invade your neighborhood, and set up a safe house next door to you with 50 people living in it, just like in Farmingville, NY..

I further propose that they flood your school district and it will have to make provisions for child care for the anchor babies of 14 year olds, and that your taxes are raised through the roof to do so, and of course pay for their free lunches and ESL courses. You better dust off the wallet to pay for some Spanish teachers as well, because a huge portion of them are not literate in any language.


The last thing I propose is that you think about it, and let us know what happened to a hard core patriot named Joe Six Pack. He was a tough guy, and WILL ALWAYS BE a hero who defended our country. When did he become a hypocrite?

I'm not saying that would not suck, but that's how it goes. I lived in a neighborhood that went to hell before and it had nothing to do with immigrants. I moved!

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I'm not saying that would not suck, but that's how it goes. I lived in a neighborhood that went to hell before and it had nothing to do with immigrants.


What happened?

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