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Are Illegal Immigrants Good Or Bad For Economy?

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OK, does this mean that you welcome illegal aliens because they make prices to consumers cheaper?


I welcome illegals because they come here to WORK unlike certain entrenched portions of our society who look to the government to take care of them.


I think we ought to give them worker visas so they can contribute even more.

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I welcome illegals because they come here to WORK unlike certain entrenched portions of our society who look to the government to take care of them.


I think we ought to give them worker visas so they can contribute even more.


I hope that they inhabit a few safe houses (with 50 or so crammed into one family homes and the backyard used as one big urinal) in your neighborhood so you can pay for their health care and educate them.

You would be gone in 10 seconds.


Libertarian, or Limosine Liberal these days? :devil:

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I welcome illegals because they come here to WORK unlike certain entrenched portions of our society who look to the government to take care of them.


I think we ought to give them worker visas so they can contribute even more.



Well, to get back to oh so fun driving theme. Less than a week, same town:


Raleigh — A Raleigh man is facing multiple charges, including attempted murder, after a pedestrian told police he was purposely hit by a vehicle over the weekend.


Doroteo Calles Hernandez, 23, of 605-A Charleston Road, is also charged with driving while intoxicated and driving without a license. He is being held in the Wake County Jail on a $1 million secured bond.


David Barber, 51, told police he and his girlfriend were walking their dog in the area of Jeffries Street and Dana Drive in southwest Raleigh at about 5 p.m. Saturday when a vehicle sped past and he yelled at the driver to slow down.


The driver circled the block and returned to run him over, Barber said.


"We heard his car before we actually saw it," he said.


The driver left the scene, but not before losing control and hitting a tree. The car was leaking some sort of fluid that left a trail to the suspect's apartment less than a mile from the scene of the crime. The maroon Ford Contour now sits outside of the apartment with a smashed windshield, crushed hood and deployed airbags.


Barber was taken to WakeMed with two bones broken in his leg.


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Well, to get back to oh so fun driving theme. Less than a week, same town:


Raleigh — A Raleigh man is facing multiple charges, including attempted murder, after a pedestrian told police he was purposely hit by a vehicle over the weekend.


Doroteo Calles Hernandez, 23, of 605-A Charleston Road, is also charged with driving while intoxicated and driving without a license. He is being held in the Wake County Jail on a $1 million secured bond.


David Barber, 51, told police he and his girlfriend were walking their dog in the area of Jeffries Street and Dana Drive in southwest Raleigh at about 5 p.m. Saturday when a vehicle sped past and he yelled at the driver to slow down.


The driver circled the block and returned to run him over, Barber said.


"We heard his car before we actually saw it," he said.


The driver left the scene, but not before losing control and hitting a tree. The car was leaking some sort of fluid that left a trail to the suspect's apartment less than a mile from the scene of the crime. The maroon Ford Contour now sits outside of the apartment with a smashed windshield, crushed hood and deployed airbags.


Barber was taken to WakeMed with two bones broken in his leg.


I guess I missed the part of the story that said he wasn't a US citizen. Maybe it's in a different article?


He does appear to be of Latin decent though so I guess we see what we want to believe.

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I welcome illegals because they come here to WORK unlike certain entrenched portions of our society who look to the government to take care of them.


I think we ought to give them worker visas so they can contribute even more.

But how much of that work really needs to be done? What would happen if yards and properties weren't quite so well landscaped? If farming was done by small farmers and automated big farmers instead of the master/illegal immigrant slave plantation model? If wages for unskilled laborers became a little higher, and if it once again became possible to earn an honest, decent living by the strength of your back? If one little enclave of Western Civilization continued to exist? I ask you, would any of these things be a disaster?


Are wages for unskilled laborers really so high that we need to absorb millions of new people in an effort to drive them down? Is this war against the American worker really what liberalism has come to stand for?

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I welcome illegals because they come here to WORK unlike certain entrenched portions of our society who look to the government to take care of them.


I'm with ya on this much joe. too many fat lazy ***** living in their trailer collecting welfare the 1st of the month, instead of actually working to earn a job. .

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Come to California, to see the problem first hand.

One third of the prison inmates are illegals.

They put a massive drain on our health care system.

Most uninsured drivers are illegals.

Everything with government documents is also printed iin Spanish-doubles the cost.

Go into any fast food place-everyone speaks spanish and there is a real good chance they are illegal.

I've had to repeat my order because they couldn't understand me.

Bus ads totally in Spanish- there is a radio station that calls itself La Raza which translates to "The Race"

If we could deport all these illegals, the economy of California would instantly get better.

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Well, to get back to oh so fun driving theme. Less than a week, same town:


Raleigh — A Raleigh man is facing multiple charges, including attempted murder, after a pedestrian told police he was purposely hit by a vehicle over the weekend.


Doroteo Calles Hernandez, 23, of 605-A Charleston Road, is also charged with driving while intoxicated and driving without a license. He is being held in the Wake County Jail on a $1 million secured bond.


David Barber, 51, told police he and his girlfriend were walking their dog in the area of Jeffries Street and Dana Drive in southwest Raleigh at about 5 p.m. Saturday when a vehicle sped past and he yelled at the driver to slow down.


The driver circled the block and returned to run him over, Barber said.


"We heard his car before we actually saw it," he said.


The driver left the scene, but not before losing control and hitting a tree. The car was leaking some sort of fluid that left a trail to the suspect's apartment less than a mile from the scene of the crime. The maroon Ford Contour now sits outside of the apartment with a smashed windshield, crushed hood and deployed airbags.


Barber was taken to WakeMed with two bones broken in his leg.



and you know he's an illegal how?


also, i can post roughly 50 articles of people of other nationalities, including white americans, that have been involved in traffic fatalities recently.

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Is this war against the American worker really what liberalism has come to stand for?


Of course.

The above, as well as banning things they don't approve of, evicting working class people (of all colors) from homes and giving the property to businesses, raising taxes for the ever shrinking middle class, and other fun stuff. Their main issue? Having abortions.


The thing is, before pounding our chests, we should take a look at modern conservatives.

Many of them encourage of all things, breaking the law and ushering in illegals for the middle class to pay for. When they want endorsement and approval, where do they run? To the ever so tolerant religious right, who as a group seem to be all for the same bans, etc. Their main issue? Not having abortions.


As soon as this current group of invaders is made citizens (and you know it will be soon), they will be followed by millions more, leaving the others poor, angry and disenfranchised. A good example of how this happens is the situation in France where the muslims were rioting.


This invasion must end at some point. I am hoping that any sane person can see the truth in this statement.

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and you know he's an illegal how?


also, i can post roughly 50 articles of people of other nationalities, including white americans, that have been involved in traffic fatalities recently.


And if white redneck ran over a mexican or black race would be THE FIRST issue made by "Civil Rights" groups.

Hell, the case doesn't have to be real. Duke Rape Case anyone?

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As soon as this current group of invaders is made citizens (and you know it will be soon), they will be followed by millions more, leaving the others poor, angry and disenfranchised. A good example of how this happens is the situation in France where the muslims were rioting.


This invasion must end at some point. I am hoping that any sane person can see the truth in this statement.


You're wrong about this Bill. Sorry. The reason French Muslims rioted is precisely the OPPOSITE of what you give as a reason. They rioted because they're EXCLUDED from the mainstream and live as second-class citizens. The reason our democracy and economy are vibrant is that we welcome people to come here to work. The reason France and the rest of Europe is sclerotic is because every job is union-protected and outsiders are shunned. Which do YOU want?

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You're wrong about this Bill. Sorry. The reason French Muslims rioted is precisely the OPPOSITE of what you give as a reason. They rioted because they're EXCLUDED from the mainstream and live as second-class citizens. The reason our democracy and economy are vibrant is that we welcome people to come here to work.


I'm sorry.....why were the illegals demonstating in California?

Because they feel like first class citizens?

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No, I really want to know, because is he basing his opinion on experience or by what he's read or from his "feelings." I've lived in southern CA for a quarter of a century and I've experienced the invasion first hand. Yes there are good things but they are greatly diminished by the bad things. He probably lives in Batavia. :devil:

I live in Buffalo. I use to work in Batavia, but never lived there. Actually, migrant workers are used around the farms there. You might be right, if I lived around more immigrants perhaps I would not like it. Still, I think for the country as a whole more people are better. Look at Europe, population decline--at least the rate of growth--is a serious economic problem. Older societies are not better, younger societies are. If everyone is retired who will do the work?

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I'm sorry.....why were the illegals demonstating in California?

Because they feel like first class citizens?


Could it be because of people who want to chuck them out of the country? Tell me this: who else is going to pick oranges for $1 an hour?

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Could it be because of people who want to chuck them out of the country? Tell me this: who else is going to pick oranges for $1 an hour?



According to John McCains' famouse lettuce example, it is $40.00 an hour.

Under the table, not taxed of course.

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And if white redneck ran over a mexican or black race would be THE FIRST issue made by "Civil Rights" groups.

Hell, the case doesn't have to be real. Duke Rape Case anyone?


yes it would. it happens all the time. But by saying that mexican immigrants are the cause of most traffic fatalities puts you in the same category as the people you cant stand.


You dont like that other groups point out race as an issue in an accident, but then the first thing you look for in your own articles is whether or not the person is hispanic.


Its a little thing called practice what you preach.

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I'll pick lettuce for that much!! :unsure:


Sure, without taxes that is really like $60 an hour.

And that much, you could afford to pay for Blue Cross yourself.



When I got out of high school in Amherst in 1986, I recall kids that didn't go to college could still make a decent living by doing roof work and building houses. Is that still true now?


I have bought and sold about 4 homes here in NC, each time moving to a bigger one.

Most of the people working on the houses didn't speak english, and you can bet most of them weren't legal.

Not that I like it much, but the builders to give you any other options.

It is one thing to get them to do stuff like painting, but more and more I see them doing the higher wage work like electric wiring and plumbing.


I can't believe this doesn't hurt the wages of the legal folds.


Plus, I don't like cutting corners when it comes to stuff that could burn down your house.

And its not like the builders pass on the savings, it goes in their pockets.


You need crack down on them like a hammer, and you will see the number of people coming here illegally drop big time.

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