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Are Illegal Immigrants Good Or Bad For Economy?

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Apparently, someone likes abuse. I guess that would explain why Tom was recently seen coming out of an S&M store with a big bag in either hand. You'd think there'd have been a big grin on his face, but the only one grinning was you . . .


Was that supposed to be insulting? You really suck a banter, you know.


Amazing thing is, it's still you're strong suit.

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Was that supposed to be insulting? You really suck a banter, you know.


Amazing thing is, it's still you're strong suit.

My focus was on Ramius, not on you. I'll accuse you of overconfidence at times. And that can mislead you into skimming when you should be doing in-depth reading. But when you pay attention, you can grasp complex concepts. And that's not a compliment you'll hear me paying to Ramius any time soon.

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You're McManager is going to be pissed if he sees this post. The post time is 12:18am, but your break from the fryer ended at 12:15am. Hes not going to be too happy when he finds out that fries went unsalted for 3 minutes while you were pounding away on a keyboard, hoping to come up with a decent insult for the first time ever.

Wow! A McDonald's insult! Did you think of that whole McDonald's angle all by yourself? Or did Tom think of it for you?


Tom, I'm not saying you do all Ramius's thinking for him or anything. But, um, well, he's starting to smell bad. You forgot to remind him of potty time, didn't you?

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Tom, I'm not saying you do all Ramius's thinking for him or anything. But, um, well, he's starting to smell bad. You forgot to remind him of potty time, didn't you?


You really suck at this. I'm actually embarased for you.

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You should feel embarrassed: you don't know how to spell.


No, I do. I'm intentionally inserting speeling and grammar mistakes (like "you're" instead of "your", above) into my posts. Thought the sense of superiority you'd get from catching them would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So...you're welcome.

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No, I do. I'm intentionally inserting speeling and grammar mistakes (like "you're" instead of "your", above) into my posts. Thought the sense of superiority you'd get from catching them would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So...you're welcome.


Mayor McCheese teaches lesson on pride. :nana:

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No, I do. I'm intentionally inserting speeling and grammar mistakes (like "you're" instead of "your", above) into my posts. Thought the sense of superiority you'd get from catching them would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So...you're welcome.

You're clever at coming up with excuses, I'll give you that. (Flashback to many years ago . . .)


Tom's mother: "Tom! What's your hand doing in the cookie jar?"

Tom: "I was, um, putting cookies back into it."

Tom's mother: "And the crumbs on your chin?"

Tom: "Well, um, the cookies you made were so tasty, I couldn't help but eat one or two. If you want me to stay out of the cookie jar, make less tasty cookies."

Tom's mother: "Nice try, but those cookies were store-bought."

Tom: "Well, then, you have a gift for selecting just the right cookies, don't you?"

Tom's mother: "Actually, the cookies in the jar were ones you slipped into the shopping cart when I wasn't looking."

Tom: "Well, um . . ."

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You're clever at coming up with excuses, I'll give you that. (Flashback to many years ago . . .)


Tom's mother: "Tom! What's your hand doing in the cookie jar?"

Tom: "I was, um, putting cookies back into it."

Tom's mother: "And the crumbs on your chin?"

Tom: "Well, um, the cookies you made were so tasty, I couldn't help but eat one or two. If you want me to stay out of the cookie jar, make less tasty cookies."

Tom's mother: "Nice try, but those cookies were store-bought."

Tom: "Well, then, you have a gift for selecting just the right cookies, don't you?"

Tom's mother: "Actually, the cookies in the jar were ones you slipped into the shopping cart when I wasn't looking."

Tom: "Well, um . . ."


Well...plus, theirs the entertainment value of continuing to do it after you've pointed it out, and watching you still not beleive it's intentional... :nana:

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Well...plus, theirs the entertainment value of continuing to do it after you've pointed it out, and watching you still not beleive it's intentional... :nana:

You might have remembered a while back how I hinted that the Bills would win the Super Bowl long before you admitted to being wrong about something. Um, yeah. About that . . .

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You might have remembered a while back how I hinted that the Bills would win the Super Bowl long before you admitted to being wrong about something. Um, yeah. About that . . .


I'll admit to being wrong about, as I was sitting here thinking "I wonder if he'll even notice", that you'd catch it in less than four posts. :nana:

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I'll admit to being wrong about, as I was sitting here thinking "I wonder if he'll even notice", that you'd catch it in less than four posts. :nana:

If you're thinking of the theirs/there's error that you (deliberately?) inserted into one of your earlier posts, yeah I noticed it. But at that point I figured you were just looking for attention, and I wasn't in the mood to give it to you.

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If you're thinking of the theirs/there's error that you (deliberately?) inserted into one of your earlier posts, yeah I noticed it. But at that point I figured you were just looking for attention, and I wasn't in the mood to give it to you.


I hope finding it gave you a feeling of accomplishment.

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If you're thinking of the theirs/there's error that you (deliberately?) inserted into one of your earlier posts, yeah I noticed it. But at that point I figured you were just looking for attention, and I wasn't in the mood to give it to you.

Good thing that went away so quick, as it always does.

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If you're thinking of the theirs/there's error that you (deliberately?) inserted into one of your earlier posts, yeah I noticed it. But at that point I figured you were just looking for attention, and I wasn't in the mood to give it to you.


Good job sticking to the topic. :lol:;):oops:

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They are great for the economy, depending on who you are. The business community loves them because they are easy to exploit in terms of low wages, unsafe working conditions, etc.

The super rich love them because of the above, and the fact that they are able to design school districts that are built primarily to keep their little darlings away from illegals, and of course African Americans. Btw, many of these rich racists pose as "liberals."


For working people they are a problem, and not only because of gang violence. They drive down wages, increase the price of health care, lower the quality of health care (in terms of waiting at emergency rooms and hospital closures). The Social Security Fund is used a piggy bank for illegals, this while the rest of us worry about the solvency of the fund.

Oh, I think that I would like some of the tax dollars back for the jails that illegals populate in disproportionate numbers.

They are also receiptients of, you guessed it.....affirmative action.


In summary, if you are part of elite Corporate America (or one of their stooges), yes; it is great that our nation is being invaded daily by illegal aliens. If not, you are simply left to pick up the check, and live with the consequences.



Bill, this is the best post I've read since I've been at Twobillsdrive.com and that goes back to 1999. And I'm serious. We've had our share of differences about football and PPP, but this is very well put.

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