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Are Illegal Immigrants Good Or Bad For Economy?

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That's amusing.


It would be hilarious if you weren't pointedly highlighting your own ignorance. :(:lol:


Its called projection. unable to cope with his own mental deficiencies, he projects them onto others.

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Immediately after accusing me of "highlighting [my] own ignorance," you proceed to display your ignorance of the fact that the doh emoticon is no longer available. Ironic, wouldn't you say?


Yeah, me not being an expert on board emoticons while you don't know anything about anything is highly ironic. :lol::(

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Yeah, me not being an expert on board emoticons while you don't know anything about anything is highly ironic. :lol::(

Expert? Expert! :P The doh emoticon was your favorite one--you used in practically every post. They took that emoticon away weeks or even months ago. You don't need to be an expert on board emoticons to figure out something as basic as that. You do, however, need a functional brain. And while your brain seems to function quite well some of the time, there are other times when you exhibit no discernible sign of any mental activity at all.

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Expert? Expert! :( The doh emoticon was your favorite one--you used in practically every post. They took that emoticon away weeks or even months ago. You don't need to be an expert on board emoticons to figure out something as basic as that. You do, however, need a functional brain. And while your brain seems to function quite well some of the time, there are other times when you exhibit no discernible sign of any mental activity at all.


Now we're aruing emoticon etiquette? WTF? How was one supposed to know they took away the doh emoticon? And who is this they you speak of. The emoticon police? Why did they take it away? Was it a cease and desist from Homer Simpson? Oh my God, this is an outrage. :lol:

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Expert? Expert! :( The doh emoticon was your favorite one--you used in practically every post. They took that emoticon away weeks or even months ago. You don't need to be an expert on board emoticons to figure out something as basic as that. You do, however, need a functional brain. And while your brain seems to function quite well some of the time, there are other times when you exhibit no discernible sign of any mental activity at all.


Or the link to the graphic could just be bad.


But...nah, I'm sure I missed a memo. :lol:

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Now we're aruing emoticon etiquette? WTF? How was one supposed to know they took away the doh emoticon? And who is this they you speak of. The emoticon police? Why did they take it away? Was it a cease and desist from Homer Simpson? Oh my God, this is an outrage. :lol:


If he feels like giving us a lifetime of commotion,

I second that emoticon.

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Now we're aruing emoticon etiquette? WTF? How was one supposed to know they took away the doh emoticon? And who is this they you speak of. The emoticon police? Why did they take it away? Was it a cease and desist from Homer Simpson? Oh my God, this is an outrage. :lol:

Some of the message board software got changed during the most recent update. That includes the list of emoticons. You can tell which emoticons are available by clicking through that little box with the emoticons pictured. The doh.gif emoticon's no longer there, and hasn't been for some time.


And yes, I do expect people to be aware of facts like this before they go around criticizing other people's intelligence. Especially when the target of the criticism is yours truly.

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Some of the message board software got changed during the most recent update. That includes the list of emoticons. You can tell which emoticons are available by clicking through that little box with the emoticons pictured. The doh.gif emoticon's no longer there, and hasn't been for some time.


Well that's some great information. Thank you very much for that. :(:lol:

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first the narrative, now this. He's lost it. then again, i highly doubt he ever had it in the first place. :lol:

You've been calling me stupid for quite some time. You typically add emphasis to your remarks by scratching an armpit, beating your chest, and swinging skillfully from branch to branch.


But apparently you wanted this time around to be special. Using your knuckles and your feet, you walked from your tree all the way to the nearest computer. You tried to type out a long reply; you really did. But that third hand kept getting in the way. You know, that hand you recently had grafted on in an unsuccessful attempt to help you find your own posterior.


But your loud screeches attracted the attention of the people around you. As you made faces at the keyboard, they got the idea that you were attempting to make fun of someone online. They put together a generic "you're stupid" post for you, directed at me, and that was that.


Later on, they noticed you drooling in the general direction of the keyboard. But they couldn't see inside your head, now could they? Had they been able to, they would have realized that the target of your drool was in fact the keyboard, and you were feeling smug about successfully getting 50% of that drool onto the keyboard. You hoped to someday achieve a similar level of accuracy when using the urinal. But then you noticed a wet warmth spreading through your pants, and realized accuracy in the urinal wouldn't be an issue for a while.

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I've been calling you stupid for quite some time. I typically add emphasis to my remarks by scratching an armpit, beating my chest, and swinging skillfully from branch to branch.


I wanted this time around to be special. Using my knuckles and my feet, I walked from my tree all the way to the nearest computer. I tried to type out a long reply; I really did. But that third hand kept getting in the way. You know, that hand I recently had grafted on in an unsuccessful attempt to help me find my own posterior.


But my loud screeches attracted the attention of the people around me. As I made faces at the keyboard, they got the idea that I was attempting to make fun of someone online. They put together a generic "you're stupid" post for me, directed at you, and that was that.


Later on, they noticed me drooling in the general direction of the keyboard. But they couldn't see inside my head, now could they? Had they been able to, they would have realized that the target of my drool was in fact the keyboard, and I was feeling smug about successfully getting 50% of that drool onto the keyboard. I hoped to someday achieve a similar level of accuracy when using the urinal. But then I noticed a wet warmth spreading through my pants, and realized accuracy in the urinal wouldn't be an issue for a while.


looks like we have todays installment from; "3.5 and me, the personal posting memoirs of holcombs arm"

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Some of the message board software got changed during the most recent update. That includes the list of emoticons. You can tell which emoticons are available by clicking through that little box with the emoticons pictured. The doh.gif emoticon's no longer there, and hasn't been for some time.


What, you're an expert on message board software now? :D


If you click through the little box, you can click on the "graphic missing" picture where the "doh" emoticon should be...and it works. It wasn't removed with the software upgrade, the damn graphics file's missing, you simpering fool.


Not that it's really important...it's just !@#$ing amazing that you can be totally dead-nuts wrong about a god damned graphic!!! :D


And yes, I do expect people to be aware of facts like this before they go around criticizing other people's intelligence. Especially when the target of the criticism is yours truly.


I have NEVER criticized your intelligence. Not once.

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looks like we have todays installment from; "3.5 and me, the personal posting memoirs of holcombs arm"

Apparently, someone likes abuse. I guess that would explain why Tom was recently seen coming out of an S&M store with a big bag in either hand. You'd think there'd have been a big grin on his face, but the only one grinning was you . . .


How does it feel to be so much of a loser that you actually need to be reminded of the fact on an hourly basis? Eh? Well, I guess you wouldn't be able to answer that, because you don't know any different. You've always been a loser, and you've always need to be reminded of that.


But sometimes you forget. You envision yourself in a big SUV or pickup truck--the bigger the better. Not that you're compensating for something. Heavens no! The correlation between the bigness of your desired vehicle and the smallness of your, um, . . . anyway, that correlation is just a coincidence! Correlation does not prove causation!


So there you are, driving around in your big SUV, listening to Nickelback, feeling like you're on top of the world. Or at least like you're on top of Tom. But trust me, that's never going to happen. I very much doubt you're allowed to touch Tom, except maybe to kiss his foot. Of course, he responds to that by kicking you in the face. Then again, you'd have been kicked in the face if you hadn't kissed his foot, so it's a no-win situation. Or a win-win in your case, because you like the abuse.


After cruising around in your SUV for a while with Nickelback blaring, it finally dawns on you that you're hungry. Half an hour later, you realize you could solve that problem by eating something. You could cook your own meal, but that'd require a) planning skills, b) manual dexterity in a task that doesn't involve masturbation, c) the ability to read a cookbook. Discouraged, you decide to cook one of those instant meals from the grocery store. But the simplest meal you can find involves a three step process; whereas you're only capable of two steps. On a good day. With someone else there to do step 1 for you. And step 2, if that becomes necessary.


Incapable of feeding yourself in any other way, you decide to order a pizza. Again. You're fairly sure that unhealthy eating hasn't been proven to shorten one's lifespan. After all, you can't exactly do a double-blind study where you force-feed people healthy or unhealthy food for 50 years. And in your mind, the absence of complete, total, 100% proof in favor of a given proposition is the same thing as disproving the proposition beyond all doubt.

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I think they are good. Most are hard working people would good values who contribute significantly to the American economy. The Minutemen obviously think otherwise.




Immigrants and faggots

They make no sense to me

They come to our country

And think they'll do as they please

Like start some mini Iran

Or spread some !@#$ing disease

They talk so many goddamn ways

It's all greek to me

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Apparently, someone likes abuse. I guess that would explain why Tom was recently seen coming out of an S&M store with a big bag in either hand. You'd think there'd have been a big grin on his face, but the only one grinning was you . . .


How does it feel to be so much of a loser that you actually need to be reminded of the fact on an hourly basis? Eh? Well, I guess you wouldn't be able to answer that, because you don't know any different. You've always been a loser, and you've always need to be reminded of that.


But sometimes you forget. You envision yourself in a big SUV or pickup truck--the bigger the better. Not that you're compensating for something. Heavens no! The correlation between the bigness of your desired vehicle and the smallness of your, um, . . . anyway, that correlation is just a coincidence! Correlation does not prove causation!


So there you are, driving around in your big SUV, listening to Nickelback, feeling like you're on top of the world. Or at least like you're on top of Tom. But trust me, that's never going to happen. I very much doubt you're allowed to touch Tom, except maybe to kiss his foot. Of course, he responds to that by kicking you in the face. Then again, you'd have been kicked in the face if you hadn't kissed his foot, so it's a no-win situation. Or a win-win in your case, because you like the abuse.


After cruising around in your SUV for a while with Nickelback blaring, it finally dawns on you that you're hungry. Half an hour later, you realize you could solve that problem by eating something. You could cook your own meal, but that'd require a) planning skills, b) manual dexterity in a task that doesn't involve masturbation, c) the ability to read a cookbook. Discouraged, you decide to cook one of those instant meals from the grocery store. But the simplest meal you can find involves a three step process; whereas you're only capable of two steps. On a good day. With someone else there to do step 1 for you. And step 2, if that becomes necessary.


Incapable of feeding yourself in any other way, you decide to order a pizza. Again. You're fairly sure that unhealthy eating hasn't been proven to shorten one's lifespan. After all, you can't exactly do a double-blind study where you force-feed people healthy or unhealthy food for 50 years. And in your mind, the absence of complete, total, 100% proof in favor of a given proposition is the same thing as disproving the proposition beyond all doubt.


You're McManager is going to be pissed if he sees this post. The post time is 12:18am, but your break from the fryer ended at 12:15am. Hes not going to be too happy when he finds out that fries went unsalted for 3 minutes while you were pounding away on a keyboard, hoping to come up with a decent insult for the first time ever.

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