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Are Illegal Immigrants Good Or Bad For Economy?

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Here in the East SF Bay area, two illegals were driving to their illegal job here down a winding road. There have been numerous fatalities here and there are large arrows, signs saying slow down, rumble strips and those plastic poles on the yellow lines in some areas. The illegals went over the center line and struck a car. The woman in the car they struck will eventually be ok. They died.

Now their families (in Mexico no doubt) are suing the state because they didn't put concrete barriers in the middle of the road. The road is 10 miles long and goes thru the hills. To put in the barriers along the whole length will cost about 100M because they have to widen the road, cut into the hillsl and and build up the sides of some hills because it drops off next to the road.

Why the hell can IlLLEGAL ALIENS relatives sue the state?

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First, I'm not saying that all the bad Florida drivers I've seen have been recent immigrants. But the quality of Florida driving is atrocious, at least in the areas in which I've lived. And the people doing the bad driving--at least the ones I've seen--haven't been the elderly retirees that one normally associates with bad Florida driving. No, the people I've seen messing up have generally been young or middle-aged, predominately Latino, with some whites and Asians in the mix. The bad drivers have been both men and women.


Until you've lived in Florida, you can't possibly know exactly how bad Florida driving can be. Articles like the one we saw earlier in this thread come as no surprise to me; nor should they surprise anyone familiar with how the open border policy is changing this country.

You know, I've driven in virtually every state - about 10 of them in the last year alone. Everywhere I've been, it's "the worst place" the locals have ever been and regardless of where, overall it gets worse every year. Newsflash: there are bad drivers everywhere, with the number of bad ones correlating to the size of the population. I'd try to explain that further, but I'm sick of watching you try and swallow your own ass from the inside whenever there's even the possibility math may be done.


It's kinda like the scene in "Dice: Undisputed" where he and his "Road Manager" were parked in the middle of the street having a conversation while a dude was waiting behind them. After a minute or two, the dude behind them finally started honking his horn. The response from the Diceman? "Another California ASS Hole! What, I can't have a conversation?" That's right, Andrew. They're your streets, we'll all just adapt to your habits.

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To put in the barriers along the whole length will cost about 100M because they have to widen the road, cut into the hillsl and and build up the sides of some hills because it drops off next to the road.

Why the hell can IlLLEGAL ALIENS relatives sue the state?

Because you live in California and the effect of drinking water going through 8 people before it gets to you is finally showing its effect.

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You know, I've driven in virtually every state - about 10 of them in the last year alone. Everywhere I've been, it's "the worst place" the locals have ever been and regardless of where, overall it gets worse every year. Newsflash: there are bad drivers everywhere, with the number of bad ones correlating to the size of the population. I'd try to explain that further, but I'm sick of watching you try and swallow your own ass from the inside whenever there's even the possibility math may be done.



I've lived in a number of different states. And guess what? The quality of driving varies from place to place. And no, it's not just a function of population density either. The fact that you disagree is a function of your own density.


What's most amusing about your post is that you bought Bungee Jumping DC Tom's line about there being some sort of "math" that I ought to be doing to disprove the Stanford/Duke/University of Chicago articles. :ph34r: Hey, I'm sure Tom's got a bridge he'd like to sell you--why don't you buy that too?

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well, 3 deaths seals it. Only illegal aliens are guilty of killing people while drunk driving. I've never heard of an american born person killing someone while drunk driving. absolutely unheard of. :devil:


One question. Are you intentionally trying to give HA a run for his money in the stupidest poster competition?


Right, so people getting killed by people who shouldn't be here in the first place isn't a big deal at all.


Nope. Fake IDs. Not being arrested the first time because ICE is overworked and doesn't have time to deal with them, having LA RASA make excuses for them instead of coming out against driving while drunk...nope no big deal at all.

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So overall, illegal immigration is a disaster for the country. I think all the illegal immigrants should be sent back, and the country left to those who got here first: White, Christian Europeans. :devil:


You know what's funny? During the Mexican No Gringo rallies last summer, there were signs that said stuff, White European Invaders go home.


Well, do they know that around 50% of the people living in Mexico have some Spanish in them?

After all, they speak Spanish. Isn't Spain a country in Europe?

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Now their families (in Mexico no doubt) are suing the state because they didn't put concrete barriers in the middle of the road. The road is 10 miles long and goes thru the hills. To put in the barriers along the whole length will cost about 100M because they have to widen the road, cut into the hillsl and and build up the sides of some hills because it drops off next to the road.

Why the hell can IlLLEGAL ALIENS relatives sue the state?


I'm guessing they had zero help (or idea for the suit) from very-much American attorneys.

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I've lived in a number of different states. And guess what? The quality of driving varies from place to place. And no, it's not just a function of population density either. The fact that you disagree is a function of your own density.

:ph34r: You're like a parody of a really bad pop song. No matter how many ways you try to remix it, it still ends up being "you're an idiot."


Care to guess my background, "Top 50" University guy? You know, so scared of Tom and Ramius and their obviously broad hiring "powers" that you don't have the balls to give the Top Secret locale? Try military. Many years. That also means LIVING in MANY places. U.S. and abroad, as well as temporary duty of weeks to months in countless others. Go ahead and give me ALL of your "living" places. I'd be shocked if I couldn't minimum double or triple it.


I'd spend more time on the "it's not just a function of population density" but that's not what I said so there's little reason to rebutt it. Nice to see your reading "comprehension" is just as acute as always, though.


What's most amusing about your post is that you bought Bungee Jumping DC Tom's line about there being some sort of "math" that I ought to be doing to disprove the Stanford/Duke/University of Chicago articles. :worthy: Hey, I'm sure Tom's got a bridge he'd like to sell you--why don't you buy that too?

I don't need to "buy" anything from anyone. You've been proven over and over again to be wrong about virtually everything. The burning question of this moment is just how much longer your stay is going to be. Care to venture a guess, so you can be wrong about at least one more thing?


And don't bother whining to me in a PM. You've continued to make this bed.

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:devil: You're like a parody of a really bad pop song. No matter how many ways you try to remix it, it still ends up being "you're an idiot."


Care to guess my background, "Top 50" University guy? You know, so scared of Tom and Ramius and their obviously broad hiring "powers" that you don't have the balls to give the Top Secret locale? Try military. Many years. That also means LIVING in MANY places. U.S. and abroad, as well as temporary duty of weeks to months in countless others. Go ahead and give me ALL of your "living" places. I'd be shocked if I couldn't minimum double or triple it.


I'd spend more time on the "it's not just a function of population density" but that's not what I said so there's little reason to rebutt it. Nice to see your reading "comprehension" is just as acute as always, though.

I don't need to "buy" anything from anyone. You've been proven over and over again to be wrong about virtually everything. The burning question of this moment is just how much longer your stay is going to be. Care to venture a guess, so you can be wrong about at least one more thing?


And don't bother whining to me in a PM. You've continued to make this bed.

I dunno Darin, but it looks like HA has is right and you are wrong:



Where are the Best and Worst Drivers?


Allstate Insurance Company has released the findings from their study about which U.S. cities have the best and worst drivers. Allstate researchers analyzed internal data to determine the likelihood drivers in America's largest 196 cities (cities with over 100,000 residents) would experience an auto collision compared to the national average. The study found that drivers in Cedar Rapids, Iowa were the least likely to have a crash.


The study revealed that the average driver in the central Iowa city will experience an auto collision every 15 years, compared to the national likelihood of a crash every 10 years -- making them 33.28 percent less likely to have an accident than the national average. The worst ranked city was Washington D.C. Drivers in D.C. had one accident every 5.2 years on average.

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I dunno Darin, but it looks like HA has is right and you are wrong:



Where are the Best and Worst Drivers?


Allstate Insurance Company has released the findings from their study about which U.S. cities have the best and worst drivers. Allstate researchers analyzed internal data to determine the likelihood drivers in America's largest 196 cities (cities with over 100,000 residents) would experience an auto collision compared to the national average. The study found that drivers in Cedar Rapids, Iowa were the least likely to have a crash.


The study revealed that the average driver in the central Iowa city will experience an auto collision every 15 years, compared to the national likelihood of a crash every 10 years -- making them 33.28 percent less likely to have an accident than the national average. The worst ranked city was Washington D.C. Drivers in D.C. had one accident every 5.2 years on average.


Doesn't correlate very well with illegal immigration, either. Not many Central Americans crossing the US border into Rhode Island. :devil:

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I dunno Darin, but it looks like HA has is right and you are wrong:



Where are the Best and Worst Drivers?


Allstate Insurance Company has released the findings from their study about which U.S. cities have the best and worst drivers. Allstate researchers analyzed internal data to determine the likelihood drivers in America's largest 196 cities (cities with over 100,000 residents) would experience an auto collision compared to the national average. The study found that drivers in Cedar Rapids, Iowa were the least likely to have a crash.


The study revealed that the average driver in the central Iowa city will experience an auto collision every 15 years, compared to the national likelihood of a crash every 10 years -- making them 33.28 percent less likely to have an accident than the national average. The worst ranked city was Washington D.C. Drivers in D.C. had one accident every 5.2 years on average.

Are all of you retarded? Or is it that you just can't read? Let me RECAP:


Newsflash: there are bad drivers everywhere, with the number of bad ones correlating to the size of the population.


And no, it's not just a function of population density either.


I want you to read that again and understand that HIS post is COMPLETELY CONTRARY to the link you posted.


To which I replied:


I'd spend more time on the "it's not just a function of population density" but that's not what I said so there's little reason to rebutt it. Nice to see your reading "comprehension" is just as acute as always, though.

Now you come in with a post that CLEARY states my position but say I'M wrong and he's right? I want you to concentrate on his reply to me, specifically the word "JUST." You see, I never said that population density was the ONLY reason for poor driving, rather implied that it IS a very large factor (just like slavery was a large factor in "States' Rights, but not the ONLY factor, as you libertards continue to trumpet).


Now is a really good time for you to apologize because your need to win an argument against me has ONCE AGAIN made you look like a complete idiot.

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Now you come in with a post that CLEARY states my position but say I'M wrong and he's right?


That's called "intelligent debate" in these parts. You'd understand that if you went to a top-50 school like Hamburger U.


Now is a really good time for you to apologize because your need to win an argument against me has ONCE AGAIN made you look like a complete idiot.


Against you? Against anyone. :devil:

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Now you come in with a post that CLEARY states my position but say I'M wrong and he's right? I want you to concentrate on his reply to me, specifically the word "JUST." You see, I never said that population density was the ONLY reason for poor driving, rather implied that it IS a very large factor (just like slavery was a large factor in "States' Rights, but not the ONLY factor, as you libertards continue to trumpet).


Now is a really good time for you to apologize because your need to win an argument against me has ONCE AGAIN made you look like a complete idiot.

You are so full of sh--. You were saying that the number of bad drivers increases with the number of drivers. Well, sure. My link showed that in certain areas there are more bad drivers as a percentage of drivers. Well duh! Of course a certain area might have more bad drivers than another area, and it would have nothing to do with population at all, that is just common sense. I bet a trailor park full of drunks, population 300 would have more bad drivers than a small town full of law abiding citizens. Jesus Christ, one wonders what driving is like in Iraq? What is their population again???? LOL! Oh ya, the driving conditions there are probably affected by IEDs, not population.


And stay away from the States Rights argument, when all the slave states preached it--except for the fugitive slave law--and the free states were against it, might that not be the determining factor, not just a "large" factor?


I appologize for wasting time arguing with an idiot like you. How is that? Good enough?

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You are so full of sh--. You were saying that the number of bad drivers increases with the number of drivers. Well, sure. My link showed that in certain areas there are more bad drivers as a percentage of drivers. Well duh! Of course a certain area might have more bad drivers than another area, and it would have nothing to do with population at all, that is just common sense. I bet a trailor park full of drunks, population 300 would have more bad drivers than a small town full of law abiding citizens. Jesus Christ, one wonders what driving is like in Iraq? What is their population again???? LOL! Oh ya, the driving conditions there are probably affected by IEDs, not population.


And stay away from the States Rights argument, when all the slave states preached it--except for the fugitive slave law--and the free states were against it, might that not be the determining factor, not just a "large" factor?


I appologize for wasting time arguing with an idiot like you. How is that? Good enough?


So then you're using the Allstate report to prove...what, exactly? :ph34r:



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Now is a really good time for you to apologize because your need to win an argument against me has ONCE AGAIN made you look like a complete idiot.

Molson has done nothing here for which he need apologize. Nor has he done anything to, as you put it, "once again [make himself] look like a complete idiot."


What I found interesting about that link is that the safest drivers tend to be in Midwestern states such as Kansas or Iowa. Meanwhile, immigrant-heavy cities (such as Miami, other Florida cities, Texas cities, etc.) are correlated with worse driving records.


Now, I know that Ramius is eager to jump up and tell us that correlation does not prove causation--as though this hadn't occurred to anyone other than him. He'd have a point--sort of. The apparent correlation between having lots of immigrants and worse driving doesn't prove my point. On the other hand, that correlation is completely consistent with my point.

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