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Wounded Soldiers Being Sent Back To Iraq

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Yes, that's not such an achievment when you consider how they have lowered standards to let in people with criminal records, grandchildren and less than steller academic records.

Yeah way to stick up for the troops, calling them old, stupid or criminals. You and John Kerry two peas in a pod.

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Yeah way to stick up for the troops, calling them old, stupid or criminals. You and John Kerry two peas in a pod.

Thinking of the troops, how would you want a common thief watching your back? Is that good for moral having people you can't trust in the ranks? A moron with a gun? What effect will that have on the rest of the troops? You guys are something, anytime someone brings up a legimate complaint you wrap yourself in the flag, thump your chest and say the troops are being spit on.


With all these healthy, intelligent college age republicans organizing poiltically, you think they could serve and the army wouldn't have to take in people of lower standards. Think about it, people would join because they believed in the war, not just because they needed a job or financial assistance for college! What a concept.

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Thinking of the troops, how would you want a common thief watching your back? Is that good for moral having people you can't trust in the ranks? A moron with a gun? What effect will that have on the rest of the troops? You guys are something, anytime someone brings up a legimate complaint you wrap yourself in the flag, thump your chest and say the troops are being spit on.


With all these healthy, intelligent college age republicans organizing poiltically, you think they could serve and the army wouldn't have to take in people of lower standards. Think about it, people would join because they believed in the war, not just because they needed a job or financial assistance for college! What a concept.

Tell you what, how's about making this non-political and everyone who voted for authorization makes their kids go. That includes Hillary and everyone else.

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Sounds like a plan to me!

Good, because last I checked it wasn't just repubs who authorized the damn thing. In fact other then one or two folks everyone authorized the damn things. So all dems and repub children should just go sign up for the military. Then they'll have the benefit of all those smart dems like Kerry, and Moran.

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Good, because last I checked it wasn't just repubs who authorized the damn thing. In fact other then one or two folks everyone authorized the damn things. So all dems and repub children should just go sign up for the military. Then they'll have the benefit of all those smart dems like Kerry, and Moran.


Again I agree!


Just think of the brain power... Chelsey, the Bush twins, etc...


Strange looking back to 2002-2003 when the drums of war were beating... I'd even up the ante and say all the citizens that backed the plan to go to war should also send their kids!

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Again I agree!


Just think of the brain power... Chelsey, the Bush twins, etc...


Strange looking back to 2002-2003 when the drums of war were beating... I'd even up the ante and say all the citizens that backed the plan to go to war should also send their kids!

That sir is my point. Not just the elected officials but the 90%+ of this country who were all for it.

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Strange looking back to 2002-2003 when the drums of war were beating... I'd even up the ante and say all the citizens that backed the plan to go to war should also send their kids!


I can live with that, particularly as I didn't back the war and don't have kids.

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I can live with that, particularly as I didn't back the war and don't have kids.


Ah... What a tangled web we weave... Maybe you are right and I interpreted views wrong on this board at the time...


Back in the day... I for one spoke out about it and flat out denounced it... Yet, was "trollified" for it.


Maybe people were middle ground? But they were fully excepting US intelligence reports that I was claiming (yet, couldn't prove) were bullsh*t...


I am not here to pat myself on the back... Far be me... This board also had people tacitly agreeing with what the US was doing... That was the "free pass" our gov't ran with...


Now if they should pass this hypothetical nonsense that is posted in the previous replies... In the end... My kids can probably thank me for making a stand against this sort of US counter-aggression... Noticed I said "counter"... So others (not you Tom), don't get your panties in a wad...

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Ah... What a tangled web we weave... Maybe you are right and I interpreted views wrong on this board at the time...


Back in the day... I for one spoke out about it and flat out denounced it... Yet, was "trollified" for it.


Maybe people were middle ground? But they were fully excepting US intelligence reports that I was claiming (yet, couldn't prove) were bullsh*t...


I am not here to pat myself on the back... Far be me... This board also had people tacitly agreeing with what the US was doing... That was the "free pass" our gov't ran with...


Now if they should pass this hypothetical nonsense that is posted in the previous replies... In the end... My kids can probably thank me for making a stand against this sort of US counter-aggression... Noticed I said "counter"... So others (not you Tom), don't get your panties in a wad...


"Counter-aggression"? Really? I think it was naked, bald-ass aggression, myself. But I suspect that fully 80% of the people who agree with me do so only because "War is bad...ooooh, look, American Idol's on!" and couldn't find Iraq on a map of Iraq.


Lots of times I complain about people's opinions not because I necessarily disagree with the opinion per se, but because they base it on absolute idiocy. I have no patience for ill-informed, stupid-ass opinions whether I agree with them or not. Kind of like how, while I don't like Bush, I have to defend him against ridiculous complaints that granddaddy Prescott was in bed with the Nazis.

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1) "Counter-aggression"? Really? I think it was naked, bald-ass aggression, myself.


2) But I suspect that fully 80% of the people who agree with me do so only because "War is bad...ooooh, look, American Idol's on!" and couldn't find Iraq on a map of Iraq.

1) Ya, it was. Not that that is bad all the time, but this time it was. If I thought it was going to be successful, with a real positive outcome I could have cared less for the lies and overlooked the insanity of war, but I just didn't see occupying suicide bomberland as even having the possibility of a happy outcome.


2) That would go double or triple for the people who supported it. 70% of people thought Saddam flew both planes into the towers, and think war is just like it is in a John Wayne movie.

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1) Ya, it was. Not that that is bad all the time, but this time it was. If I thought it was going to be successful, with a real positive outcome I could have cared less for the lies and overlooked the insanity of war, but I just didn't see occupying suicide bomberland as even having the possibility of a happy outcome.


2) That would go double or triple for the people who supported it. 70% of people thought Saddam flew both planes into the towers, and think war is just like it is in a John Wayne movie.

I guess the public school system should revisit putting in classes on "thinking for yourself".

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1) Ya, it was. Not that that is bad all the time, but this time it was. If I thought it was going to be successful, with a real positive outcome I could have cared less for the lies and overlooked the insanity of war, but I just didn't see occupying suicide bomberland as even having the possibility of a happy outcome.


So the premise for war is irrelevent, as long as we win. :D Never mind the argument about whether or not the premise for this war was true or false; how can support a war started on a false premise based simply on whether or not you win it? You're actually a bigger retard than I gave you credit for.


2) That would go double or triple for the people who supported it. 70% of people thought Saddam flew both planes into the towers, and think war is just like it is in a John Wayne movie.


70% of people are stupid. What a shocker. And people wonder why FoxSnooze's ratings are up...

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1) So the premise for war is irrelevent, as long as we win. :D Never mind the argument about whether or not the premise for this war was true or false; how can support a war started on a false premise based simply on whether or not you win it? You're actually a bigger retard than I gave you credit for.

No, you misread my argument. Not just win, but that it leads to a good outcome, i.e., a better world. I can excuse the lies, I can't excuse the stupidity and arrogence. If I thought Bush had a real chance to bring Democracy to Middle East and make the place great, of course I would have supported it, no matter what he told the people. You have to do what ya have to do. The mission was a fantasy from the beginning though.

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"Counter-aggression"? Really? I think it was naked, bald-ass aggression, myself. But I suspect that fully 80% of the people who agree with me do so only because "War is bad...ooooh, look, American Idol's on!" and couldn't find Iraq on a map of Iraq.


Lots of times I complain about people's opinions not because I necessarily disagree with the opinion per se, but because they base it on absolute idiocy. I have no patience for ill-informed, stupid-ass opinions whether I agree with them or not. Kind of like how, while I don't like Bush, I have to defend him against ridiculous complaints that granddaddy Prescott was in bed with the Nazis.


I Used "counter" to temper anybody else that would come after my post... I am glad you see it as more blatant...


Grant you it was a cop out on my part... I can give a shred of the benfit of doubt to the US... Since policy wise, UN, Gulf War I etc... The sh*t had been going on for a long time...

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Most of America thought Saddam was behind 9/11 and yet no one has ever met anyone who thought that. Kinda weird, huh?


Like my crazy mother-in-law... I remember her making the dumb arse comment how the war will be over in a few months... That was right after the invasion...


When most of the guys on this very board were here beating the drum, telling people to stop trolling and "stiring the pot"... They are equally as guilty for letting this mess gain steam... Even if you didn't "believe" in the war plans... If that is the case, you have let down this country by not speaking out against.


There was either two choices... Go invade or don't... And I squarely came down in the don't at all cost camp... "You (the US) will find NOTHING!" I couldn't have shouted louder from the rooftops that we were being duped...


I really wish the old board was archived... Is there a way Scott that we can get the stuff when I first joined in 12-2002? I am not trying to be funny... People would be shocked to see the revisonist thinking that exists on this board now...


It is time people wake up out of their wet dream... That somehow they are not accountable for this mess!

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