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Vote for Buffalo Cop

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It only takes a minute to vote, and if you don’t already know the story, it is on this site.



Buffalo police officer Carl Andolina has been nominated for America’s Most Wanted All-Star Contest. Check out his bio, give him your vote, and pass this on so your friends can vote also.






America's most wanted all-star contest.

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The people of Buffalo come through in spades again.


I received this e-mail today.


Hi all,

Just want to let you know that your votes have made it!!! Carl Andolina, my nephew will be on America's Most Wanted (John Walsh) show THIS Saturday, March 17 at 9pm on Fox. I guess voting is done for now because he received RECORD VOTES to get him to the Top 8 on the All-Stars. So set your VCR's & TIVO's for 9pm on Fox, Saturday, March 17 and you will see his interview. Fox was in Buffalo yesterday to interview him, etc...Thanx - good job from all who helped!!





Make sure you tune in as America honors one of Buffalo's true heroes.

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