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How dare those kids have an opinion. ;)


Especially one that isnt lockstep with the rest of the liberal progressives on campus.


The biggest myth going -- there are very few William F. Buckleys on college campus's -that much is true.-- but virtually nobody is

in lockstep.

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Oh please.


Universities are HOTBEDS of liberal, progressive thinking.


Been to many faculty Senate meetings?


It is the lockstep part I would object to, these people can't agree on anything.

The biggest myth going -- there are very few William F. Buckleys on college campus's -that much is true.-- but virtually nobody is

in lockstep.



When I was in college, I saw precisely one William F. Buckley on campus. And it was, in fact, William F. Buckley. And he was only there for a day.


But protesting him was great fun for that day. I don't know what it is about protesting conservative pundits that makes liberal college co-eds so horny, but man was that ever a great way to score some trim...

When I was in college, I saw precisely one William F. Buckley on campus. And it was, in fact, William F. Buckley. And he was only there for a day.


But protesting him was great fun for that day. I don't know what it is about protesting conservative pundits that makes liberal college co-eds so horny, but man was that ever a great way to score some trim...

My first year in Texas I had a friend whose girlfriend was going to school for social work. And on the day I met her super-liberal, social work friends, my strategy was to steer the conversation to how much I hated conservatives.


"You know who would hate it if we hooked up? Donald Rumsfeld. Probably John Ashcroft too. I'm just sayin'.....lose the bra."

"You know who would hate it if we hooked up? Donald Rumsfeld. Probably John Ashcroft too. I'm just sayin'.....lose the bra."


Free Mumia! Free Tookie! Free Mammary! Free them all!


I agree with the original poster.......if you feel this war was necessary and integral to the defense of our country.....you should be in uniform........too many 101st Fighting Keyboardists' and Yellow Elephants


Bush daughters should have already been in uniform serving and sacrificing


BTW: I'm a veteran who proudly served in Panama and the 1st Gulf War

You are changing the subject. I get what you mean, but someone living large while preaching conservation is not on the same level as these College Republicans screaming we are in a war as important as world war two, yet not putting their asses on the line. Their very actions say that the war isn't important, yet they want to send over more troops, as long as they are not part of the troops. F-kn chickenhawks


I gotta tell you, I think this could be one of the most insulting things i have read in a very long time.


I am a College Republican when it comes to foreign policy, what do you make of it? Are you saying I don't love my country? Are you calling me a kitty?


I'm going to let you in on a little secret Mr. Lennon. What a lot of your liberal journals are not telling you, is that the draft is no longer used, and these boys who are over there signed up to go over there. All the guys that I know who are over there, want to be over there because they are fighting for your future, as well as mine. I don't think that good friends of mine who are fighting for your way of life would truly appreciate this kind of bull sh-- being posted, slandering them as well as the people that they consider their family.


Seriously Michael Moore, go have a cry with Cindy Sheehan, cause I sure as sh-- do not want to hear any more of this garbage. This ain't Vietnam anymore, hippie, so quit your bitchin' and shut the !@#$ up, unless you want to join up?

I gotta tell you, I think this could be one of the most insulting things i have read in a very long time.


I am a College Republican when it comes to foreign policy, what do you make of it? Are you saying I don't love my country? Are you calling me a kitty?


I'm going to let you in on a little secret Mr. Lennon. What a lot of your liberal journals are not telling you, is that the draft is no longer used, and these boys who are over there signed up to go over there. All the guys that I know who are over there, want to be over there because they are fighting for your future, as well as mine. I don't think that good friends of mine who are fighting for your way of life would truly appreciate this kind of bull sh-- being posted, slandering them as well as the people that they consider their family.


Seriously Michael Moore, go have a cry with Cindy Sheehan, cause I sure as sh-- do not want to hear any more of this garbage. This ain't Vietnam anymore, hippie, so quit your bitchin' and shut the !@#$ up, unless you want to join up?

:(:wallbash: :wallbash:

Nothing quite as entertaining as the righteous rage of undergrads casually associated with the College Republicans. Are you a College Republican or not? I think you were freeing some Keystones late last night, weren't you?

1) I gotta tell you, I think this could be one of the most insulting things i have read in a very long time.


2) I am a College Republican when it comes to foreign policy, what do you make of it? Are you saying I don't love my country? Are you calling me a kitty?


3) I'm going to let you in on a little secret Mr. Lennon. What a lot of your liberal journals are not telling you, is that the draft is no longer used, and these boys who are over there signed up to go over there. All the guys that I know who are over there, want to be over there because they are fighting for your future, as well as mine. I don't think that good friends of mine who are fighting for your way of life would truly appreciate this kind of bull sh-- being posted, slandering them as well as the people that they consider their family.


4) unless you want to join up?

1) I feel so awful


2) If you think this adventure in Iraq is as important as the College Republicans think it is, you should go and join up, IMO. They want to call Democrats names on their web sites but they won't go and fight. I think that's pathetic.


3) No, the troops over there are not fighting for me. I don't see what they are doing in Iraq as helping me or the United States at all in the long or short term. I think its really funny and sad you think they are fighting for my freedom in Iraq. Pathetic! Shouldn't the College Republicans show there support by joining the troops over there? I mean if our freedom and way of life are at stake, wouldn't they want to? Or is that all bull sh--?


4) I have already done my four years, got the GI Bill and used it to get my degree. But, if America really was in danger, as the College Republicans say, I would join back up.

Who said it did?


I'll tell you what DOES upset me....the TOTAL FRAUD you and the rest of those yelling "chickenhawk" and demanding that those who support the war MUST MUST MUST "sign up."


You scream about "free speech" and self-flaggelate about your progressive "exchange of ideas" and "tolerance of opinions." But when someone comes to you with a difference of opinion, you want to throw a rider on it and say that in order to express that opinion that person has to commit years of their lives? And in this case, it goes worse...you say that if you express an opinion, the Governemt should come and haul you away to serve them?


Whats next? If someone says they like lamb chops youre gonna demand they !@#$ a sheep?


!@#$ you.


I and the rest of us have the RIGHT to express any opinion we want WITHOUT having to "prove it so." Thats what the First Amendment guarantees.



I never said they "Must" join up, I'm just questioning their integrity in supporting a war that they will not fight in. They vote for, scream for and promote the war, but won't go, that's someone else's risk. Cowards really.


I don't want to touch the "chickenhawk" argument, but what I do think is this, there is a troubling predilection for military intervention/solutions in this country that is in some ways indifferent to the military itself.


The burden of proposed military solutions and international interventions are carried by a minority in this society - soldiers, their families, veterans, etc. that volunteer. When policy decisions are made by those that no longer have serious risk then the inventions get easier.....and Kuwait, Somalia, Kosovo, Iraq start to come in succession. It is in some ways like having a credit card with someone else's name on it. When you use it the first time maybe you have weighed the option of using it very thoughtfully, after all, it doesn't have your name on it, what am I doing here? But once you realize the bill doesn't come to you, it gets easier to use the second time, and still easier the next.


Sure you rationalize, it is for moral reasons, it is for the good of others, it is the right thing to do because this is an exceptional circumstance I'm using this card, but in the end, that credit card still doesn't have your name on it. It has the name of some marine, some soldier, some airman, some sailor, somebody else.


Who doesn't love the person that pays for everything?

I gotta tell you, I think this could be one of the most insulting things i have read in a very long time.


I am a College Republican when it comes to foreign policy, what do you make of it? Are you saying I don't love my country? Are you calling me a kitty?


I'm going to let you in on a little secret Mr. Lennon. What a lot of your liberal journals are not telling you, is that the draft is no longer used, and these boys who are over there signed up to go over there. All the guys that I know who are over there, want to be over there because they are fighting for your future, as well as mine. I don't think that good friends of mine who are fighting for your way of life would truly appreciate this kind of bull sh-- being posted, slandering them as well as the people that they consider their family.


Seriously Michael Moore, go have a cry with Cindy Sheehan, cause I sure as sh-- do not want to hear any more of this garbage. This ain't Vietnam anymore, hippie, so quit your bitchin' and shut the !@#$ up, unless you want to join up?


Just because I can put this after my name, TMCM (SS/SW) USN Ret., I'm going to volunteer to answer your questions.


1. No, unlike many Repblicans I will never question someone's patriotism just because their political views don't coincide with mine.


2. Why YES! Yes you are a kitty! If you are a vocal advocate of a war but are unwilling to put your own a$$ on the line for what you suposedly believe in, then you are a kitty!


3. Gee, no shidt, the draft is not currently being used... That could change you know... I wonder how many college republicans will head for Canada if it does?


4. How in the holy flying hell does calling out pussies like you, idiots who are vocal supporters of the Iraq War, as long as they aren't the one's fighting it, slander anybody on active duty? Please, Please, explain that to me.


5. I already signed up and did 20+ years of active duty, serving in Vietnam, Beiruit, Panama, Grenada, and the first Gulf War, I more than earned the right to B word, in fact because of my service and the service of millions of other guys and gals like me, you also have the right to B word, so go ahead and use the rights that other people earned for you, B word away...


6. and as for wanting to join up... IT'S YOUR TURN...

Oh, so one cant have an opinion on something without ACTIVELY getting involved in supporting it?


One cant say "I agree with the tactic that the President has implemented to fight terrorism"?


Thats nonsensical.


I hate illegal immigration. I need to become a border agent or else Im a "coward"?


I hate fur (really, I dont care). I have to join PETA or else Im a "coward"?


I think Cancer is a terrible disease and it has affected my family. I have to donate money to the ACS or else Im a "coward"?


On and on.........

OMG! Supporting the "fight" against cancer is not the same as going to Iraq and facing roadside bombs. Get a grip dude

I dont care HOW long you served. I really could care less.


Putting ANY kind of rider or requirement on someone to express an opinion completely violates the spirit of the First Amendment.


And Im pretty sure that stating one must serve the Government if one expresses a certain opinion...and in this case, the foreign policy and agenda of said Government IS INDEED a violation of the First Amendment.


Show me where in law or written elsewhere where one must "put their ass on the line", as you say in order to express an opinion.


I dare you.


Please find anywhere that I said that you didn't have the right to express your opinion, or anywhere where I said that someone must put their ass on the line in order to have an opinion on this issue.


What I said was: IN MY OPINION, people who are vocal supporters of the war in Iraq, and are of age to serve in said war, who refuse to join the military and fight for the cause that they so loudly espouse, ARE GUTLESS PUSSIES!


And I also said that you have the right to that opinion, as well as the right to B word and moan about my opinions, because of the millions of people like me WHO DID SERVE AND ARE STILL SERVING.

Fair enough...then I think youre opinion is stupid and completely violates the spirit of the first Amendment. To say one is a kitty becuase they wont go to war?

Fair enough, but do you really want to put your ignorance on display that way? How is it possible for my opinion to violate the spirit of the first amendment? Where does it say in the first amendment that RI Bills Fan's opinions must be approved by RkFast?


What about all the folks in other wars who supported in and didnt go?

They are PUSSIES too.


How do you know many of these so-called "pussies" arent supporting the cause in other ways? Maybe they are donating their time or money in some way.

It doesn't matter. If you support the war, and are of age to serve, you have two choices: a) enlist and go to Iraq or b) admit you're a kitty!


Maybe they have a medical exemption. Does that make them "pussies" too? Or are they exempt from "kitty" status?

No exemptions, they're PUSSIES!


How about the gays? Ya know them.....they technically CANT serve, right? Are all "gays" exempt from "kitty" status? Or is there a "homosexual exemption"?

Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Enlist and go or be a kitty! Gay people have the same rights as straight people in my eyes.


PLease tell me what qualifies for "kitty" status.


A) Saying you agree with the Bush Doctrine in a class

B) Saying you agree with the Bush Doctrine among friends

C) NOT going to an anti-war rally looking for some trim

D) Ignoring the rack of Che t-shirts in the local 'Head shop

A) Yes

B) Yes

C) No, unless you went looking for an argument and decided to get some trim instead, in which case the answer becomes Yes.

D) No, but you being in the local head shop will be reported to the FBI as required by the Patriot Act.


In regards to usage of words, how strongly does one have to say they agree with the Bush Doctrine and not serve to qualify for "kitty status"?


A) Express your opinion thats pro war in a calm voice

B) Express your opinion thats pro war in a slightly raised voice

C) Express your opinion thats pro war while yelling...and shaking your fist.

D) Profess your love for Newt Gingrich

A) Qualifies

B) Qualifies

C) Qualifies

D) Qualifies, as long as your recruiter doesn't ask and you don't tell.



Finally...the age exemption...how old does one have to be to express their opinion thats favorable to the Bush Doctrine, having not served, and be exempt from "kitty" status? Last I checked, the military 'dont' take too many 40 year olds.

You could have chosen to serve earlier, avoided this war, and not been a kitty! Don't complain to me that you made the wrong choices early in life.


I look forward to your reply.


Oh...one more thing....I STILL dont care that you served.


And I still don't care that you don't care, so there!

How are you putting "my ignorance on display" praytell?


Your opinion that one must DO SOMETHING in order to hold or express an opinion, especially one counter to yours, is CLEARLY a violation of the spirit of Free Speech.


At no point did I ever say that anyone had to do anything in order to express any opinion.


What I said was; if you don't have the nads to back up your opinion, (ie by enlisting and fighting in the war you support) then in MY OPINION you're a kitty.


And I still don't care whether you agree with my opinion or not.

Just because I can put this after my name, TMCM (SS/SW) USN Ret., I'm going to volunteer to answer your questions.


1. No, unlike many Repblicans I will never question someone's patriotism just because their political views don't coincide with mine.


2. Why YES! Yes you are a kitty! If you are a vocal advocate of a war but are unwilling to put your own a$$ on the line for what you suposedly believe in, then you are a kitty!


3. Gee, no shidt, the draft is not currently being used... That could change you know... I wonder how many college republicans will head for Canada if it does?


4. How in the holy flying hell does calling out pussies like you, idiots who are vocal supporters of the Iraq War, as long as they aren't the one's fighting it, slander anybody on active duty? Please, Please, explain that to me.


5. I already signed up and did 20+ years of active duty, serving in Vietnam, Beiruit, Panama, Grenada, and the first Gulf War, I more than earned the right to B word, in fact because of my service and the service of millions of other guys and gals like me, you also have the right to B word, so go ahead and use the rights that other people earned for you, B word away...


6. and as for wanting to join up... IT'S YOUR TURN...


1) I feel so awful


2) If you think this adventure in Iraq is as important as the College Republicans think it is, you should go and join up, IMO. They want to call Democrats names on their web sites but they won't go and fight. I think that's pathetic.


3) No, the troops over there are not fighting for me. I don't see what they are doing in Iraq as helping me or the United States at all in the long or short term. I think its really funny and sad you think they are fighting for my freedom in Iraq. Pathetic! Shouldn't the College Republicans show there support by joining the troops over there? I mean if our freedom and way of life are at stake, wouldn't they want to? Or is that all bull sh--?


4) I have already done my four years, got the GI Bill and used it to get my degree. But, if America really was in danger, as the College Republicans say, I would join back up.


Well gents. Thanks for jumping into my trap, i appreciate it.


If you would check in my profile and find the topic that i created called "Got into UB" and read the conversation, you will see that i have every intention of joining the ranks.


OOO, how'd that feel?


Don't think that just because I am going to college does not mean i am not going into the army. I'm going to college before hand, i have every intention of going over seas, the only difference between me and the guys who are in there before going to college, is i am not making the army foot the bill.


Good day gentlemen.

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