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Spicoli's dream come true


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Now news to me. Every time they show one of those "medical marijuana ' places (clubs) none of the peopel look sick at all.

Ther wee a bunch of teen girls going behind the garages in my complex. I went back ther later to see if they were drinking. I found a pill bottle with the smell of grass and a label that looked like it was from a pharmacy but had some nickname of the grass inside. It was from one of these places.

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I don't mean to minimize the abuse of the medicinal marijuana laws by teens but pot is the least of San Diego's abuse issues. Meth, X, Coke are used and abused by many. And the stories of drunks driving in the wrong direction on the freeways have been too plentiful to count. Hit and runs by drunks also appear to be increasing. The laws are strict but to some people it doesn't seem to matter.

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