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Treason in Everett, WA


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Went by the Boeing plant last night .... couldn't help but wonder if evildoers were scoping it out but I didn't see any. What I did see was OUTRIGHT TREASON.


There is was, in full sight. A brand-new bright and shiny airliner, outside, going through the final phases before delivery to....




Oh dear. The FRENCH. We hate them, remember? Those canards. Those weasels. Those cowards. How can a principled country, like the US, accept their filthy French money. Their lousy livres...or euros...pfah. It is a stain on our pure image.


My husband's comment was "hmmm I wonder why they didn't buy an Airbus".



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And there you go. The public posturing of our "allies" is not what is reality. Debbie as bad as you and Kerry want to say that the world hates us, they really don't. France has been a silent partner in the coalition and has had a carrier in station supporting flight ops in Iraq, and has troops and relief personnel on the ground. Your own observation shows it isn't what the media is telling you.

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Air France has a contract for Boeing 777s for a while now. They were one of the first buyers of the a/c and continue to be one of Boeing's biggest customers, despite the fact that Airbus is based in Toulouse.




FWIW, there is tons of cross pollinization in the a/c market with U.S. carriers purchasing Airbuses by the dozen and vice versa. Its all about which a/c offers the best profits (gasp!) for the routes they will be used.


Now care to comment on Chirac's words last week, or the oil for food scandal or the treatment of American athletes in France such as Lance Armstrong or France's deals with Hussein despite UN sanctions against them, etc., etc.?

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Air France has a contract for Boeing 777s for a while now. They were one of the first buyers of the a/c and continue to be one of Boeing's biggest customers, despite the fact that Airbus is based in Toulouse.




FWIW, there is tons of cross pollinization in the a/c market with U.S. carriers purchasing Airbuses by the dozen and vice versa. Its all about which a/c offers the best profits (gasp!) for the routes they will be used.


Now care to comment on Chirac's words last week, or the oil for food scandal or the treatment of American athletes in France such as Lance Armstrong or France's deals with Hussein despite UN sanctions against them, etc., etc.?








Flight Suit






No Blood for Oil


Karl Rove talking points


Kerry has a plan


Bushie's National Guard service


Kerry went to Vietnam


Edwards is smooth and polished!



Uhhh, I'm running out of talking points, someone help me!




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Flight Suit






No Blood for Oil


Karl Rove talking points


Kerry has a plan


Bushie's National Guard service


Kerry went to Vietnam


Edwards is smooth and polished!

Uhhh, I'm running out of talking points, someone help me!







You need to say Vietnam Service a few more times. He went twice even though he onl was in country once. He was on a destroyer in Guam for 2 weeks so that counted as being in Vietnam twice. Didn't you know Guam is part of Vietnam, his website implies it.

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