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WASHINGTON - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich acknowledged he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.


It was priceless when the news broke...ten years ago, when he was leading the charge against Clinton. Now it's just kind of stale and lifeless.



You mean, this is the first you're hearing of it? Were you in a coma for the past ten years or something? :rolleyes:

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Man, Hillary Clinton has caught a break here.

Unless another candidate emerges she will win.

Finally a conservative like Gingrich was running.

Failings in his personal life will be his undoing.


Do any of you think she can lose?

I don't.

Very few moderates would beat her in a general election.

Every conservative I know would just not vote.

Rudy has no chance.

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It was priceless when the news broke...ten years ago, when he was leading the charge against Clinton. Now it's just kind of stale and lifeless.

You mean, this is the first you're hearing of it? Were you in a coma for the past ten years or something? :rolleyes:


10 years or 10 seconds ago, it doesn't matter when it involves a Republican

However when it involves a Democrat, its time to MoveOn.org

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10 years or 10 seconds ago, it doesn't matter when it involves a Republican

However when it involves a Democrat, its time to MoveOn.org


Obviously, since this was an interview by that far-left leader James Dobson.

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WASHINGTON - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich acknowledged he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.

It's stuff like this that has me worried about Newt Gingrich. On the one hand, there's a leadership void on the right, and has been ever since Newt fell from his leadership role. Bush has affronted the conscience of the real right, which wants nothing to do with a borrow-and-spend, open-border president. Newt, on the other hand, helped institute federal spending discipline. He helped reform the welfare system to eliminate financial incentives for people to have babies they don't want. His conservative credentials are strong. Except for his personal life.


Normally you'd say just write this guy off. But he's really smart, and an outside-the-box kind of thinker. He's got a PhD in European history from Tulane. He runs the Center for Health Transformation, a for-profit think tank with clients such as GE Healthcare, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, the American Hospital Association, etc. He'd improve healthcare by using technology to allow information flow, and to create competition. He has ideas about the specific tools needed to implement these changes, and to allow consumers to regain the sense of ownership that's been lost in our current insurance system. I really think that if any politician can deal with our healthcare mess, he can.


But then there's his lack of maturity. There's the fact he couldn't hold the Republicans together after gaining power. Given the way the Republican Party's betrayed its principles since Gingrich's fall, the fault may not be entirely his. But still. If he can't hold a marriage together, and if he can't retain the leadership position atop his own party, how could he make a good president? And yet, there are his ideas. There's his intellect and his creativity. And you hate to let that sit on the sidelines while some dolt like W or some smirking womanizer like Bill Clinton infests the oval office.


My feelings about Gingrich are very mixed. They'd quickly become unmixed if you could show me a clear-cut alternative. Show me someone with Gingrich's intellect and creativity, someone with good character, and someone whose principles are similar to mine. Someone like that would make me forget all about Newt Gingrich.

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WASHINGTON - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich acknowledged he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.


And your point is what exactly? That a politician is a hypocrite? Stop the friggin' presses, now THAT'S news. :nana:

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Could someone pin a thread for HA, Tom and Ramius?


!@#$ing please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So that they can continue to beat each other to death, for !@#$ing Christ sakes.



There is a secret code embedded in my earlier post from this thread. Ignore the others and try to decipher the code. It is for your own good.

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