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Thursday's joke of the day !

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A little boy was walking down the street dragging behind him a squashed dead frog;

He stops at a whore house and asks for the dirtiest most disease infested whore she had, and the woman shows him the way;

After finishing the woman notices the frog, and confused she asks whats with the frog?

The boy begins to explain: You see ma'am when your whore touched me she gave me the disease, and tonight when mommy and daddy leave and the babysitter touches me I'm going to give her the disease, and when daddy takes the babysitter home and touches her she is going to give daddy the disease, and when daddy comes home and touches mommy he's going to give mommy the disease, and tomorrow when the milk man comes and mommy touches him she's going to give him the disease and That's The Mother !@#$er Who Ran Over My Frog!!!

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