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Boy is this ever tasteless...


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Yeah, having sex with God is pretty much an accepted truth according to those crazy Mormons, right? Don't they believe that God literally had sex with Mary, or something along those lines?


Not sure about the Mormons. But there sure is eroticism in Canticle of Canticles and mystics such as

John of the Cross. In the 14th century spousal mysticism became very popular with women, and their

diaries tended to be quite graphic accounts of lovemaking with no intended contradictions - they were brides of Christ.


For men, the side wound of Christ was fetishized. But I really shouldn't go into that.


Most of this stuff really didn't come over from Europe because of the reformation and

the influence of Irish Catholicism which was, shall we say, "just not into that stuff."

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Insightful doesn't necessarily equate to entertaining, which, last I checked, was the point of comedy....no? So what you may find insightfully humorous, others may find insightfully unengaging. So I disagree that it's not a matter of opinion.


i dont think its a matter of opinion either. i just qualified it with that statement to say that whether someone says its their opinion or not, there is insight in her work. and to say there isnt, is wrong.

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the entire point of the song referenced earlier was based around "jewish people driving german cars". she was basically calling out all of the rich jews she knows/sees/deals with that play the victim of the holocaust and say they live as devote Jews, but then turn around and buy a Mercedes (or even a VW). those car companies are here today BECAUSE of Hitler and the Holocaust. they supplied the Nazi's with vehicles.


her entire point in that song is calling out hypocrites. but then she says something about her vajayjay and calls some black dudes the N-word and you guys get all flustered and are too shortsighted to see the real point of the song. those points being 1. religious hypocricy 2. a joke with a message.

I would've used this information as evidence that she's just not that funny.

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I would've used this information as evidence that she's just not that funny.


I guess this is what I was trying to say all along.


But, I found it offensive. Once again, I will admit that. And it takes a LOT to offend me.


Many of you must find me to be a prude at this point, judging by some of the responses on this board. I don't think I called anyone any names up to now...even Sarah Silverman.

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I guess this is what I was trying to say all along.


But, I found it offensive. Once again, I will admit that. And it takes a LOT to offend me.


Many of you must find me to be a prude at this point, judging by some of the responses on this board. I don't think I called anyone any names up to now...even Sarah Silverman.


Have you seen Borat? If so, what was your take on that, just out of curiosity? A good friend of mine and I are both Catholics....he's the much better example, but my faith is still very important to me. I loved Borat and pretty much can't get enough of the guy, whereas my friend refuses to even see the film.

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No it isn't. I saw her show once and never bothered to come back. I've seen her stand-up and would basically never go out of my way to see it again. I just really don't care or see why anyone thinks she's so great.


Saying or doing outrageous things without any insight isn't that funny because, like I said, anyone can do it.


I just said she wasn't funny. And that "crossing the line" by taking shots at Jews and Christians isn't really crossing the line anymore because it's been done to death. Who cares?


Who cares? Why are you bothering to post then, if you don't care? For someone who "doesn't bother to see things" you really are authorative about most things. I notice that as on ongoing theme with you.


The whole concept of this episode (which I have now seen in its' entirety) was that so many people turn to god when they are in trouble, but turn their back on him when their prayers are "answered".

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Who cares? Why are you bothering to post then, if you don't care? For someone who "doesn't bother to see things" you really are authorative about most things. I notice that as on ongoing theme with you.
Fine, I'll try to be more wishy-washy the next time I say something you don't agree with. :lol:


Someone started a thread about Sarah Silverman and I chimed in with my opinion. You're the one who took it up ten notches with "you conservative tough guys..."


I said I didn't like her and then I said why. Calm down.

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Lets face, everyone is always going on about freedomn of speech and how people need to "Lighten up" or "take it with a grain of salt" until it affects them.


Basically what I'm saying is that, If your black and enjoy listening to a black comedian making jokes about white people, you better feel the same way about that same comedian making fun of black people too


Or if you Jewish and you like listening to Jewish comedians making catholic jokes, you better feel the same way about Jewish jokes.


Sarah Silverman entire act revolves around making "shocking comments" and jokes about her "vagina". Thats it, shes going to say something offensive about everyone, I doubt she actaully believes in what she says, its only because thats her way of getting a laugh from people. people laugh because its usually so offensive that people think she has to be joking

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Have you seen Borat? If so, what was your take on that, just out of curiosity? A good friend of mine and I are both Catholics....he's the much better example, but my faith is still very important to me. I loved Borat and pretty much can't get enough of the guy, whereas my friend refuses to even see the film.


No, I haven't seen Borat. I would like to...wonder what he would think of Sarah Silverman. :lol::lol:

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Fine, I'll try to be more wishy-washy the next time I say something you don't agree with. :lol:


Someone started a thread about Sarah Silverman and I chimed in with my opinion. You're the one who took it up ten notches with "you conservative tough guys..."


I said I didn't like her and then I said why. Calm down.

I'm sure you would be doing the same thing if someone came here and said the same stuff about Mandy Moore

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No, I haven't seen Borat. I would like to...wonder what he would think of Sarah Silverman. :lol::lol:

Well shes Jewish, so not much


He'd probably think she was going to try to kill him at some point and try to make an escape, maybe even throw money at her to hopefully keep her from killing him

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I'm sure you would be doing the same thing if someone came here and said the same stuff about Mandy Moore

People around here can say whatever bad things they want about Mandy Moore....


...as long as they're cool with me coming over to where they live and sawing off their fingers with a rusty hacksaw one by one until they take it back.

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Well shes Jewish, so not much


He'd probably think she was going to try to kill him at some point and try to make an escape, maybe even throw money at her to hopefully keep her from killing him


Hmmm...no sexy time for her then. :lol:


BTW, Borat has been banned in Russia and in most Muslim countries.


I never said Sarah Silverman should be banned. I don't believe in censorship, partially because I spent four years at a Christian college, where saying certain things could get you expelled. And because political correctness, in any form, is simply wrong.

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People around here can say whatever bad things they want about Mandy Moore....


...as long as they're cool with me coming over to where they live and sawing off their fingers with a rusty hacksaw one by one until they take it back.



<-- One common ground we have, is our love of our respective avatar girls! :lol:

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No, I haven't seen Borat. I would like to...wonder what he would think of Sarah Silverman. :lol::lol:


Oh, I'm sure he'd just want to know 'how much?'


You'll get that after you see the film :D

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