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Senator Al ready to kick ass for online poker players


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Phew. I thought this was Al Franken and I was very upset I was going to like him for 5 minutes




I lean to the right, but I put Al Franken up there with James Carville - two liberals that I find pretty damn amusing :rolleyes:

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Amusing, yes. An actual voting member of the most powerful body in the country....not so funny.


I hadn't thought about it like that.... :rolleyes:

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Remember, Al Franken's best role was the guy that loaded the gorilla on the train in Trading Places.

I saw him in person. He is about 5'4 and as heavy as he looks on TV. The cameras don't put any lbs on him.

I was waiting for a client a block from the State Capitol in Sacramento, and he comes walking around the corner with someone. He had done is radio show aroud the corner that morning.

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I became a Franken fan through his books. "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" is one of the funniest things I've ever read. I never heard his radio show, but I find him to be a very engaging and entertaining author. Carville is sort of the opposite. I haven't read much of his stuff, but I love watching the guy on tv. I'm also fascinated by the example that he and Mary Matalin are setting as a married couple from either side of the fence. I don't think people really appreciate that relationship...I find it to be pretty amazing!

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Franken is a psycho.


He was on Hannity and Colmes. During the break after his segment he kept arguing with Hannity. After the show, he ran down the hall and kept yelling outside of Hannity's office. He had to be removed by security.


Another time he appeared on Bill Maher's ABC show with Melanie Morgan, a conservative radio talk show host from SF. Again he kept arguing after the show. From someone at ABC, he obtained her home phone #. He kept calling her at home and yelling at her. The threat of a restraining order made him stop.

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This should be interesting....I agree with every comment he made in the article. Time to put this hypocrisy to bed and let us play our friggin game!


I thought you were already playing... :lol:

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Remember, Al Franken's best role was the guy that loaded the gorilla on the train in Trading Places.

I saw him in person. He is about 5'4 and as heavy as he looks on TV. The cameras don't put any lbs on him.

I was waiting for a client a block from the State Capitol in Sacramento, and he comes walking around the corner with someone. He had done is radio show aroud the corner that morning.



I just watched Trading Places this past Sunday on the Comedy Channel adn I didn't realize that was Al Franken, although I thought the actor looked vaguley familiar.

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I thought you were already playing... :lol:

Oh yeah, Im glad to have that site you showed me, but I think the poker community needs to get our freedom back. I enjoyed playing at a few different sites before, and I'd like that opportunity again. We should be able to play as we please and not have to jump through all sorts of hoops to do so, IMO.

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I became a Franken fan through his books. "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" is one of the funniest things I've ever read. I never heard his radio show, but I find him to be a very engaging and entertaining author. Carville is sort of the opposite. I haven't read much of his stuff, but I love watching the guy on tv. I'm also fascinated by the example that he and Mary Matalin are setting as a married couple from either side of the fence. I don't think people really appreciate that relationship...I find it to be pretty amazing!



Which is fairly ironic since he's basically the Rush Limbaugh of the left.

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Oh yeah, Im glad to have that site you showed me, but I think the poker community needs to get our freedom back. I enjoyed playing at a few different sites before, and I'd like that opportunity again. We should be able to play as we please and not have to jump through all sorts of hoops to do so, IMO.


I don't care one way or the other about online poker but this quote made me mad

Who better than 18-year Congressional veteran Alfonse D’Amato to lead the fight? Senator Al, as he is affectionately called, is known for such great accomplishments as requiring Swiss banks to return billions to Holocaust victims. He is known for caring about the needs of the individual constituent and he is a fighter. He does not shy away from a fight; rather, he will embrace the fight to protect poker players’ right to play online.



Comparing poker players to holocaust victims is disgusting and not necessary. People need to get some perspective.

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I don't care one way or the other about online poker but this quote made me mad

Comparing poker players to holocaust victims is disgusting and not necessary. People need to get some perspective.


How is stating what someone is known for a comparison of Holocaust victims to poker players?

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How is stating what someone is known for a comparison of Holocaust victims to poker players?

They clearly implied that D'Amato helped the victims of the holocaust and that poker players need the same help. It is sick and twisted that a guy would stoop to this level for a few dollars.


Poker players MIGHT be receiveing unfair treatment but they are not locked away in concentration camps and put in gas chambers. You do know that happened in WW II right? President Bush is not my favorite but I am sick of people calling him Hitler or even implying a similarity. Democrats voted for this too you know. I am pretty much against what both parties did but am not worried that we'll lock up poker players and kill them off. Let's keep a little perspective.


I know you like to play poker and that's cool, but is it really important enough to equate yourself with millions of starving abused and tortured people?

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They clearly implied that D'Amato helped the victims of the holocaust and that poker players need the same help. It is sick and twisted that a guy would stoop to this level for a few dollars.


Poker players MIGHT be receiveing unfair treatment but they are not locked away in concentration camps and put in gas chambers. You do know that happened in WW II right? President Bush is not my favorite but I am sick of people calling him Hitler or even implying a similarity. Democrats voted for this too you know. I am pretty much against what both parties did but am not worried that we'll lock up poker players and kill them off. Let's keep a little perspective.


I know you like to play poker and that's cool, but is it really important enough to equate yourself with millions of starving abused and tortured people?


I'm pretty sure the point being made was simply that the guy gets things done - not to make the comparison you're suggesting.

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I'm pretty sure the point being made was simply that the guy gets things done - not to make the comparison you're suggesting.

Keep telling yourself that so you won't feel guilty, but being denied poker is not the same thing as being denied life. Bush is not Hitler and the Democratic congress is not the commanding officer at a concentration camp.


I miss online poker too. I was very good at it and won about 80% of the single table tournaments I played. I'd like to see it come back but that does not make me a victim of a holocaust.

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Keep telling yourself that so you won't feel guilty, but being denied poker is not the same thing as being denied life. Bush is not Hitler and the Democratic congress is not the commanding officer at a concentration camp.


I miss online poker too. I was very good at it and won about 80% of the single table tournaments I played. I'd like to see it come back but that does not make me a victim of a holocaust.

80%, huh? :lol:

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