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Going down to 35 below zero all roads closed


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Did I ever tell you the story when I had to have seen the most buggies parked in one place ever?... Was in the early 1990's near Arcola, Illinois... We were at a benefit (Amish) for a young fella that was dragged by his plow team and the community was rasing money for medical treatment by holding an auction... There had to be at least 200, 300 or more buggies in the lot! Wow... That is when my lovely finacee (now lovely wife) asked the perplexing question: "How do they know which one is theirs?... They all look the same... I bet they just swap with all the others." :lol::blink: I said: "Believe me... They know their horse and buggy!... :D I think she realized the inane nature of her comment when I wouldn't let it go and made a crack about how our automobiles must look to them... ;) I went so far as to point out the differences in styles, horses, leather work, etc... and be a real wise guy... :D Hey, she still went on to marry me! ;)

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