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Is there actually a reason why the drinking age is 21

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"They" say because of the "bleed over" to the high school level... Which is kinda true... 18 years buying for their younger aged highschoolers...




Simple solution to all this madness:


1. Make draft/enlistment age the same... Either 18 or 21.


And in this case... Just make both 21.


In my opinion of course... I don't mind if they make it 18 again... It just seems our values (or the one's the powers that be are pushing) our consistent with making both 21.


Now, don't shoot the messenger (me)... I don't necessarily agree... Just tend to look for a REAL, non-contradictory solution.

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Why they picked 21 I don't know


But if any states (officially a state law not federal) try to lower it they run the risk of the DoT cutting off highway spending funds


Ya... And states NOW have 65, 70, or 75 MPH speed limits out there...




Times like we are in... You either lower it or you raise enlistment age.

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Simple reason is to help cut down on high school drinking. Whether effective or not I don;t know. But back when drinking age was 18, we never had problems locating a senior in HS and having him buy for us, if we just got him a 6 of genny cream. Now a days since there are no high schoolers that are 21, it is a lot more difficult to locate someone willing to buy.

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"They" say because of the "bleed over" to the high school level... Which is kinda true... 18 years buying for their younger aged highschoolers...




Simple solution to all this madness:


1. Make draft/enlistment age the same... Either 18 or 21.


And in this case... Just make both 21.


In my opinion of course... I don't mind if they make it 18 again... It just seems our values (or the one's the powers that be are pushing) our consistent with making both 21.


Now, don't shoot the messenger (me)... I don't necessarily agree... Just tend to look for a REAL, non-contradictory solution.


Yeah, that will help with military recruitment....

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21 drinking age is BS. If you at 18 are going to put your ass on the line in the military to defend our freedoms over here, then i should have the right to buy you a beer when you get back.

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21 drinking age is BS. If you at 18 are going to put your ass on the line in the military to defend our freedoms over here, then i should have the right to buy you a beer when you get back.


And YES you should... Like the bit done by Chris Rock and a vet that say loses a leg...


But the two apparently don't jive in our society... Actually, 3, with voting age...


I don't care what they do... ALL 3 have to be the same...


There will be draw back with either (recruitment vs. young drinkers) so be it... Can't have your cake and eat it too...

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Simple reason is to help cut down on high school drinking. Whether effective or not I don;t know. But back when drinking age was 18, we never had problems locating a senior in HS and having him buy for us, if we just got him a 6 of genny cream. Now a days since there are no high schoolers that are 21, it is a lot more difficult to locate someone willing to buy.


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Just a thought.


I believe its because the goverment knows the human brain is nowhere near developed in our teenage years. So they shove it into our skulls that they will control you reguardless of what you see as what is best or what you want in your own personal life. The Goverment is here to protect (control) you.


"You will do this or you go to jail"


If the law was a minimum of 31 years of age, I think a good portion of the people on both ends of the politcal spectrum would tell the gov to go F themselves. Of course the exception are the sheep who bow and hand over their rights because they feel the goverment does know what best for them. Recent history hasn't taught us that, has it?

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Simple reason is to help cut down on high school drinking. Whether effective or not I don;t know. But back when drinking age was 18, we never had problems locating a senior in HS and having him buy for us, if we just got him a 6 of genny cream. Now a days since there are no high schoolers that are 21, it is a lot more difficult to locate someone willing to buy.


And since high school punks can't find someone to buy them beer, they steal their parents beer or liquor. Let's face it, everyone did it at one point.


The best thing to do is get a good fake ID and not be stupid about drinking and driving until you are 21 years old.


Bottom line, the drinking age is bull sh--. The government does a great job of making sure it is that way too. I used to have a fake ID, when Cops caught me with it, they nailed me with under age drinking, posession of alcohol (which are apparently two seperate things), and impersonation of another individual. By the new bill that is being proposed in New York, that would be two misdomeanors and a felony.

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