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Homework is too stressful


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I *love* this quote:

"Fueled by parent complaints, the too-much-homework issue has taken root primarily in wealthy communities with high-achieving schools."


The problem, in my opinion, is that parents put such rigid schedules around their kids' whole day that there's no TIME for homework. They have to take music lessons from 4-5, basketball practice from 5:30-6:30, dinner from McDonalds from 6:30-6:45, dance rehersal from 7-8:30, then we drive home, go to bed, and start over. I hear these sorts of schedules from parents at my job and I can't imagine living like that (as a parent OR child!)



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Fueled by parent complaints

wtf? the parents???


i'm no parent, but if i had kids i'd want them to have homework and lots of it. Let the kids learn how to deal with stress and take some initiative. Plus the more time they spend on homework the less time they have to go out and get drunk/high/pregnant/arrested etc

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wtf? the parents???


i'm no parent, but if i had kids i'd want them to have homework and lots of it. Let the kids learn how to deal with stress and take some initiative. Plus the more time they spend on homework the less time they have to go out and get drunk/high/pregnant/arrested etc

i agree, as someone who is student teachin in the fall, homework is a neccessity in order to allow the students to learn the content they need to know. We are burning kids out on structure and not allowing them to have oppurtunities to learn. Parents are the problem here for allowing this to happen, and to B word about the academic expectations of their kids, which will exceed the expectations that were placed on the parents. The whole education system is screwed because of No Child Left Behind and the parents. The whole premise of standardized testing does not favor the american school system because all of our children are in schools until grade 10 and all have the oppurtunity to get their high school diploma, where other countries look better because they restrict who can go to school after the age of 14 in some cases. Also, the whole emphasis on testing has been shown to reduce the amount of time spent on phys ed, science (i kid you not), music, and other arts. We are preaching to the country only math and english matter in the current setup.


:rant off: sorry.

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while homework IS necessary, there are plenty of cases of kids getting too much homework.


when i was in 3rd grade, 9 years old, we had a teacher who was giving 3-4 hours of homework A NIGHT.


the bus dropped me off a little after 4pm. even if i started working on it right away, with dinner in there, that is nothing but straight homework until 9pm... bed time.


that leaves no time for extra activities which are just as good for teaching children life-lessons.


heck that didnt even leave time for 30 minutes of playing... we were 9!


suffice it to say, every parent complained big-time at parents night and the homework got drastically reduced.

i think the main complaint was "this teacher has 8 hours a day to teach us multiplication, why does she think she needs to take away the rest of our homelife too?"

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Let the kids learn how to deal with stress and take some initiative. Plus the more time they spend on homework the less time they have to go out and get drunk/high/pregnant/arrested etc


the article is talking about FIRST GRADERS. not high school or even middle school kids.


and that basically sounds like you want the homework to do the parenting for you...

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the article is talking about FIRST GRADERS. not high school or even middle school kids.


and that basically sounds like you want the homework to do the parenting for you...


Apparently you're a product of this "less education" system, as you didn't even comprehend the article you read. (sorry, low blow :blink: ).


I'm assuming you're talking about this quote: "The principal at Oak Knoll Elementary says first-graders spend about six hours a day doing school work, and they shouldn't have to do more work when they go home." However, the whole article is NOT about first graders, it's about the entire elementary school (which was K-6 when I was a kid).


If you had a teacher giving you that much homework every night, then that's a problem. But the solution isn't to ban all homework, it's to tell that teacher to tone it down.



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i think the main complaint was "this teacher has 8 hours a day to teach us multiplication, why does she think she needs to take away the rest of our homelife too?"

You were in math class for 8 hours a day?

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You were in math class for 8 hours a day?



Hijack Alert!


When I was a senior at Hamburg, I was taking two and a half hours of gym class a day as I'd simply blown it off from 9th - 11th. It almost stopped me from graduating.



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while homework IS necessary, there are plenty of cases of kids getting too much homework.


when i was in 3rd grade, 9 years old, we had a teacher who was giving 3-4 hours of homework A NIGHT.


the bus dropped me off a little after 4pm. even if i started working on it right away, with dinner in there, that is nothing but straight homework until 9pm... bed time.


that leaves no time for extra activities which are just as good for teaching children life-lessons.


heck that didnt even leave time for 30 minutes of playing... we were 9!


suffice it to say, every parent complained big-time at parents night and the homework got drastically reduced.

i think the main complaint was "this teacher has 8 hours a day to teach us multiplication, why does she think she needs to take away the rest of our homelife too?"

Yeah, but wasn't it taking the other kids 30-40 minutes per night? :blink:







Sorry, it was too good a setup to let it slide by. :wallbash:

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amen bruddah...got 3 boys of my own and i refuse to push them to live out my failed athletic dreams...if they want to play a sport...good for them...and ya know what else, 99.99% of the time I am there with them watching practice, not using that hour to catch up on errands....of course nothing happens til homework is done...call me a radical...




I *love* this quote:

"Fueled by parent complaints, the too-much-homework issue has taken root primarily in wealthy communities with high-achieving schools."


The problem, in my opinion, is that parents put such rigid schedules around their kids' whole day that there's no TIME for homework. They have to take music lessons from 4-5, basketball practice from 5:30-6:30, dinner from McDonalds from 6:30-6:45, dance rehersal from 7-8:30, then we drive home, go to bed, and start over. I hear these sorts of schedules from parents at my job and I can't imagine living like that (as a parent OR child!)



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i think the main complaint was "this teacher has 8 hours a day to teach us multiplication, why does she think she needs to take away the rest of our homelife too?"



Ahh... Because it is the child's "job"... Just as the parent's have a job... So does the child, it is called school. For the child ALL else comes second to studies.


Just do your "job"...


How else are you going to instill a work ethic and priorities?... Not a matter about "juggling" everything. If the other activities can't fit in before a reasonable bedtime, then they fall off the schedule...



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The problem isn't too much homework. The problem twofold: 1) watered down education for the kids (thanks to the 'self esteem' movement) and 2) not enough parental involvement to help supplement what is taught in the classroom.

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Ahh... Because it is the child's "job"... Just as the parent's have a job... So does the child, it is called school. For the child ALL else comes second to studies.


Just do your "job"...


How else are you going to instill a work ethic and priorities?... Not a matter about "juggling" everything. If the other activities can't fit in before a reasonable bedtime, then they fall off the schedule...




right, whats your point? mine was that the kids are already putting in the time of a fulltime job, some overtime is ok. but kids need more activities than just "school". especially with the typical education they are getting nowadays.


im not agreeing that homework should be banned altogether. this school is obviously overreacting. but there should be a limit to how much homework children under 12 are required to do. i also think that there should be some required time dedicated to other activities. shoot, even sports teach good lessons at that age. let alone playing an instrument, or getting into computers, or karate, or whatever else you guys make your kids do to tire them out so they go to sleep and give you a moments rest at the end of the night...

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