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GAH! Bob Matthews Of The D&C

Mark VI

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You know what?  When you're right, you're right.  And you're right about my droning on about Drew.  I'm just truly baffled as to why people take criticism about him so personally, and why they *won't* allow negative things to be said about him.  The only word I can come up with is 'baffling'.  And it's not just WNY, there are still pockets of that here in Boston.  Unbelievable.


I can't promise that I'll succeed, but I'll do my best to curtail the same 'ol same 'ol Drew Posts.  For the record, he's still a Cerebral Statue, he's still the benefactor of the DB Excuse Generator, he still a Sacred Cow, it's still not EVER Drew's fault, and I still think his favorite food is hamburger pat-pat-patties.


I'll just keep it in for awhile.  :rolleyes:


Mike, thanks for being reasonable. I think most Bills fans see we need to plan for the future at QB, and are doing a great job of that (Losman). I don't hear people arguing that Bledoe should stay at #1 for the rest of his contract. There seems to be consensus that the QBs' play will determine the roster/rankings, but we hope Losman is promoted later rather than sooner since he still has a lot of acclimation ahead.


You should add your clever "cerebral statue" nickname to your signature, not that we're likely to forget how you feel. Whenever you type it out (yet again), it's simply inflammatory, not constructive. Do you really want to come here and piss people off for fun? That's antisocial behavior.

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Mike, thanks for being reasonable.  I think most Bills fans see we need to plan for the future at QB, and are doing a great job of that (Losman).  I don't hear people arguing that Bledoe should stay at #1 for the rest of his contract.  There seems to be consensus that the QBs' play will determine the roster/rankings, but we hope Losman is promoted later rather than sooner since he still has a lot of acclimation ahead.


You should add your clever "cerebral statue" nickname to your signature, not that we're likely to forget how you feel.  Whenever you type it out (yet again), it's simply inflammatory, not constructive.  Do you really want to come here and piss people off for fun?  That's antisocial behavior.



I'm going cold turkey on Drew. I even went ahead and got the DB patch to help me from incidental/accidental slander. I think it's working, too: My feet are feeling heavier and I'm patting the keyboard before I type.


Alas, for now this space will now be relegated to an outsider's POV on the Bills and a (semi) objective view of the AFC East.

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For the record, he's still a Cerebral Statue, he's still the benefactor of the DB Excuse Generator, he still a Sacred Cow, it's still not EVER Drew's fault, he's still <The QB Who Must Not Be Slandered>. and I still think his favorite food is hamburger pat-pat-patties.


Yes, yes, yes. We are so very proud of you. You will someday be our leader. Unless we're out of the playoffs. Then we all run like hell to the Red Sox game.


I'll just keep it in for awhile. smile.gif


No, no, no. You must let it out. You must continue to spend your time repeating everything over and over. If you keep it in, then you will be silent. And if you are silent, no one will know you're missing when we start losing.


Don't listen to any of them, dear leader. Tell us again what you would do if you were Tom Donahoe. And start with..."Once upon a time, while I was blinded from the glare of my two Super Bowl trophies..."

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If I ran the Bills (and I'm on record about this), I certainly wouldn't have re-signed him to a new contract.  I would have released him - with NO accelerated signing bonus to be accountable for - and would have instead tried to sign a veteran caretaker (Blake, Volek, O'Donnell) for a year until J.P. (Just Play!) Losman is ready.  Another year with Drew at the helm is another year lost (with a potentially great D and good running game to boot.)


You know what?  When you're right, you're right.  And you're right about my droning on about Drew.  I'm just truly baffled as to why people take criticism about him so personally, and why they *won't* allow negative things to be said about him.  The only word I can come up with is 'baffling'.  And it's not just WNY, there are still pockets of that here in Boston.  Unbelievable.


I can't promise that I'll succeed, but I'll do my best to curtail the same 'ol same 'ol Drew Posts.  For the record, he's still a Cerebral Statue, he's still the benefactor of the DB Excuse Generator, he still a Sacred Cow, it's still not EVER Drew's fault,  he's still <The QB Who Must Not Be Slandered>. and I still think his favorite food is hamburger pat-pat-patties.


I'll just keep it in for awhile.  :rolleyes:



Name one poster here or one post even that says that Drew is nimble and mobile, or doesn't think that he is a "cerebral statue". Name one post or poster here that thinks that Drew is not without fault. Name one post or poster here that thinks that Drew must start and be the Bills quarterback for the rest of his contract no matter how well he plays or who is behind him. Name one post or poster here that says that Drew should not or never be criticized. Name one post or poster that thinks Drew was very good last year, and the rest of the team was the one that made all the mistakes.

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So, in sum, call me crazy, by I am optomistic by what I have seen from Drew and the offense.


I don't think you're crazy at all. I feel very good about our QBs. Bledsoe looks very good, and Losman is way ahead of where I think anyone could have expected him to be at this point. I've been surprised that I have't seen any real rookie mistakes out of him.


If we see another two ps games with this level of play from our QBs, I'll feel like we're hitting the regular season with this position in great shape.

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Name one poster here or one post even that says that Drew is nimble and mobile, or doesn't think that he is a "cerebral statue". Name one post or poster here that thinks that Drew is not without fault. Name one post or poster here that thinks that Drew must start and be the Bills quarterback for the rest of his contract no matter how well he plays or who is behind him. Name one post or poster here that says that Drew should not or never be criticized. Name one post or poster that thinks Drew was very good last year, and the rest of the team was the one that made all the mistakes.



Drew is nimble, mobile, and is not a "cerebral statue". Drew is without fault. Drew must start and be the Bills quarterback for the rest of his contract no matter how well he plays or who is behind him. Drew should not ever be criticized. Drew was very good last year, and the rest of the team made all the mistakes. :D


Sorry that "name one post or poster here" was tough to read so many times. :rolleyes:

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Drew may stink it up, or he won't. Regardless, there will be "I told you so's" from whichever way things go. Personally, I hope Drew does great. I rather hear all those "told you so" comments.


This board (and every other Bills board) is full of wannabe coaches and armchair quarterbacks. Let Sam Wyche do his job, and things will fall where they may.


This reminds me of that Allen Iverson interview where he says "We're talking 'bout practice. Practice?!? We're sittin' heretalkin' about practice." Well folks, we're sitting here talking about preseason. Preseason?!? Gimme a break. I like the way this football team looks a lot more than last season. I, for one, am excitied to get things started.


And about Matthews, I hope someone doesn't critique his writing/career, because I can think of a whole lotta adjectives to describe it, and none of them are nice. I'm just glad I don't live in Rochester anymore. I don't have to hear him on the radio now.

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Guest Guest_dan_*

What I like about this whole scenario is how easily everyone forgets or neglects the reality of the situation.


We have so many new, uncertainties on this team - from the head coach on down. How can everything be Drew's fault? The season all comes down to him - not teh new, unproven coaches; not the rookie running back with a bum knee; not the unproven back up QB's that will almost certainly get playing time; not the Tight Ends - oh wait, I'm sorry do we have TE's?; not the special teams squad; not the line that still looks like Dolly Parton's patchowrk coat of many colors; not the defensive backs that are inconsistent. Nope, the entire team is a perfectly seasoned, well-oiled machine. And we're stuck with the one problem called Drew.


My point is this: Drew may or may not suck this year, the whole team may or may not suck this year; but with so much change and so much of it unproven talent - how can we realistically expect to know where this team is right now? We can't. We have to wait and see. That's right exercise a little patience. God Forbid! Imagine taking an open minded, un biased view of things and let the players screw up in the regular season before we ride them out of town. Now there's a concept. My guess is that by mid season, we're either going to be in middle of it all or we'll have any one of a dozen reasons to B word about for the sorrowful year. But let's wait until then before we crucify people.


Criticism is one thing, but saying someone made 1 bad pass in a preseason game and therefore should be benched is not really a rational thought now is it. And I'm not making excuses for Drew. I'm merely saying why don't we wait and see if Wyche et al. can turn him around before we start the fever to roll him. I personally, have seen progress. Will is carry over into the regular season? I don't know, but I'm willing to wait and see before I take one side or the other.

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If I ran the Bills (and I'm on record about this), I certainly wouldn't have re-signed him to a new contract.  I would have released him - with NO accelerated signing bonus to be accountable for - and would have instead tried to sign a veteran caretaker (Blake, Volek, O'Donnell) for a year until J.P. (Just Play!) Losman is ready.  Another year with Drew at the helm is another year lost (with a potentially great D and good running game to boot.)


You know what?  When you're right, you're right.  And you're right about my droning on about Drew.  I'm just truly baffled as to why people take criticism about him so personally, and why they *won't* allow negative things to be said about him.  The only word I can come up with is 'baffling'.  And it's not just WNY, there are still pockets of that here in Boston.  Unbelievable.


I can't promise that I'll succeed, but I'll do my best to curtail the same 'ol same 'ol Drew Posts.  For the record, he's still a Cerebral Statue, he's still the benefactor of the DB Excuse Generator, he still a Sacred Cow, it's still not EVER Drew's fault,  he's still <The QB Who Must Not Be Slandered>. and I still think his favorite food is hamburger pat-pat-patties.


I'll just keep it in for awhile.  :D


Good move for now. ;)


I have also reigned in any negative blasts on DB for now,

but Week 1 can't come soon enough. :w00t:


GO DREW!!! :(

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I don't think you're crazy at all.  I feel very good about our QBs.  Bledsoe looks very good, and Losman is way ahead of where I think anyone could have expected him to be at this point.  I've been surprised that I have't seen any real rookie mistakes out of him. 


If we see another two ps games with this level of play from our QBs, I'll feel like we're hitting the regular season with this position in great shape.




Thank you for the validation - I was about to go see a shrink! :devil:

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