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GAH! Bob Matthews Of The D&C

Mark VI

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I've taken many a shot at #11. I realize the pass to Henry , which resulted in his rib bruise, was slightly behind him. Bledsoe made a good play to avoid the rush, roll to his right and make a play. Those things happen in football. Henry will rest and be back in a week. Matthews turns it into something else. Good grief...


After reading a lifetimes worth of media drivel over the last week, I wonder if we'll ever see a return to responsible journalism. The frenzy over the supposed Willis-Travis " controversy " is such an invented farce. An agent plants a story with a 2 bit internet board and the National press jumps on it like flies on manure. The press won't stop asking the same questions to these 2 players, trying to bait one of them into slipping. (so they can twist it into something else). We all know one of the RB's will be moved next year. Still doesn't stop people like Jerry Sullivan from writing a terrible column. :rolleyes:


Journalists must feel the overwhelming pressure to compete. They no longer wish to report the story but to BE the story, with splashy headlines that would make Rupurt Murdoch proud. There's fine line between opinion and campaigning. Todays journalist crosses that line every day, without any care for accuracy. Naturally, the Lemmings respond to this without considering it may all be a bunch of nonsense.


Maybe if I close my eyes, I'll see the old Buffalo Courier Express with Mike Kanaley and Phil Ranallo writing responsible,intelligent, quality articles.


God, I can't wait for the regular season to start. This National Enquirer filler crap is so insulting.

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got to admit... Bledsoe has been in the red zone 5 times in two games. We've got 9 points to show for it... zero tds.


I do disagree Matthews argument that Travis Brown isn't much better. I think Brown is very capable of Driving this machine... and better than Drew... All the QB has to remember is to give the damn ball to Travis... and so what if we don't always get a first down... punt the damn ball and let the defense go to work.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

We had a guy who gave the ball to Travis and let the defense win the games... his name was Doug Flutie. You HAVE to have a legitimate passing game, come ON! I'd MUCH rather have a mobile guy out there who throws a pick or two in a game rather than a statue who gets sacked a lot, and throws a pick a game. I HOPE DB returns to form, or he's riding pine. *SIGH*


At least TB and JPL have ARMS with their mobility. Therein lies the difference!


GO BILLS! :rolleyes: hehe

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I thought Matthews' article was reasonable. He said:


"Bledsoe's lack of escapability could be somewhat negated if he had a nice touch on quick short passes, but he has yet to display that skill."


"We know Bledsoe is tough and can take a hit. We know he's a stand-up guy who accepts more than his share of the blame when the offense fizzles. We know he has a strong arm on the rare occasions when he has enough time to find a receiver and throw deep. Those are his major assets.


We know his biggest weakness, too — lack of mobility."


He also advocates Drew starting this year:


"If the 2004 Bills are going to make the playoffs, Bledsoe figures to be the QB taking them there. I'd give him eight more games to prove he has enough left to get the job done. If the Bills are 3-5 or worse at midseason and are spinning their wheels, it would be time for Losman to get on-the-job training for 2005."


I think this is a good analysis IMO.

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We had a guy who gave the ball to Travis and let the defense win the games... his name was Doug Flutie.



Umm. You were speaking rhetorically there, correct? Since Flutie signed with San Diego a month before Henry was drafted in 2001.....

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On short passes he has yet to display that skill? Actually, during this pre-season he has shown touch on short passes better than he ever has, as far as I have been watching. Far better (which isn't saying much because he didnt show much touch before). The one pass to Travis was behind him. His swing passes to Travis have had nice touch and hit him in stride. As have the ones to the fullback Shelton. He has thrown screens and quick outs better than before. I think the pass to Travis was the only short pass that wasnt right on the money in the two brief games, and it was still a catchable ball, and it was while Drew was running and chased.

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I've taken many a shot at #11. I realize the pass to Henry , which resulted in his rib bruise, was slightly behind him. Bledsoe made a good play to avoid the rush, roll to his right and make a play. Those things happen in football. Henry will rest and be back in a week. Matthews turns it into something else. Good grief...


After reading a lifetimes worth of media drivel over the last week, I wonder if we'll ever see a return to responsible journalism. The frenzy over the supposed Willis-Travis " controversy " is such an invented farce. An agent plants a story with a 2 bit internet board and the National press jumps on it like flies on manure. The press won't stop asking the same questions to these 2 players, trying to bait one  of them into slipping. (so they can twist it into something else). We all know one of the RB's will be moved next year. Still doesn't stop people like Jerry Sullivan from writing a terrible column.  :rolleyes:


Journalists must feel the overwhelming pressure to compete. They no longer wish to report the story but to BE the story, with splashy headlines that would make Rupurt Murdoch proud. There's fine line between opinion and campaigning. Todays journalist crosses that line every day, without any care for accuracy. Naturally, the Lemmings respond to this without considering it may all be a bunch of nonsense.


Maybe if I close my eyes, I'll see the old Buffalo Courier Express with Mike Kanaley and Phil Ranallo writing responsible,intelligent, quality articles.


God, I can't wait for the regular season to start. This National Enquirer filler crap is so insulting.



I cannot remember reading responsible journalism about the Bills, so I guess I have nothing to be nostalgic about. :D


And to those who think the article was fair:


We know his biggest weakness, too — lack of mobility. If agility tests were administered to all Bills personnel, owner Ralph Wilson Jr. might not finish last.


That was not just a cheap shot?! :D

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got to admit... Bledsoe has been in the red zone 5 times in two games.  We've got 9 points to show for it... zero tds.


I do disagree Matthews argument that Travis Brown isn't much better.  I think Brown is very capable of Driving this machine... and better than Drew... All the QB has to remember is to give the damn ball to Travis... and so what if we don't always get a first down... punt the damn ball and let the defense go to work.




You are correct.


forget all the big yardage numbers Drew may put up.


He continues his hitorical inability to execute in the red zone.


It doesn't matter how many excuses can be generated, the bottom line is the offense must score when it has its chances.


If Drew can't get it done, Travis should get his shot.

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We had a guy who gave the ball to Travis and let the defense win the games... his name was Doug Flutie.


Funny that you bring Flutie into the arguement that started about a runningback getting hurt due to a "look out" pass. Wasn't it good ole Doug who threw the screen pass that ended Thurman's career as a Bill. Great arguement.

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I dunno Mark 6, he makes a lot of good points. Bledsoe should only have about 8 or 9 games to prove he's back. If he's still stinkin' up da joint, put in JP.



Bob Matthews - " We keep waiting for quarterback Drew Bledsoe to show us signs that he still has the skills to lead a decent Buffalo Bills team to a playoff berth this season.

It didn't happen in Saturday night's 16-15 exhibition loss to the Tennessee Titans."


This is what I'm talking about. Bledsoe had decent time to throw on most plays and did well Saturday night. Matthews watched another game. Stupid penalties backed us up from scoring opportunities. Not Bledsoe failing to execute.


ME, a Bledsoe apologist ! :rolleyes: Hardly... I'm not going to stick my head in the sand when he plays well ( because it does fit my campaigning agenda ). I'll give him his props when he plays well.


We all know that if we're struggling in October, Losman is in. Travis Brown ?? He stinks.

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On short passes he has yet to display that skill? Actually, during this pre-season he has shown touch on short passes better than he ever has, as far as I have been watching. Far better (which isn't saying much because he didnt show much touch before). The one pass to Travis was behind him. His swing passes to Travis have had nice touch and hit him in stride. As have the ones to the fullback Shelton. He has thrown screens and quick outs better than before. I think the pass to Travis was the only short pass that wasnt right on the money in the two brief games, and it was still a catchable ball, and it was while Drew was running and chased.



The pass to Henry was tipped by the linebacker before it got to Henry causing the pass to be behind him. Did anybody see the play?



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you all are very ignorant don't you see? I mean it shouldn't be on bledsoe to get us in the endzone on when were in the RED.......that should be Henry, Mcgahee and shelton.......face it our WRS arent endzone caliber..........we need Riemermsa whatever his name back from the steelers for that crap

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Do you people even realize what you're saying? This was the SECOND pre-season game! They don't script plays and they work on different things. Don't chastise Bledsoe because of his only getting 9 points from the red zone. The entire offense has to execute, not just Drew. Drew could end up the Superbowl MVP this year and some of you would still be calling for his head. It's rediculous. :rolleyes:

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Umm. You were speaking rhetorically there, correct? Since Flutie signed with San Diego a month before Henry was drafted in 2001.....



Nope, Flutie was just that magical -- he could hand off to backs on college rosters and they would score touchdowns for the Bills. I predict we will sign him at age 65 and he will lead us to victory in Super Bowl LXV. He will throw so many passes into linemen's backs that they won't even see it coming when a fluke touchdown pass comes.



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This is what I'm talking about. Bledsoe had decent time to throw on most plays and did well Saturday night. Matthews watched another game. Stupid penalties backed us up from scoring opportunities. Not Bledsoe failing to execute.




Along the same line -- when the Titans broadcast team took over in the 2nd half they were horrible. At one point saying that the Titans D had done a great job because the Bills didn't get in the endzone after a turnover. The drive summary was 4 plays for -5 yards. What they didn't point out was that we had 2 holding penalties on that drive. We actually picked up about 17 yards on a run by SWilliams only to be negated by a hold. You say the run went that far because of the hold? Well, what about the flagrant facemask as Shaud went through the hole? The officials missed that one (not any other minor facemasks that were flagged for 15 though). True final stats from that possession, 4 plays (one a kick) for 15 yards. Sounds like a dominating D to me. The officials were especially tight on Saturday. That was the problem.

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The pass to Henry was tipped by the linebacker before it got to Henry causing the pass to be behind him. Did anybody see the play?


Yes, the pass was tipped which caused it to come in a little behind Henry. However, if it hadn't been tipped it looked like Drew was leading him right into Woolfolk who had him lined up for a killshot. I'm not ripping Drew here, I'm just saying if the ball hadn't been tipped it might have ended up worse than some sore ribs.


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