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Kerry exposed again.....

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Boston Globe



We would like to say thank you to the kind folks at the Boston Globe (kerrys home town newspaper) for doing a fine job of investigative journalisim. It appears that johnny boy has an offshore business dealing of his own.


Oh NO, this can't be...johnny is fighting for all of us little folks against those evil doers who would hide thier profits offshore, and sneak around like a weasel in the night.


Hmm isn't johnny boy the one who speaks so harshly about those companies and individuals who go abroad to hide and keep from paying taxes on those huge profits? Well maybe thats how he and his wife ended up paying such a small amount of taxes last year on thier 6.8 million dollar combined income.


Shamelss, is what this guy is.


He lied......


he played on our fears..... ( OK well that last line may have been ove rthe top, but you should get my point) :doh:

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Boston Globe

We would like to say thank you to the kind folks at the Boston Globe (kerrys home town newspaper) for doing a fine job of investigative journalisim. It appears that johnny boy has an offshore business dealing of his own.


Oh NO, this can't be...johnny is fighting for all of us little folks against those evil doers who would hide thier profits offshore, and sneak around like a weasel in the night.


Hmm isn't johnny boy the one who speaks so harshly about those companies and individuals who go abroad to hide and keep from paying taxes on those huge profits? Well maybe thats how he and his wife ended up paying such a small amount of taxes last year on thier 6.8 million dollar combined income.


Shamelss, is what this guy is.


He lied......


he played on our fears..... ( OK well that last line may have been ove rthe top, but you should get my point) :doh:


You mean this guy invested in offshore businesses more than two decades before it became a problem?!!! OMG! Wasn't that the time that GWB was investing in foreign companies, too? Like the Medellin Cartel Corporation of Columbia?

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Rich, this just strengthens the case for Kerry:


- you need to have been a lawyer before you were against them to be capable of properly reforming tort laws

- you need to have been for the war before you were against it to be capable of winning the war (based on your opponents strategy)

- you need to have been for funding the troops before you were against it in order to credibly ask for more funding

- you need to have voted against going to war with an alliance before you were for it to be capable of leading new alliances


and now...


- you need to have participated in offshoring before you were against it to be capable of closing the loopholes.


Of course, Kerry has only had one consistent position on all of these issues.


Oops, I almost forgot -- he has a plan. :doh:

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It was in 1983.




Well maybe he should have just told the truth, and said that he made mistakes.....you know the same thing that you libs are screaming for.


My point is, he is at it again, when it comes to say one thing.....do another. Of course this is typical liberal stuff.....we should know that the rules do not actually apply to them...they are just there so the liberals elites can keep us littler folks in line.

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Rich, this just strengthens the case for Kerry:


- you need to have been a lawyer before you were against them to be capable of properly reforming tort laws

- you need to have been for the war before you were against it to be capable of winning the war (based on your opponents strategy)

- you need to have been for funding the troops before you were against it in order to credibly ask for more funding

- you need to have voted against going to war with an alliance before you were for it to be capable of leading new alliances


and now...


- you need to have participated in offshoring before you were against it to be capable of closing the loopholes.


Of course, Kerry has only had one consistent position on all of these issues. 


Oops, I almost forgot -- he has a plan. :doh:



I wonder how many of those loop holes kerry and edwards were in on writing into law. After all they do not just fall out of the sky....some politicians write them. And then they B word and complain and campiagn against them. Nice system huh?

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I wonder how many of those loop holes kerry and edwards were in on writing into law. After all they do not just fall out of the sky....some politicians write them. And then they B word and complain and campiagn against them. Nice system huh?


Must of been part of "the plan".

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Well maybe he should have just told the truth, and said that he made mistakes.....you know the same thing that you libs are screaming for.


My point is, he is at it again, when it comes to say one thing.....do another. Of course this is typical liberal stuff.....we should know that the rules do not actually apply to them...they are just there so the liberals elites can keep us littler folks in line.


Richio, seriously, do you want to pull the trigger yourself and shoot these undecided voters, or is that something that you would like the Good ol' United States of America's army to do under George Bush's order? Or are you just saying they SHOULD be shot and not really willing to practice what you preach. And should they be shot with the intention to kill or just maim or wound. I mean, really, if you're going to shoot them for something they so deserve to be shot for, like being an undecided voter, at least you could kill them, wouldn't you think? Do the country a service?

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Well maybe he should have just told the truth, and said that he made mistakes.....you know the same thing that you libs are screaming for.


My point is, he is at it again, when it comes to say one thing.....do another. Of course this is typical liberal stuff.....we should know that the rules do not actually apply to them...they are just there so the liberals elites can keep us littler folks in line.


Here's news: Both sides of the aisle do this very thing. There are plenty of skeletons in YOUR party and your blind support and inability to look objectively at the Republicans is NO different than the liberals you dislike so much.


The fact of the matter is our government is too big and too powerful. The current administration has increased its size and scope exponentially. Regardless of which of these idiots is elected in November, that trend will continue.

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Guess what just happened!


President Reagan dubbed the Soviet Union the Evil Empire and proposed a revolutionary new anti-missile defense system...the strategic defense initiative, nicknamed 'Star Wars'


Israel and Lebanon signed a peace treaty, yet civil war in Lebanon continues


Australia won the America's Cup after 132 years of unbroken American victory


M*A*S*H ended after 251 episodes


A bomb planted by Shi'ite Muslims destroyed the U.S embassy in Beirut (I guess some things never change)



I'd give some links, but there wasn't a lot of news to be found on the internet in 1983

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Here's news:  Both sides of the aisle do this very thing.  There are plenty of skeletons in YOUR party and your blind support and inability to look objectively at the Republicans is NO different than the liberals you dislike so much.


The fact of the matter is our government is too big and too powerful.  The current administration has increased its size and scope exponentially.  Regardless of which of these idiots is elected in November, that trend will continue.



Yea nice response there AD. Spoken like a true elitist who thinks that they are superior to everyone else. Who in the Hell are you to judge me you horse's ass? You do nothing more then sit around all day looking for people to make these stupid statements to. Simply because you cannot compete with me intellectually, you have to resort to insults, slander, and pure ignorant rants.

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Mr. Pot meet Mr. Kettle



Derwood, you are pathetic. You have to create a new alias to respond to me? Couldn't you get your butt buddy tommy to help defend you? It's ok Derwood, everybody knows you can't compete with me intellectually. Admit it and you'll feel better.


Have a nice day.

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Yea nice response there AD. Spoken like a true elitist who thinks that they are superior to everyone else.  Who in the Hell are you to judge me you horse's ass? You do nothing more then sit around all day looking for people to make these stupid statements to.  Simply because you cannot compete with me intellectually, you have to resort to insults, slander, and pure ignorant rants.


Damn, pal, calm down. You are not as smart as you think you are.

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Here's news:  Both sides of the aisle do this very thing.  There are plenty of skeletons in YOUR party and your blind support and inability to look objectively at the Republicans is NO different than the liberals you dislike so much.


The fact of the matter is our government is too big and too powerful.  The current administration has increased its size and scope exponentially.  Regardless of which of these idiots is elected in November, that trend will continue.



Smack, smack , smack, Ole Richio tell me how pure those compassionate conservatives are.

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you can't compete with me intellectually.  Admit it and you'll feel better.


Have a nice day.


Right no one can compete with you except for GWB. Both of you are at about the same intellect level which for most here they would have to lower their intellect at least 1/2 to be at your level.

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Derwood, you are pathetic.  You have to create a new alias to respond to me?  Couldn't you get your butt buddy tommy to help defend you?  It's ok Derwood, everybody knows you can't compete with me intellectually.  Admit it and you'll feel better.


Have a nice day.



Um, I'm new to this board and honestly don't know any of your sparing partners. Still, after just several days of reading, I know a right wing wacko Dittohead when I see one. Seems to be a board of extremes with very little moderate positions. You and that Blzrl (sp) poster should have a duel like Burr and Hamilton. If both hit the mark, the winner would be everyone else. The bombastic drivel you two post is less than impressive. Can't say I blame some posters for ripping into your positions. Rational discussion is not part of your vocabulary. I think both political parties are brutal thieves and the giant flushing sound is this country going down with them. I look for insight and an exchange of ideas. Unfortunately, I wind up reading this crap that a high school sophmore could cut and paste.


I find it humorous that you accuse others of being unable to compete with you intellectually. Then you call other posters "butt buddy" ?


Follow that dream, Rush.

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