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Thanks for doing my homework for me. I have to say this about Gore: he knows how to laugh at himself, and that's never a bad thing. He was giving an award with, I think, DeCaprio, and DeCaprio makes a comment to the effect that "if you have a major announcement to make, here's a good time to do it." Gore pulls out a piece of paper and says "Well, I wasn't going to do this here, but..." and as soon as he said "but" the orchestra started playing their "cut to commercial" music. It was pretty comical.



Actually, Al did the homework. After all, he invented the Internet.




That right there, makes him the funniest person on this dieing planet. :lol:

Look up where his money comes from. His house is a pitance compared to his OIL WEALTH from Occidental PETROLEUM. Al Gore is the ultimate hypocrite - but the partisans will continue to lap up his drool as if it came from a deity.


But Al hasn't gotten any dividends from his family's Tennessee zinc mining holdings for a couple of years now. Doesn't that count?

Thanks for doing my homework for me. I have to say this about Gore: he knows how to laugh at himself, and that's never a bad thing. He was giving an award with, I think, DeCaprio, and DeCaprio makes a comment to the effect that "if you have a major announcement to make, here's a good time to do it." Gore pulls out a piece of paper and says "Well, I wasn't going to do this here, but..." and as soon as he said "but" the orchestra started playing their "cut to commercial" music. It was pretty comical.


That was a high point of a pretty lame show. You do not have to like or hate Gore to appreciate humor.


DeCaprio was really giving him a BJ though. He is a gullible kid.

Actually, Al did the homework. After all, he invented the Internet.

That right there, makes him the funniest person on this dieing planet. :lol:

If you think about all the computers, servers, monitors, switches, routers, etc that make up the intarweb and how much electricity they're consuming one could argue Global Warming is partially Al Gore's fault



Mr. "Greenhouse" seems to speak with forked tongue. Sure he purchases green blocks and 1 of his cars is a hybrid. 10,000 square feet for two people does sound a little ostentatious. I'm sure his private jet is a hybrid though, you know gas/electric.

And the Lexus SUV hybrid gets awful mileage.


But if you want to look for hypocrites, look no further than the new house John the Populist built.


Actually there is a long history of Tennesseeans turning on their own. Davy Crockett got booted out of congress (in part because of his dispute with President Jackson, another Tennesseean, over treatment of the Cherokee). When asked what he wanted to tell the Tennessee voters after his loss he said..."tell them to go to hell...I'm going to Texas." We all know how his going to Texas turned out.

If you think about all the computers, servers, monitors, switches, routers, etc that make up the intarweb and how much electricity they're consuming one could argue Global Warming is partially Al Gore's fault


A little known secret, no doubt. It's not the juice that's needed in running the stuff, it's the juice needed to run multiple AC systems to cool the mountains of heated silicon.


An Oscar for that documentary? They filmed a slide show. I think film school students could have handled that pretty well.


Regardless of the message, it did not deserve the Oscar as a film, but the Academy wanted to give Bush the finger.

Regardless of the message, it did not deserve the Oscar as a film....


Can I have an AMEN, brothers, sisters and children!!

Giving Bush the finger is one of the best reasons I've ever heard for giving an Oscar! :thumbsup::unsure::P


Shouldn't this go in the Whiners thread? Everybody now! "I am special, I am specail, look at me!"

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