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sorry if it's just that i'm stupid, but I can;t figger out if what sketch is sayin. I can get everyone else;s position - keep the tix, or dump the bills. but sketch is being a little too ambiguous for me.


Now myself, I'd say, "if you don't pony up the money, you can't ride the horse". This years horse might not be a sure thing, but it should be a good ride. And it's the only ride you gonna get. Unless you think you would rather pay double for Cleveland tix. Yeah that could be a good thing. Cleveland tix. Or Jet tix, or Giant tix, or Bungle Tix. Or UB Bulls tix!!


I'm saying that this thread is piss and all those who don't decry it on general diehard Bills fan principle need to find a new board to post on so that I don't get any of their fairweather fan cooties by IP osmosis. The Chicken Little Crackhead Syndrome is highly contagious these days and even the strongest of us must use valuable diehard Bills fan antibodies to make sure this insidious disease doesn't eat away at our internal diehard fan core against our own wishes.

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Expect 8 and 8 becasue you will never get much more than that out of this sad sack group of leaders.


You're exactly the type of fan our franchise DOESN'T need.


Why don't you join the Patriots bandwagon? Goodness knows there franchise is all about free spending and flashy stars to win championships.....oh wait....

I'm saying that this thread is piss and all those who don't decry it on general diehard Bills fan principle need to find a new board to post on so that I don't get any of their fairweather fan cooties by IP osmosis. The Chicken Little Crackhead Syndrome is highly contagious these days and even the strongest of us must use valuable diehard Bills fan antibodies to make sure this insidious disease doesn't eat away at our internal diehard fan core against our own wishes.


I just shed a tear. That was beautiful man. For all of you doubters dont come back when were in the playoffs. I dont want to here I have been a Bills fan forever but I am sick fo the team and theyre management. Boo fiukcin hoooo, some of you sound like Dolphin fans just a lil more pathetic. If you dont want o buy tix I respect that, just dont give your assannine reasons why. If I was still up north you bet your ass I would be a season ticket holder.

Living in Charlotte and Raleigh all my life, I've only seen five Bills games in person my entire life. I've been rooting for this team since 1985 and I was seven years old.


It kills me when I see posts like this. You don't know how good you've got it. I'd have season tickets and renew even if they went 0-16 and hired a monkey to be GM. Hopefully someone who appreciates the team and the its place in the city will take your tickets.


right on brother! if i wasn't stuck in Minneapolis i'd definitely be there every week no matter what!


I dont think anyone here is saying they are no longer going to be Bills fans, nor do they deserve to be told to go be a fan of another team. They are simply frustrated by what they see as a poor attempt by the Bills management to turn things around. Frustrated as well by hearing year after year that this will be a rebuilding year. Frustrated as well that its been 12 year since weve been to the bowl. And frustrted as many were after what appeared to be a disheartenig cash to cap presser. Not to mention all the talk of the bills moving somewhere. These are very hard and trying times for us fellow Bills fans.




If someone does not want to renew their season tickets, thats there perogative. I can somewhat see his point. Ralph needs to show us he is willing to spend some of his money to help this team succeed. You would think he would do everything in his power to make us contenders and try to leave a winning legacy and maybe even see possibly a superbowl in the years he has left. I have been a diehard Bills fan since the early 80s when I was a young lad, and will always be even if they do move. I just think its time to generate some excitement again. Sign a few good guys , break the bank. REsign fletch and clements if possible. Do what it takes to make a good team, then watch the team sell out its home games. The time for ralph and his Bills fans is now.

Fair weather?..Relax,All I want is a competitive team here, fans have to take off their rose colored glasses thats all.If it makes you fell any better "WERE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL" this year! yehaww!..There are you done whinning now.


picking up a stray wireless signal fro under the overpass? Or did you find a new box to live in after you "bet the house" on indy -7 over buffalo.


Also, i thought you were too busy golfing on sunday afternoons to waste your time with this team?

So let me get this straight:


You come onto THIS BOARD and tell us that we have to "take off the rose colored glasses"? After the Bills haven't made this playoffs in THIS CENTURY? After every second post here is either constructively or kneejerk-like critical about some aspect of the Bills/Organization/Player performance/marketing/cash to the cap/moving to [insert City here]?



.........Ummm...ah...whatever you say ..I think?
That would be a valid point if it wasn't complete bullcrap. Developed Reed - kept him. Developed Peters - kept him. Developed Crowell - kept him. Got a good kicker in Lindell - keeping him. Got a great Punter in Moorman - keeping him. Develop Kelsay - keeping him.


If you call last year's improvement spinning wheels, well, I guess I don't know what to say.


Edit - Oh yeah - and how could I forget Schoebel? Yeah, we developed him and signed him as well.

seven players in thirteen years...Sorry,my glasses say "not good"

I'm a lifelong fan and will always love the Bills but I'm choosing to not give them my money this season. Here's why:


I write all this in hopes that I am wrong and that all of these "approaches" work out and prove me to be the dumbest poster ever on TBD, I will renew tickets once I feel that this organization is going in the right direction.


Above are the first and last sentences from my original post. When I typed my thoughts at 530 this morning I was under the weather and failed to perceive the response that this post would create. I thought that the two sentences quoted would indicate to people that I love this team and absolutely hope to be proven wrong by this franchise and my sense of it's direction. If I am proven wrong it will be my regret/mistake because I certainly would love to have great seats to watch a solid contender.


My point simply put is that I as a middle class season ticket holder (which when all expenses are added up equals 2-3k per year) am not comfortable with giving this franchise my money for several reasons. I will not re-state them as you can see the original post. I'm not leaving this team as a fan, I'm leaving this team as a financial contributor. Calling me a "weathervane" as someone creatively put or a "fair weather fan" just doesn't fit the bill. I've been with this team through thick and thin and if I was either of these terms (which did give me an honest laugh, not mean or sarcastic either) I would have jumped off the "bandwagon" or dumped this team over 10 years ago.


My point in posting this here was not to make a statement to Ralph or Marv, both have better things to do and honestly probably wouldn't care much to here the opinions of a poster who has a monkey as his avatar. I'm not going to write some chain letter to the franchise or attempt some stupid boycott, I posted the original statement because I happen to believe that there are many intelligent people who reside at TBD, I wanted some thoughts, not necessarily vindication or confrontation, just some thoughts.


If I have offended anyone I honestly apologize.


Now just a TV fan,



Go Bills!

seven players in thirteen years...Sorry,my glasses say "not good"

how much money MUST ralph SPEND to make YOU happy ??????????????????????????????????????

put us in cap hell down road . that would be good :lol:

seven players in thirteen years...Sorry,my glasses say "not good"


My list was clearly off the top of my head, and not 13 years worth of players resigned. I think it would be useless for me to go back and find all of them to disprove your opinion, which is obviously completely based on stupidity. If you are so intent on "proving" that we don't resign players, why don't you go and prove it? Maybe because you can't?


From the point of view of someone who is lucky to see a Bills game on TV from time to time (no shortage of Patsies games on here) I cannot express this any more clearly: If you are a Bills fan and can go to the games/be a season ticket holder you are truly fortunate. I travel to Europe a lot during football season and it's even worse. Try getting game updates on a dialup connection in Bad Nowherestadt, Germany. I've been a fan of this team when things really sucked (anyone remember 84-85?). I still managed to get to a few games and was delighted. I live too far away to go to games now, but still hold out hope to go back again some day. I'm on this bus and wouldn't get off even if I could. Go to the games if you can.

Above are the first and last sentences from my original post. When I typed my thoughts at 530 this morning I was under the weather and failed to perceive the response that this post would create. I thought that the two sentences quoted would indicate to people that I love this team and absolutely hope to be proven wrong by this franchise and my sense of it's direction. If I am proven wrong it will be my regret/mistake because I certainly would love to have great seats to watch a solid contender.


My point simply put is that I as a middle class season ticket holder (which when all expenses are added up equals 2-3k per year) am not comfortable with giving this franchise my money for several reasons. I will not re-state them as you can see the original post. I'm not leaving this team as a fan, I'm leaving this team as a financial contributor. Calling me a "weathervane" as someone creatively put or a "fair weather fan" just doesn't fit the bill. I've been with this team through thick and thin and if I was either of these terms (which did give me an honest laugh, not mean or sarcastic either) I would have jumped off the "bandwagon" or dumped this team over 10 years ago.


My point in posting this here was not to make a statement to Ralph or Marv, both have better things to do and honestly probably wouldn't care much to here the opinions of a poster who has a monkey as his avatar. I'm not going to write some chain letter to the franchise or attempt some stupid boycott, I posted the original statement because I happen to believe that there are many intelligent people who reside at TBD, I wanted some thoughts, not necessarily vindication or confrontation, just some thoughts.


If I have offended anyone I honestly apologize.


Now just a TV fan,



Go Bills!



Nice try!!

It's going to be an uphill battle for you fella.




While I agree that it is somewhat unnecessary to announce this decision on a message board, some of your reactions are hilarious. So the guy doesn't want to spend a few grand each year going to games...some you act like he just banged and dumped your sister. What do you care if he's not taking up a seat at the Ralph next fall? And as if the 70,000 people that fill the stadium each Sunday represent the end-all of Buffalo Bills fans.

picking up a stray wireless signal fro under the overpass? Or did you find a new box to live in after you "bet the house" on indy -7 over buffalo.


Also, i thought you were too busy golfing on sunday afternoons to waste your time with this team?

I upgraded from a box to a mustang in the back of a junk yard,my friend.They say it has heat but theirs no keys to start it.............I saved $230 on direct TV,lowered my golf score considerably and saved a few gray chest hairs by not watching the Bills last year.If I watch or not they still lose to the Titins at home,which to me was the biggest disappointment of the year.Those are the games you have to win if your any good.....besides I tell people that I already know when the Bills are going to win the Superbowl............




The year after I die!.....FORE!!



While I agree that it is somewhat unnecessary to announce this decision on a message board, some of your reactions are hilarious. So the guy doesn't want to spend a few grand each year going to games...some you act like he just banged and dumped your sister. What do you care if he's not taking up a seat at the Ralph next fall? And as if the 70,000 people that fill the stadium each Sunday represent the end-all of Buffalo Bills fans.


I upgraded from a box to a mustang in the back of a junk yard,my friend.They say it has heat but theirs no keys to start it.............I saved $230 on direct TV,lowered my golf score considerably and saved a few gray chest hairs by not watching the Bills last year.If I watch or not they still lose to the Titins at home,which to me was the biggest disappointment of the year.Those are the games you have to win if your any good.....besides I tell people that I already know when the Bills are going to win the Superbowl............

The year after I die!.....FORE!! (2008 ??? ) :thumbsup:

So lets get this straight , YOU do not like Bills football .

Above are the first and last sentences from my original post. When I typed my thoughts at 530 this morning I was under the weather and failed to perceive the response that this post would create. I thought that the two sentences quoted would indicate to people that I love this team and absolutely hope to be proven wrong by this franchise and my sense of it's direction. If I am proven wrong it will be my regret/mistake because I certainly would love to have great seats to watch a solid contender.


My point simply put is that I as a middle class season ticket holder (which when all expenses are added up equals 2-3k per year) am not comfortable with giving this franchise my money for several reasons. I will not re-state them as you can see the original post. I'm not leaving this team as a fan, I'm leaving this team as a financial contributor. Calling me a "weathervane" as someone creatively put or a "fair weather fan" just doesn't fit the bill. I've been with this team through thick and thin and if I was either of these terms (which did give me an honest laugh, not mean or sarcastic either) I would have jumped off the "bandwagon" or dumped this team over 10 years ago.


My point in posting this here was not to make a statement to Ralph or Marv, both have better things to do and honestly probably wouldn't care much to here the opinions of a poster who has a monkey as his avatar. I'm not going to write some chain letter to the franchise or attempt some stupid boycott, I posted the original statement because I happen to believe that there are many intelligent people who reside at TBD, I wanted some thoughts, not necessarily vindication or confrontation, just some thoughts.


If I have offended anyone I honestly apologize.


Now just a TV fan,



Go Bills!

I agree great try........but Its one sided in here my friend,either you worship the organization and everythings fine with the Bills "or" you worship the organization and everythings fine with the Bills....If you don`t you "offend"...................I for one completly understand.

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