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Too many people think we need clements to stay!


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in the cover-2 there is no need for total lock down corners. and supposedly thats what nate is, though i wouldnt be surprised if next year with a big new contract, he goes back to good old nate. lol. but the point is, its not necessart in the cover- 2 system for the bills to go spending a ton of money on a super corner. its not how the system works. Weve got McGee and Yuboty and possibly someone else in FA or draft. so let him go.

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I agree with the premise that we don't "need" Clements for $50 million, but I am continually baffled by many peoples' opinion here that we are okay with:


1. McGee at #1

2. Youbouty at anything


We've seen what McGee looks like when trying to cover a bona-fide #1 WR (I think he is still looking for Roy Williams) and what possible inkling has Ashton Youbouty given you that he can be even a #2? I see no reason why he can't progress into a good starting CB, but to me that would be like letting Jason Peters go because we have Brad Butler waiting in the wings.


If the Bills brass think Youboty is ready, then that is good enough for me. But there is no way anyone who does not evaluate him for a living knows nearly enough to have an informed opinion on his readiness....IMO.

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I agree with the premise that we don't "need" Clements for $50 million, but I am continually baffled by many peoples' opinion here that we are okay with:


1. McGee at #1

2. Youbouty at anything


We've seen what McGee looks like when trying to cover a bona-fide #1 WR (I think he is still looking for Roy Williams) and what possible inkling has Ashton Youbouty given you that he can be even a #2? I see no reason why he can't progress into a good starting CB, but to me that would be like letting Jason Peters go because we have Brad Butler waiting in the wings.


If the Bills brass think Youboty is ready, then that is good enough for me. But there is no way anyone who does not evaluate him for a living knows nearly enough to have an informed opinion on his readiness....IMO.

Oh i agree with you also, that we arent set with those two, especially since we know so little about yuboty. but theres no way clements is worth what its gonna take to keep him. thats all im sayin is hes gonna be gone, but its not eht end of the world. well probably get someone from FA and hell be enough to keep the secondary solid until yuboty or someone else can truely fill that #1 role clements wil almost certaily leave vacant.

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I agree with the premise that we don't "need" Clements for $50 million, but I am continually baffled by many peoples' opinion here that we are okay with:


1. McGee at #1

2. Youbouty at anything


We've seen what McGee looks like when trying to cover a bona-fide #1 WR (I think he is still looking for Roy Williams) and what possible inkling has Ashton Youbouty given you that he can be even a #2? I see no reason why he can't progress into a good starting CB, but to me that would be like letting Jason Peters go because we have Brad Butler waiting in the wings.


If the Bills brass think Youboty is ready, then that is good enough for me. But there is no way anyone who does not evaluate him for a living knows nearly enough to have an informed opinion on his readiness....IMO.


I forgot which game it was, but jauron took out mcgee for a "REST"; he was getting killed all game by the opposing QB. I don't think for a minute that they are going to give mcgee top billing, unless they feel the safteys and pass rush will give him more help in the secondary. This will be interesting how they go about this and they havn't tipped their hat publicly; seems they know what they want to do but not to let any1 else until after the FA & Draft.


Who said off season is boring.

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I forgot which game it was, but jauron took out mcgee for a "REST"; he was getting killed all game by the opposing QB. I don't think for a minute that they are going to give mcgee top billing, unless they feel the safteys and pass rush will give him more help in the secondary. This will be interesting how they go about this and they havn't tipped their hat publicly; seems they know what they want to do but not to let any1 else until after the FA & Draft.


Who said off season is boring.



I believe it was the Green Bay game he was benched.

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IMHO, McGee sucked so bad he needed to be benched not because he was overmatched by opposing WRs (Roy Williams being the exception but after it became clear McGee could not handle him they put NC on him and unfortunately our lockdown CB really could not handle him either that game) but because he did not seem to get what he should be doing in the Cover 2 at first.


In particular he was making bad reads in terms of both what the WR was gonna do and in terms what our rookie safeties were doing and made some obvious bad choices several times and they benched him to giv him time to think about what he was doing.


The good news is that he seemed to solve these problems and produce much better in the final 8 games.


He still needs to prove that his play all next season will be like that in his final 8 games, but he certainly showed he can do it and it is not irrational to think he can do it it.

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IMHO, McGee sucked so bad he needed to be benched not because he was overmatched by opposing WRs (Roy Williams being the exception but after it became clear McGee could not handle him they put NC on him and unfortunately our lockdown CB really could not handle him either that game) but because he did not seem to get what he should be doing in the Cover 2 at first.


In particular he was making bad reads in terms of both what the WR was gonna do and in terms what our rookie safeties were doing and made some obvious bad choices several times and they benched him to giv him time to think about what he was doing.


The good news is that he seemed to solve these problems and produce much better in the final 8 games.


He still needs to prove that his play all next season will be like that in his final 8 games, but he certainly showed he can do it and it is not irrational to think he can do it it.


Nobody can handle Roy Williams...so don't fret. But, I think we should sign Nate (I don't believe this bs about we don't neeand an O-lineman and that's it...if it is to be.

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