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I forgot all about the Oscars. :blink: Was Ellen even remotely funny? Any female presenters make out together? Best evening gown? Person who should not have worn an evening gown? Commercials?


Any one memorable moment ala "you like me, you really like me"?


I watched 45 minutes of it off and on. I think they give too many awards (Sound editing?). I suppose Ellen was okay but I found her walking the floor and schmoozing with the stars a little off-putting. Boils down to the fact that it didn't hold my interest enough to keep me up.

  tennesseeboy said:
I watched 45 minutes of it off and on. I think they give too many awards (Sound editing?). I suppose Ellen was okay but I found her walking the floor and schmoozing with the stars a little off-putting. Boils down to the fact that it didn't hold my interest enough to keep me up.


The most memorable moment, IMO, was when my wife turned to me at our friends house half way through the show and asked "ready to go?" I hated every goddamn second of it. Thank god my friend cooked a mean pot of chili.


I refuse to watch.


Comedians are good enough to "entertain you" by hosting, doing skits, and presenting awards, but they aren't good enough to receive one of your crappy gold naked man awards?


Most of the movies that are "Oscar worthy" are usually movies that bore me, or do not interest me


Ellen, to me, has always been likable enough, but not terribly funny. John Stewart (IMO) was the best of the most recent hosts...all in all though, who gives a sh**!

  Beerball said:
I forgot all about the Oscars. :worthy:

Fear not. Now that singlehood is behind me, I get to watch crap like this all the time and can provide the answers you seek.


  Beerball said:
Was Ellen even remotely funny?

No, but apparently that was the plan as Jon Stewart and Chris Rock were too much for the "Academy" to handle in recent years.


  Beerball said:
Any female presenters make out together?



  Beerball said:
Best evening gown? Person who should not have worn an evening gown?

Yes and Yes. And they are in the same picture. You decide which is which



  Beerball said:

Yes, lots of them.


  Beerball said:
Any one memorable moment ala "you like me, you really like me"?

Hard to say. They were still giving out flim editing awards at midnight when I fell asleep.

  KD in CT said:
Yes and Yes. And they are in the same picture. You decide which is which[/url]

Oh my goodness. I clicked through a couple of those and came across a pic of Cher. She should just give it up. Her skin has been pulled so tightly across her face that she can barely see.

  tennesseeboy said:
I watched 45 minutes of it off and on. I think they give too many awards (Sound editing?). I suppose Ellen was okay but I found her walking the floor and schmoozing with the stars a little off-putting. Boils down to the fact that it didn't hold my interest enough to keep me up.

They probably don't need to give the sound editing award on TV (not that interesting to a lot of people) but as a sound editor I would be pretty pissed if they didn't give out the award. And you would be pretty pissed if every movie you watched sounded like ass. It certainly makes a big difference.


A fun note for me was that a director I worked with last year was up there as winner of the best short-form documentary (for "The Blood Of Yingzhou District," a doc on children with AIDS in China) -- it looks very good and should be on HBO sometime soon. It's a trip when you see someone you've spent a lot of time with up there speaking to millions.


I loved the way they presented the screenplay awards with the directions being read along w/ dialogue, and the editors/cinematographers etc. speaking about their work while the scenes rolled.


I also must say, "Pan's Labyrinth" looked great, but "Children of Men" had some really incredible shots. It's absolutely worth seeing for the visuals alone.

  buftex said:
Ellen, to me, has always been likable enough, but not terribly funny. John Stewart (IMO) was the best of the most recent hosts...all in all though, who gives a sh**!


That is exactly how I feel. She is extremely likeable, but not really very funny at all. John Stewart's humor, on the other hand, is much too smart for those self-centered Hollywood types.


I took Harvey Weinsteins place in a poker group when I was in law school. I didn't meet him but everyone said he had left a lucrative promoting gig that he established doing concerts (Harvey and Corky) and was making a movie. I opined (wise person that I am) that it sounded like a crazy idea and we'd probably never hear of this guy Harvey Weinstein again...


If we give awards for sound editing...can't we give one for best legal representation in the development production and marketing of a film?

  tennesseeboy said:
I took Harvey Weinsteins place in a poker group when I was in law school. I didn't meet him but everyone said he had left a lucrative promoting gig that he established doing concerts (Harvey and Corky) and was making a movie. I opined (wise person that I am) that it sounded like a crazy idea and we'd probably never hear of this guy Harvey Weinstein again...


If we give awards for sound editing...can't we give one for best legal representation in the development production and marketing of a film?

Trust me, their financial rewards far outweigh some silly statue. Let the guys and girls who actually craft the movies have their due. Besides, it's a moment in which you don't have to complain about some movie star.


I liked Ellen. I didn't think she was hilarious or the best host ever, but I laughed at a number of things she said and did. Jerry Seinfeld was also funny with the little bit he did.


If you live on the East coast there's no point in watching the Oscars anymore.


The show is supposed to run from 8:30-11:30. I watched only a few minutes here and there. At 11:30 I decided to hit they hay and perhaps see the last award or 2 (I know they always run over a bit).


11:40 rolls around and they still haven't done any of the BIG awards (actor, actress, director or best picture). In fact, even though the show is already 10 minutes over budget, they are just starting the movie montage of all the folks who died in the past year. I'm thinking to myself, good grief, what the hell have they been doing for the past 3 hours? How can you piss away 3 hours of primetime TV and not get to the meat of the show? How can you take 20 minutes to give out the stinkin' award for sound editing and then have to rush through the main stuff because you're so late? How can you lose tons of viewers on the East coast who finally switch off the damn TV and say, "screw it - I'll hear who won tomorrow"? These must be the same brainiacs who think its OK to start a World Series game at 9PM on a school night and then wonder why today's kids aren't baseball fans like they used to be. How many kids get to stay up past midnight just to see a baseball game?

  apuszczalowski said:
I refuse to watch.


Comedians are good enough to "entertain you" by hosting, doing skits, and presenting awards, but they aren't good enough to receive one of your crappy gold naked man awards?


Most of the movies that are "Oscar worthy" are usually movies that bore me, or do not interest me

Actually, one of the highlights last night was a song about this very topic performed by Will Ferrell, Jack Black and John C. Reilly. It was pretty damn funny.


Truth be known, the Academy Awards winners are dictated by a bunch of people who are essentially no different than politicians. They get lobbied to make choices, and many times the choices are so off the mark, it's embarrassing.


"Titanic" as best movie comes to mind. Kim Bassinger winning best supporting actress in "L.A. Confidential" is another. It was a great flick, but she was in it for what? Ten minutes? Or consider "Fahrenheit 9/11," which even by the director's admission wasn't a documentary, and yet it won "Best Documentary" because the Academy wants it that way. Consider Melissa Etheridge last night singing her best song nomination from "An Inconvenient Truth" after watching Beyonce' and Jennifer Hudson perform their best song nomination from "Dream Girls" and you think to yourself, "Holy crap, it's no contest. They kicked the crap out of Etheridge's song!"


But what chance do people like Hudson and Beyonce' have against a lesbian version of Bob Seger, singing the same song she's been singing for years but with different lyrics to fit in with Al Gore's Powerpoint presentation?

  LABillzFan said:
Actually, one of the highlights last night was a song about this very topic performed by Will Ferrell, Jack Black and John C. Reilly. It was pretty damn funny.


Truth be known, the Academy Awards winners are dictated by a bunch of people who are essentially no different than politicians. They get lobbied to make choices, and many times the choices are so off the mark, it's embarrassing.


"Titanic" as best movie comes to mind. Kim Bassinger winning best supporting actress in "L.A. Confidential" is another. It was a great flick, but she was in it for what? Ten minutes? Or consider "Fahrenheit 9/11," which even by the director's admission wasn't a documentary, and yet it won "Best Documentary" because the Academy wants it that way. Consider Melissa Etheridge last night singing her best song nomination from "An Inconvenient Truth" after watching Beyonce' and Jennifer Hudson perform their best song nomination from "Dream Girls" and you think to yourself, "Holy crap, it's no contest. They kicked the crap out of Etheridge's song!"


But what chance do people like Hudson and Beyonce' have against a lesbian version of Bob Seger, singing the same song she's been singing for years but with different lyrics to fit in with Al Gore's Powerpoint presentation?


It's voyeurism at it's best/worst. That show wasn't for us, they never even spoke to the people at home. They only spoke to the crowd in the theater. None of them thanked their fans who pay their incomes, they thanked the Academy and and sucked each others you know whats. I really dislike how important they think they are in a time where there are so many other important things going on in the world. And oh, by the way, it's that way every year.


And as I mentioned if it were not for two fantastic bowls of chili and some really good wine I would have no idea what that show was about. And man, that show gave me gas.....or was that the chili??

  LABillzFan said:
But what chance do people like Hudson and Beyonce' have against a lesbian version of Bob Seger, singing the same song she's been singing for years but with different lyrics to fit in with Al Gore's Powerpoint presentation?



You had me, until this line...trust me, I loathe Melissa Etheridge as much as anyone (I think of her as the lesbian version of equally untalented Sammy Hagar), and I think Beyone is as hot as they come...however, I thought Beyonce and Hudsons' number, in true Holywood/contemporary music fashion, was overdone, noisey, and, awful...why do all of the "great singers" of today have to scream, instead of sing...and why the friggin' gospel chorus to bring everything home...at least there is no pretense that Etheridge is a great singer...

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