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Gary B. Bettman, Commissioner,

National Hockey League,

1251 Avenue of the Americas, 47th Floor

New York, NY 10020


February 24, 2007


Dear Gary,


I am deeply concerned with the standard the NHL has adopted that seems

to allow violent hits to the head.


In light of the most recent injury to our captain Chris Drury, I am

calling on you to address this issue immediately before another player

is seriously injured or worse.


In our recent game with the Ottawa Senators, an opposing player skated

half the width of the ice surface, approached Chris Drury from his blind

side, and delivered a blow to his head which dislodged his helmet,

severely lacerating the area around his eye causing a concussion. Chris

Drury did not have the puck, he was not able to see the player coming

from behind, and had relaxed his guard. The player in question was aware

his presence was undetected but chose to deliver a vicious blow, which

can only be construed as intent to injure.


Hitting is a very important part of our game. You hit to break up a

shot, you hit to disrupt a pass, you hit to battle for the puck and you

hit to gain position for a defensive or offensive play. There are many

times a player is vulnerable. And there are many times when a player can

make a hit on a vulnerable player but chooses not to for fear of

injuring an opponent for no practical advantage. It's called respect.


What we cannot allow are hits that are designed to injure and maim. The

hit delivered to Chris Drury the other night was a hit to injure. In my

view there is no other way to view that play.


As you know, we have been on the other end of hits which cause injury to

the head. Tim Connolly, our star offensive player was knocked out of the

Stanley Cup by this same team. Although I didn't like it, Tim's

situation is very different. He had the puck; he was making a play and

could have reasonably seen the approaching player. I never complained.


This situation is very different.


Your office informed our team today that the hit on Chris Drury was a

legal hit and that it fit within the standard of play acceptable to the

NHL. We do not think this should be the standard and we do not think it

helps our game or the league. There is nothing manly about hitting a

player that can't see you. There is nothing entertaining about a big man

hitting a smaller man in the head. There is nothing good to come of a

policy that allows exciting skilled players to be targets for what I

believe to be predatory play.


I strongly urge you to convene the appropriate forum to immediately

review this policy.




B. Thomas Golisano,




"Governor"? Owners are called Govenor? No wonder he bought the team after spending as much cash on two unsuccessful bids to be the gubenor of NYS.


Nice points in the letter though.

"Governor"? Owners are called Govenor? No wonder he bought the team after spending as much cash on two unsuccessful bids to be the gubenor of NYS.


Nice points in the letter though.

Better Governor than First Lady!


Eye for an eye. I would have like to see someone take out Spezza. Or just give Heatly a few drinks and some car keys.

My God...he sent that four days ago! Why is it only being posted now????




I miss something? If it was already posted & discussed, and I missed it, mods, please delete. :lol:

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