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Dogs...Stupid or tuff?..or both?


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Well...I'm cruising home at 80 Kph when my dog see's a kid on his bike (he

hates people on bikes for whatever reason) and decides to jump out the

window after him...mind you...I'm doing 80 and the vision I have have of him

rolling down the street in the rear view mirror is both hilarious and yet

I'm thinking oh sh--..my lil buddy is dead...Needless to say the lil sh-- is

alright minus a chipped tooth and some gashes and scrapes...lil !@#$er is

tuff yet dumb as ..The funny thing is the kid on the bike is in shock...I

pull over and go to my dog and he's still ready to eat this kid ...growling

and barking at him as he commenced to bleed all over me...I had to grab him

and tell the kid to get going.....still laughing in hindsite of him trying

to stop himself from rolling down the street but he just couldn't. I'm not laughing at his misfortune mind you...just glad he's no worse for wear and can laugh in hindsite.

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Yep....He checked out fine minus the cuts and scraps..No broken bones or anything...She cleaned his wounds and gave me a weeks worth of antibiotics and pain killers for him....only reason I can laugh at it. She said he's the luckiest dog she's seen. I guess dogs jump outta trucks more than people think she said.....lesson learned.

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You need to train your dog before he/she gets seriously hurt or worse, hurts some kid.
He's not a killer dog or anything...He's 1/2 kelpie and 1/2 doberman...He's usually a really friendly dog who listens well...1000 more times likley to lick you to death than bite you (he's never even come close to biting anyone)....Seriously the only time he barks is if you come in the back yard or if he's riding in the truck....you could come in my front door and he'll be your best buddy.....Really weird occurance today.
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Well...I'm cruising home at 80 Kph when my dog see's a kid on his bike (he

hates people on bikes for whatever reason) and decides to jump out the

window after him...mind you...I'm doing 80 and the vision I have have of him

rolling down the street in the rear view mirror is both hilarious and yet

I'm thinking oh sh--..my lil buddy is dead...Needless to say the lil sh-- is

alright minus a chipped tooth and some gashes and scrapes...lil !@#$er is

tuff yet dumb as ..The funny thing is the kid on the bike is in shock...I

pull over and go to my dog and he's still ready to eat this kid ...growling

and barking at him as he commenced to bleed all over me...I had to grab him

and tell the kid to get going.....still laughing in hindsite of him trying

to stop himself from rolling down the street but he just couldn't. I'm not laughing at his misfortune mind you...just glad he's no worse for wear and can laugh in hindsite.



Glad to hear your dog is ok after that!


Also, glad he didn't bite the kid etc. as that can lead to more problems.


What breed of dog is it?

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Sorry but a dog willing to jump out of a car moving at 80 MPH just to chase a kid on a bike is a bad event waiting to happen.


I agree - dobermans can "turn" - we've all seen those incidents on the news. Also, Kelpies are Aussie dogs. They are "herders" who will chase kids on bikes and nip their heels. I'd recommend you keep a close eye on him when he's outside your yard.

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Like i said... 99.999999 percent of the time he's a super friendly dog.....He was in the back seat and the window was half down in the back of my Crew Cab. For whatever reason I think he just got a little too excited and he paid for it. I think he was growling at the kid after he fell out because he was injured. He's never even come close to anything like this before. As sore as the little guy is I'm sure he won't do it again.


I usually walk him off the leash...I live in the middle of no where......and he's been trained not to go after people....he dosen't go 10 yards from me when we are out on a walk...and won't chase anyone no matter who comes by. I really think this was an isolated instance....but if he ever did bite someone I'd be the 1st to take him on a one way ride into the desert.

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1982 - 2006 number of recorded

dog attacks


I really like the part under "Doberman" that stated "a miniature pinscher joined two pitbulls in a mauling". Miniature Pinschers have nothing to do with Dobermans, they existed LONG before the Doberman breed was created. The problem is the word "Pinscher", which is German for "terrier".


I'm pretty tired of the ridiculous "turn on their owner" thing, as well as "their brains continue to grow and later in life it outgrows their skull, causing them to go crazy". Urban legends.

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