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Nobody held a gun to these older players' heads to choose football as their career - they should take accountability for their actions. I'm sure they weren’t complaining when they were scoring all the chicks and being recognized on the street and driving the fancy cars.


If I retired from my company tomorrow they could either (a) fizzle and go bankrupt or (b) become the next Microsoft - but if they became the next Microsoft you can bet I wouldn’t come back 30 years later looking for a bigger piece of the pie - because I helped lay the groundwork?


I know – I’m a heartless guy, but hey, that’s me.

You, sir, appear to need a history lesson about the pre-Super-Bowl-era NFL/AFL. Hall of Famer Billy Shaw worked construction during the offseason; think he did that just for the hell of it? Hardly. If your name wasn't Joe Namath, you had to have an offseason job to make ends meet. This isn't the Jim Kellys of the world we're talking about here; it's guys like John Mackey, whose wife had to go back to work in her 60s after he started showing signs of Alzheimer's. Or Conrad Dobler, who's about to lose his house because of his wife's medical bills and needs a knee replacement of his own... but can't get a payout from the league's disability fund. Check out the first link, and read about Brent Boyd: the board that administers said disability fund sent him to three different doctors before they finally found one who denied Boyd's claim.








It's a perfectly good analogy 'erynthered'. The guy who built my house 20 yrs ago has played a part (i.e., laid a foundation) in my financial success because without him I wouldn't get a good night's sleep to go to work to get that promotion - but do I owe him anything?


If the old players have such a cut and dry case then why don't they just go and sue and claim the millions of dollars they clearly deserve? Because they have no case.


If anyone feels strongly about supporting the old players they should open up their own wallets and donate some money instead of sitting back and telling others how things should be. I'm sure Donnie Green would appreciate $300 or $400 and I'm pretty sure you all can afford it.

(qeue the sound of crickets chirping.........chirp.........chirp.........chirp.........chirp)

Already have. Thanks for asking. And if anyone else is so inclined, here's the address:

Gridiron Greats Assistance Fund

HOLY SHIIT?! You have to be kidding me? Your next analogy is the guy who built your house?? You compare that to the NFL players who have retired or were forced out of the game due to injuries? Let me ask you a question, does it say Moron, on the side of that mailbox you have at the end of your drive way? :)


There are no need for personal attacks here erynthered. Just because I have an opinion doesn't make me a moron.



Nobody held a gun to these older players' heads to choose football as their career - they should take accountability for their actions. I'm sure they weren’t complaining when they were scoring all the chicks and being recognized on the street and driving the fancy cars.


If I retired from my company tomorrow they could either (a) fizzle and go bankrupt or (b) become the next Microsoft - but if they became the next Microsoft you can bet I wouldn’t come back 30 years later looking for a bigger piece of the pie - because I helped lay the groundwork?


I know – I’m a heartless guy, but hey, that’s me.




My friend, I doubt you are heartless---few people really are although sometimes people play the role to show how tough and independant they can be. I also doubt you are an idiot and wouldn't pretend to suggest that you are. I do think you are uneducated and only know the NFL as it exists today, not as it was in the beginning. Learn some history and quit trying to be a big strong capitalist for a minute. God knows, I'm a capitalist, with all the good and bad that comes with it---and so were the early owners who treated the early players like disposable property.


Those guys didn't "choose football as their career" the way today's players do with hundreds of thousands of dollars as the league's annual minimum salary. Today's projected stars start with agents and millions of dollars in the bank before they ever play a down. Hell, I hear "rumors" that some even start cashing in while they are in college. Back then players took literally a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per game and if they were cut or hurt, they were out. If Chicago Bears great Doug Atkins---one of the greatest to ever play the game--- had no negotiating power and took whatever Papa Bear offered, I doubt any of them could do anything other than beg for a raise. There was no competition for players' services, the league was run like a co-op. Those guys, even the stars, were paid next to nothing, even by income standards back then.


I remember Tom Day, a star defensive end for the Bills in the 60's and a big hero around town, had to suppliment his income in the off-season by being a substitute gym teacher for 3rd and 4th graders at my grade school, P.S. 88. Hall of Famer, Billy Shaw worked odd construction labor jobs to get by and even though he was a full blown star, he wasn't paid enough to take care of his family on his salary in his early years. Until Joe Namath ($400,000) and John Huarte ($200,000) started to be paid big bucks around 1964 because of the NFL v. AFL competition, there were very very few players in either league who didn't have to moonlight during the season. Virtually all had "regular" jobs in the off-season---usually basic labor positions because they had to quit to play in the fall. These stories weren't the exceptions, they were the rule. It was far worse in the 40's and 50's, but most of those guys are gone. I'd bet "chicks" were available then, just like now, but they didn't bring in income. Few of those guys could afford "fancy cars". Finally, the game back then was brutal. Equipment was borderline worthless. The rules literally allowed maiming and many coaches encouraged it.


My friend, I'm no socialist, but I know the difference between right and wrong. Today's NFL owes those guys a debt and it could satisfy it and ease terrific suffering without ever missing a meal---not one. Again, Gene Upshaw, the NFLPA, the owners and today's silent players and fans ought to be ashamed of themselves. :)

There are no need for personal attacks here erynthered. Just because I have an opinion doesn't make me a moron.



A little thin skinned, are we? Its a message board, grow up. If I feel your point is asinine, I'm going to make sure you understand. Obviously, you did.


Grow some hair, boy. :lol:

A little thin skinned, are we? Its a message board, grow up. If I feel your point is asinine, I'm going to make sure you understand. Obviously, you did.


Grow some hair, boy. :lol:



erynthered, you are obviously an angry little man who leads a bitter little life. When not posting one of you 8.9 messages per day to this board, you probably sit around all day being bitter at the people and institutions that have wronged you in life. Your only joy in life is probably fondling your teenage stepdaughter after a hard day of work at the screen door factory. How's that you moron?


PS - are you one of these Internet trolls I've heard about?

erynthered, you are obviously an angry little man who leads a bitter little life. When not posting one of you 8.9 messages per day to this board, you probably sit around all day being bitter at the people and institutions that have wronged you in life. Your only joy in life is probably fondling your teenage stepdaughter after a hard day of work at the screen door factory. How's that you moron?


PS - are you one of these Internet trolls I've heard about?





I only told you you were a moron, because of your views, with regard to the NFL players getting their due. But yet you say this?


You accuse me of Molesting a teenage stepdaughter?


Good show, young man, good show. :lol:

erynthered, you are obviously an angry little man who leads a bitter little life. When not posting one of you 8.9 messages per day to this board, you probably sit around all day being bitter at the people and institutions that have wronged you in life. Your only joy in life is probably fondling your teenage stepdaughter after a hard day of work at the screen door factory. How's that you moron?


PS - are you one of these Internet trolls I've heard about?

Uh dude, so far the only one who looks like a troll in this thread is you. You don't tell someone you don't like personal attacks in one post and then in the NEXT POST accuse them of committing a felony sex crime against a child. Do yourself a favor and STFU. Better yet, be a man and apologize for going WAY too far.

erynthered, you are obviously an angry little man who leads a bitter little life. When not posting one of you 8.9 messages per day to this board, you probably sit around all day being bitter at the people and institutions that have wronged you in life. Your only joy in life is probably fondling your teenage stepdaughter after a hard day of work at the screen door factory. How's that you moron?


PS - are you one of these Internet trolls I've heard about?


In case you were wondering, this is what makes you a moron.

And every fugger that sucks the goverment's tit at the local, state and federal level.


Hey "fugger". I work hard at my job as I'm sure you do at yours. So why the sour grapes? Go get a freakin' government job if the pension is that important to you. I know I'm looking forward to collecting mine. You people are amazing. just because your non-union job that you knowingly signed up for doesn't provide you with a pension, you think I shouldn't get one either? What a freakin' loser. :lol:



I know – I’m a heartless guy, but hey, that’s me.





Outstanding. Way to rationalize being an A$$h*le in life. :lol:

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