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What animal, bug, etc causes you discomfort?


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Why are most people afriad of snakes and spiders. I don't mind either of them. The one animal that I'm most afriad of are bees. I had a bad incident with a bee colony when I was 5. I was stung over 25 time all over my body. A little sore of the next few days afterward but I was fine. As long as you don't bother them they won't bother you. I learned that the hard way. :rolleyes:

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Number eight?? Sheesh....nice to know how important I am to you. :rolleyes:




mmmhmmm...and how many times did you call me this weekend???? HMMMMMMMM????? I should make you number NINE! :devil:

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Spiders. I hate spiders. Especially the big ones that look as if you hit them with a newspaper that they would grab it out of your hands and whip your @ss with it.

Right on!....All spiders must die!!!!!!!!


Why are most people afriad of snakes and spiders.

Here where I live now...probally because most of them can KILL YOU!!!!! :rolleyes:

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