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I think all joke were witten 2000 years ago, it's just been different ways of telling them since.

Milton Berle was famous for stealing jokes (whether it was true or not).

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When is her show on?



Comedy Channel...Thursday nights (10pm eastern I think)...they rerun it numerous times over the weekend...like jz said, the show is a little juvenile, Silverman is much better, IMO, at stand-up...though the show always has few good laughs, overall not great...


Rent her "Jesus Is Magic" film. It is her stand-up, interspliced with (not super great) music numbers, that seemed thrown in, just to make it long enough, to be considered a movie. Her stand-up is first rate...she can say some of the most outrageous, creepy things, and make you bust a gut, just the way she says them...


BTW- I may be the only one who has wathced, or enjoys the "Naked Trucker" show, also on the Comedy Channel...it is sort of a psychodelic version of HEE-HAW, except that the jokes are pretty funny...the guy who portrays the Naked Trucker is friggin' great...he is the same guy who played the guidanvce counselor in "Freaks & Geeks" (another of my favorites!)...


Successful comedians have writers or a staff of writers for their material.

If you think a comedian writes all their own material you're mistaken.

Many great comedians started out writing jokes for the funny front man.

Mel Brooks, Johnny Carson, Woody Allen to name a few.


Ever see Chris Rock go on stage to accept an award?

Those aren't his staff of Jewish lawyers flanking him.

They're his writers.

Successful comedians have writers or a staff of writers for their material.

If you think a comedian writes all their own material you're mistaken.

Many great comedians started out writing jokes for the funny front man.

Mel Brooks, Johnny Carson, Woody Allen to name a few.


Ever see Chris Rock go on stage to accept an award?

Those aren't his staff of Jewish lawyers flanking him.

They're his writers.



this is the most incorrect statement regarding comedians ive ever heard.


if you are talking about someone with their own television show, then yes, they obviously need a staff of writers for THE SHOW.


we are talking STAND UP COMEDIANS here. in stand up, you write your own material, take notes on stage with you, try new jokes week after week. you see what works and what doesnt and slowly craft your routine out of jokes that YOU WRITE YOURSELF. or better yet, do what a lot of comedians do, and spend some nights going onstage with little planned material and just make up an act as you go while talking with the audience.


when you see STAND UP comedians on an HBO special, every joke was written by that comedian(or was SUPPOSED to be). they spend usually 2-3 months on the road before the special, working on their act, omitting jokes that dont work too well, moving around jokes that get a great response.


to say that stand up comedians do not write their own jokes is not only an incorrect statement, but insulting to every stand up comedian who spends 300 days per year on the road.


the only real stand up comedian you referenced was Chris Rock. if you dont think he wrote every joke in his HBO specials, you are wrong.


this is why its such a big deal to have Ned Holness stealing jokes from other Stand Up comedians that he has toured with.

the only real stand up comedian you referenced was Chris Rock. if you dont think he wrote every joke in his HBO specials, you are wrong.

ok rock has his own wirters for his show that he had on HBO. Thus, his writers on stage w/ him accepting the award

ok rock has his own wirters for his show that he had on HBO. Thus, his writers on stage w/ him accepting the award


i think there is some confusion here about the difference between a television show and a stand up special.


his SHOW yes. his talk show.


not his stand up specials.


Bigger and Blacker was all him.


Check out the Writers Credits


And on his FIRST stand up special too

i think there is some confusion here about the difference between a television show and a stand up special.


his SHOW yes. his talk show.


not his stand up specials.


Bigger and Blacker was all him.


Check out the Writers Credits


And on his FIRST stand up special too

ok yeah i agree with you there, but the point i think Nanker was trying to make is that Chris Rock does have writers for his show. I mean it is impossible to be fresh for an hour every week without a little help, or even a half hour to an hour each day ala (Stewart, Colbert, Letterman, Leno, etc.) without having writers for that.

BTW- I may be the only one who has wathced, or enjoys the "Naked Trucker" show, also on the Comedy Channel...it is sort of a psychodelic version of HEE-HAW, except that the jokes are pretty funny...the guy who portrays the Naked Trucker is friggin' great...he is the same guy who played the guidanvce counselor in "Freaks & Geeks" (another of my favorites!)...


Its gotten a couple laughs out of me over the 3 or 4 episodes I've had it on as background noise.


In other words, it sucks. :rolleyes:

ok yeah i agree with you there, but the point i think Nanker was trying to make is that Chris Rock does have writers for his show. I mean it is impossible to be fresh for an hour every week without a little help, or even a half hour to an hour each day ala (Stewart, Colbert, Letterman, Leno, etc.) without having writers for that.



we're not talking about that though. the beef that Rogan and the rest of the comedy world has with Ned Holness is in a completely different realm.


if it were jokes on his Mind of Mencia that were being questioned, then yes, there is some grey area because there is a team of writers.


but he's ripping off other comics in his stand up act.


nanker had a point, but it was off topic

BECAUSE of this incident. why? because right now Carlos, or Ned rather, is a bigger money draw with a show on Comedy Central.


Ned Holness DOES steal jokes. 99% of the crap that comes out of his mouth is NOT funny. his lack of talent forces him to steal jokes.


im not a huuuge fan of Rogan by any means, but Ned Holness has never been funny. he was a stop-gap put in by Comedy Central to replace time when Chappelle ditched out on them. they wanted to still have the racially driven comedy and didnt want to plug in another black comedian, so they put in a "mexican" because it's a big issue in the news and they figured he'd pull ratings in on that alone.


and Dane Cook does indeed steal jokes as well.


both are good "performers" but neither write any funny jokes. the last Dane Cook DOUBLE cd had 2 good jokes on the entire thing.


RIP Mitch Hedberg

If music can't be stolen, how can a joke be stolen?

If music can't be stolen, how can a joke be stolen?



cute, but i never said music couldnt be stolen. just that file sharing shouldnt be perceived as that.


and Rogan actually brings your point up. if a band rips off a riff or such from another band, you hear all about it and they have to pay the original writers royalties for writers credits. but comedians get away with it because people dont listen to stand up like they do music. your confusing companies stealing from each other with consumers sharing their purchased goods with each other.


if i own a copy of Chris Rock's Bigger and Blacker special, and i make a copy of it for my friend and dont charge him for it. how is that stealing? and not just sharing?


and yes, i realize im responding to crayonz...

cute, but i never said music couldnt be stolen. just that file sharing shouldnt be perceived as that.


and Rogan actually brings your point up. if a band rips off a riff or such from another band, you hear all about it and they have to pay the original writers royalties for writers credits. but comedians get away with it because people dont listen to stand up like they do music. your confusing companies stealing from each other with consumers sharing their purchased goods with each other.


if i own a copy of Chris Rock's Bigger and Blacker special, and i make a copy of it for my friend and dont charge him for it. how is that stealing? and not just sharing?


and yes, i realize im responding to crayonz...

What difference would it make to Chris Rock whether you "shared" his work with a friend or Carlos Mencia "stole" it. He is denied the exact same thing, being paid for his work. The scale is potentially different but he is harmed in the same way.

we're not talking about that though. the beef that Rogan and the rest of the comedy world has with Ned Holness is in a completely different realm.


if it were jokes on his Mind of Mencia that were being questioned, then yes, there is some grey area because there is a team of writers.


but he's ripping off other comics in his stand up act.


nanker had a point, but it was off topic


Actually the joke from Ari that was in question was done on Mind of Mencia, where Carlos has writers for that.

Actually the joke from Ari that was in question was done on Mind of Mencia, where Carlos has writers for that.



no, he closed out his Comedy Central Stand Up special with it. and that's the same special he performed 13 minutes of George Lopez's act in.


This One


go back and watch the video of the argument. they show him using it in his performance where he's wearing the leather motorcycle jacket. that's his Stand Up Special. and im pretty sure he used it as his closing joke.


no one, not one comic, is complaining about material from Mind of Mencia. probably because no one can stomach sitting thru it. or more than likely, becasue we're not talking about TV Shows here. we're talking stand up act material.

no, he closed out his Comedy Central Stand Up special with it. and that's the same special he performed 13 minutes of George Lopez's act in.


This One


go back and watch the video of the argument. they show him using it in his performance where he's wearing the leather motorcycle jacket. that's his Stand Up Special. and im pretty sure he used it as his closing joke.


no one, not one comic, is complaining about material from Mind of Mencia. probably because no one can stomach sitting thru it. or more than likely, becasue we're not talking about TV Shows here. we're talking stand up act material.

eh, ok I'll take your word for it. i could have sworn he said that on his show and not on his special, but i'll take your word on it. I'm not wanting to argue senselessly over something at the moment.


Saw a show on PBS yesterday on Bob Newhart. That's when comedy was at it's best. The content and the timing was everything. I've seen a couple of shows at the Improv the past couple of years that were the raunchiest load of crap I've ever heard. Jay Moore was one of them and it was pretty bad.

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