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All this Schumer crap today is pathetic.


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I mean, seriously, we sound like we want welfare from the NFL. I don't mind Schumer trying to get rid of blackouts. The NFL makes a ton of money and doens't need to still be blacking games out across areas, IMO.


But, Schumer's whole premise is making excuses for Bills fans on why they didn't come to games late in the year. It's sounds pathetic. Long drive. Snowy drive. Teams we were playing weren't all that good. Blah blah blah. We have tremendously low ticket prices, and the weather was great this season for our improving team. There should be no excuses. It makes us sound pathetic.


He should have been saying, that despite the Bills not selling out, they still outdrew most of the league every weekend, and don't cover up seats in order to prevent blackouts like some markets. I mean, Schumer means well, but his arguments could seem better prepared in different directions than the path he is currently taking.


Quit whining, state relevant facts, and move on. Quit asking for handouts, making us look even more like a welfare, begging for money type of team.

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Well said.


I mean, seriously, we sound like we want welfare from the NFL. I don't mind Schumer trying to get rid of blackouts. The NFL makes a ton of money and doens't need to still be blacking games out across areas, IMO.


But, Schumer's whole premise is making excuses for Bills fans on why they didn't come to games late in the year. It's sounds pathetic. Long drive. Snowy drive. Teams we were playing weren't all that good. Blah blah blah. We have tremendously low ticket prices, and the weather was great this season for our improving team. There should be no excuses. It makes us sound pathetic.


He should have been saying, that despite the Bills not selling out, they still outdrew most of the league every weekend, and don't cover up seats in order to prevent blackouts like some markets. I mean, Schumer means well, but his arguments could seem better prepared in different directions than the path he is currently taking.


Quit whining, state relevant facts, and move on. Quit asking for handouts, making us look even more like a welfare, begging for money type of team.

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Who made him a politician....The guy doesn't even know to put two words together.


he is a politician because he is unqualified for other gainful employment.


much easier to gorge at the public trough.


NY is the best at rasing taxed to keep those pigs coming back for more.


just ask that carpet bagger Hilary why she now claims NY to her home.

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seriously - no one thinks about Upstate New York outside of Upstate New York. That's the main problem.



So now Schumer takes up a cause that a fair number of upstate New Yorkers care about, and we blast him for it...nice!


Hate to say it, but the one we should be blasting is Ralph Wilson, in this whole mess.

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So now Schumer takes up a cause that a fair number of upstate New Yorkers care about, and we blast him for it...nice!


I'm not blasting him at all. I'm glad he's helping. my comment was referring to the comments before that were embarrassed because they think the rest of the country will laugh at us. I'm saying who gives a crap what anybody else thinks and it shouldn't be an issue anyway because nobody gives a crap either way in the rest of the country

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So now Schumer takes up a cause that a fair number of upstate New Yorkers care about, and we blast him for it...nice!


Hate to say it, but the one we should be blasting is Ralph Wilson, in this whole mess.

Wilson is in favor of blackouts?

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Just adds more to the idea this place is a dying area--nobody supports the Bills, we are all poor etc..... There are actually many things going on here--there is great proximity to Southern Ont (a huge market really untapped). It does make us just look pathetic always asking for handouts and crying to the league. How about this---lose 5k seats, increase the cost of the remainder to make up those seats (which are the cheapest anyways), market the team heavily in Southern Ont (have players go up there do promotional work NF, Hamilton, Toronto etc...) and get a buzz in the wealthiest place in all of Canada. Add that to Buffalo and Rochester and the Southern Tier and the place will be filled every week........ that is if the Bills don't go 4-12.

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No, the main problem is that the people of Upstate NY keep voting for the corrupt politicians that keep their economy in a shambles.

I can’t speak to the rest of upstate but here in the Rochester area corruption is not the Problem (Rochester city school district may be the exception) but unfunded mandates from Albany (tax pressure) and over regulation from Albany is.

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So now Schumer takes up a cause that a fair number of upstate New Yorkers care about, and we blast him for it...nice!


Hate to say it, but the one we should be blasting is Ralph Wilson, in this whole mess.

What has Wilson done wrong? Remember, when this team was winning in the 90's some games were blacked out. Not sure why you are blaming Wilson? Also, home games late in the season are supposed to be an advantage for the Bills.

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I'm not blasting him at all. I'm glad he's helping. my comment was referring to the comments before that were embarrassed because they think the rest of the country will laugh at us. I'm saying who gives a crap what anybody else thinks and it shouldn't be an issue anyway because nobody gives a crap either way in the rest of the country



I know, I was agreeing with you...just amazed that a prominent NY politician is taking up a cause very relevant to everyone here, and so many are blasting him...not you. If Schummer doesn't care, not many else will. As "pathetic" or misguided as some of his arguments may be, as an NFL outsider, who wields some poilitcal weight (remember the NFL is a monopoly, and was ruled as such by the courts), he is trying to bring light to the situation, hopefully, before it is too late....



I blame Wilson, because, the bottom line is, he just doesn't spend the money, to keep up with the way the NFL is changing. I love Ralph for providing us with a team, but, unless he is willing to spend money to at least appear like he is attempting to "keep up with the Jonses", his public carping about money issues will garner little sympathy, left solely up to the powers that be in the NFL.


I still contend, if Ralph was making an honest effort to keep this team competitive, we wouldn't be talking about blackouts...Bills fans may be poor, but they will come out, if they think they are getting a good product.


Honestly, anyways, I think the amount of revenue the Bills lose from not selling out games, is pretty small, compared to what they lose, by becoming a perenial celler-dwelling team.

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And if they don't blackout game coverage how many people are really going to buy tickets. That stadium will be half empty for every game.


I disagree with you. There would still be 60,000 or more for every game, televised or not.

Our seat capacity will be going up this year with moving the press box also. At least I think they're doing that this off season along with the scoreboard.

The press box is supposed to be replaced with more club seats. I don't know how many but would think the number to be between 500 and 1000 or so.

I'm surprised I don't see anyone else mentioning this.

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