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Some "adjustments" to make this team better

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I was watching the game yesterday and a few random thoughts came to mind that I'd like to present to TSW's resident jury.


1. First I'd like to apologize for conducting open heart surgery in the chat room yesterday. I know is was graphic and disturbing but then again, so is Bills football.


2. If you want to make the OL better instantly, then move MW to LG. He clearly doesn't have the footspeed to play RT and we wouldn't lose anything by putting Price in at RT. At this point we are not able to open any holes in the middle and it's absolutely killing our running game.


3. Travis Henry makes too many mistakes to be a starting caliber RB. At this point of his career he is still missing assignments and picking the wrong holes. A starting RB in the NFL should be able to make something out of nothing once or twice a game. Travis is a warrior but he is not elusive and it's been a long time since he's run over anyone. I'm reluctant to even mention the pass that hit him in the face yesterday.


4. The first 10 pages of the Mularkey/Clements playbook need to be shredded. This is NOT a power football team and is NOT capable of playing "smash-mouth" football. With the speed our WR and TE's we should be sending guys all over the field. Willis should be the starting back and we should be three wide on almost every play. If we can't play power football, which 0-4 proves we can't, then we HAVE to change.


5. Can someone please explain to me why in a max protect blocking scheme you'd have your LG PULL????? I watched the play 3 times and I still can't figure out wtf Smith was thinking?


6. The season is not over yet but if there isn't a substantial change in the offensive gameplan then you can stick a fork in this team.


7. TD is in serious trouble. When Ralph starts bitching, GM's get fired.

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