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Herpes used to cure Brain Cancer.


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Researchers Test Herpes as Brain Cancer Treatment


Glioma is the most common form of brain cancer, and most of its victims are adults in the prime of their life.


There has never been a successful treatment for the deadly brain disease, but doctors at Methodist Hospital in Houston believe they have finally found a cure. The hospital is one of the only medical centers in the country using the treatment.


One patient using the new treatment is Connie Radford. She has spent the past 20 years as a Houston-area school teacher, and while she had to step away from the job she loves for cancer treatment, she plans to get back to her students soon.


"I think I'm like your average school teacher. I want to work hard and work smart, do the right thing and leave a legacy for my kids. In this case, my students," Radford told FOX 26's Melissa Wilson.


Radford is taking part in a study that uses herpes as a brain cancer treatment.


Doctors say they believe herpes is a possible cure for glioma because it infiltrates the brain well.


Dr. New at Methodist Hospital is the principal investigator in the study. She explains doctors can use herpes, or the common cold virus, as a "cargo ship" to carry a herpes virus gene into a patient's tumor.


To carry out the unique procedure, a neurosurgeon injects the virus into the brain tumor during surgery. After which, the patient takes Valtrex, the oral medication that treats herpes. Valtrex kills off the virus, and as the herpes virus dies, it is also blasts the cancer cells, making them self-destruct.


As part of Radford's treatment, she also completed chemotherapy and continues to undergo radiation.


"I feel great. I have no side effects, no headaches. I occasionally take a Tylenol, but that's a pretty phenomenal thing," said Radford.


Doctors say it's still too early to tell what Radford's outcome will be, but it's giving the teacher the hope she needs. She knows she's just a patient in a study, but she's confident by participating in it, it will help others in the future.

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