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This Man is a Winner.... a real one


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Nice, and thanks.


What was up with them taking it down - re: "breach of terms of service agreement"?

Can't put up a weepy? Or, is it an AI thing?


My guess is that Fox sent YouTube a cease and desist letter telling them to take it down, so they did. It's copyrighted work, so...

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Hard to know, certainly in this case some slack could be given , here clearly a lovely man who loved his wife. So many folks either in his situation or have been , he sings for many. Given there are many Idol segments on Youtube , Fox being owner of material do pick and choose as to what they will allow. The emotional nature of this precious man, my guess is the Idol program would want to use it to their advantage, having it on Youtube would over expose it , in their eyes. That is one possibility.



Nice, and thanks.


What was up with them taking it down - re: "breach of terms of service agreement"?

Can't put up a weepy? Or, is it an AI thing?

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Ummmh. That would explain it. Lawyers. :sick:


Yeah, generally....


To millbank's point, I don't know how Fox decides what to allow and what not to allow, or if they only report things that they hear about or what. Lots of companies send letters to YouTube (Google, now) asking them to take stuff down all the time, so that's why I'm assuming it was taken down. No idea for sure.



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i have no problem admitting that that brought me to tears.


and not to stick up for Fox, but they have court-ordered youtube to remove ANY/ALL videos containing clips from their shows. i doubt highly that they targeted just this clip.


I heard another company has done the same thing. Viacomm I think it was.


Sherman Pore is a true gem. :sick:

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