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When nature call and you have no option...


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For me, it was a third world gas staion in West Virginia. It still haunts me.....


EDIT: My Story


Basically was on a road trip driving through WV at about 1 am. The pain strikes and I get off the main road and locate a "gas station" which was supposed to open 24/7. I run inside and find the "restroom". Upon entering, it looked like something out of some type of apocalyptic movie, true third world country kinda stuff (peeling paint on the yellow walls, god knows what growing on the floor). 2 stalls, 1 urinal, 1 sink. The first stall had a door which was only hanging by the top hinge. Upon opening this little slice of heaven I discovered the bowl had been used quite frequently and from the looks of things, had backed up long, long ago. I backed out of stall and made my way to stall two, which had no door. Upon entering I noticed the seat was askew and had enough hair on it to comb and style. I was at the break point though and had no other option. I pulled down my pants and contorted myself into a spiderman like pose in the stall, hovering about everything. About half way through, the door to the men's room opens, and the gentleman who runs the establishment starts walking in and sees me, in my spiderman pose, hanging from the stall walls, a couple inches above the seat. We make eye contact, and he turns and walks out. A couple minutes later after I finish and basically speed walk past the counter and out the door.

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I will admit it, I did dump in a men's room at Ralph Wilson Stadium a few years back. Tunnel end, visitors sideline corner, on the lower level. It was probably around the 3rd quarter and it was not pleasant. I was definitely doing the drunk hover to avoid contact with the seat. As you can imagine, if you are dumping at a Bills game, it is an urgent situation. Well, it was a winter game and I had about 41 layers to take off before I could get down to business. I started disrobing while I was waiting in line for the stall so that the explosion could start ASAP when I finally got in there. The Carhartt jumpsuit was damn near around my ankles by the time I got to the front of the line!

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It may have not been the worst place in the world but at the Blue Cross Arena around the holidays I was put into a precarious situation. I had a touch of whatever was going around making people pee chocolate nasties out of thier buttholes. For Christmas we got the boy tickets to WWE and he would have been disappointed if I didn't attend. So after eating some nachos :rolleyes: , and some other arena junk, I found myself in the oh so familiar position of NEEDING to go. I scurry down to the nearest restroom and jump into the handicap stall (sorry but it was the cleanest).


As soon as I got my pants below the brown eye, a blast of dookie flies out all over the toilet and floor and somehow misses me all together. I tried the best I could to clean up, but you can only do so much with toilet paper.

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It may have not been the worst place in the world but at the Blue Cross Arena around the holidays I was put into a precarious situation. I had a touch of whatever was going around making people pee chocolate nasties out of thier buttholes. For Christmas we got the boy tickets to WWE and he would have been disappointed if I didn't attend. So after eating some nachos :rolleyes: , and some other arena junk, I found myself in the oh so familiar position of NEEDING to go. I scurry down to the nearest restroom and jump into the handicap stall (sorry but it was the cleanest).


As soon as I got my pants below the brown eye, a blast of dookie flies out all over the toilet and floor and somehow misses me all together. I tried the best I could to clean up, but you can only do so much with toilet paper.

inkman, you paint a picture that shall haunt me forever. :worthy:;)

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As soon as I got my pants below the brown eye, a blast of dookie flies out all over the toilet and floor and somehow misses me all together. I tried the best I could to clean up, but you can only do so much with toilet paper.


That may be the most disgusting thing I've ever read on this board :rolleyes:

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In my younger days, a friend of mine once shat off a bridge somewhere in Allegheny State Park (on a dare) - a good drop (no pun intended) too. That truly is an image that will stay with me forever....


The most unique place I've ever peed is down the middle yellow line while walking down Transit road in Lancaster near Broadway at 4AM (ironically the same friend was with me at the time)...

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I dropped one at Aarowhead last year that was by far the worst dump in my career. Similiar to Smokin's case it was fugging freezing (probably not Buffalo cold, but cold none the less) so I had on a bunch of layers. Anyway, I'm a drinker and all drinkers know all to well about the beer shitz. Combine a bad case of beer shitz, getting over the flu and jalepeno nachos and you have a recipe for a pretty nasty one that any man should be able to sit down and handle properly in the place they feel most comfortable. Of course I fought this thing off untill I couldn't take it anymore and unfortunately my breaking point just happened to conincide with halftime when the bathrooms are at their most crowded. After waiting in line for too long I opened the stall door only to realize that this dude before me clogged the can. Instead of getting back in line (not an option at this point) I just went for it... To top it all off I had held it in for so long that a bunch of air developed in the Ol' Belly so I ripped about 3-4 farts that the whole bathroom heard and found pretty funny. !@#$ Aarowhead.

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For me, it was a third world gas staion in West Virginia. It still haunts me.....


EDIT: My Story


Basically was on a road trip driving through WV at about 1 am. The pain strikes and I get off the main road and locate a "gas station" which was supposed to open 24/7. I run inside and find the "restroom". Upon entering, it looked like something out of some type of apocalyptic movie, true third world country kinda stuff (peeling paint on the yellow walls, god knows what growing on the floor). 2 stalls, 1 urinal, 1 sink. The first stall had a door which was only hanging by the top hinge. Upon opening this little slice of heaven I discovered the bowl had been used quite frequently and from the looks of things, had backed up long, long ago. I backed out of stall and made my way to stall two, which had no door. Upon entering I noticed the seat was askew and had enough hair on it to comb and style. I was at the break point though and had no other option. I pulled down my pants and contorted myself into a spiderman like pose in the stall, hovering about everything. About half way through, the door to the men's room opens, and the gentleman who runs the establishment starts walking in and sees me, in my spiderman pose, hanging from the stall walls, a couple inches above the seat. We make eye contact, and he turns and walks out. A couple minutes later after I finish and basically speed walk past the counter and out the door.


You might enjoy the 'Work Poop' thread in the 'Off the Wall' section. See where this story would fit in !

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Now that was one of the funniest things I have ever read on this board! True LOL stuff! :(;)



Basically was on a road trip driving through WV at about 1 am. The pain strikes and I get off the main road and locate a "gas station" which was supposed to open 24/7. I run inside and find the "restroom". Upon entering, it looked like something out of some type of apocalyptic movie, true third world country kinda stuff (peeling paint on the yellow walls, god knows what growing on the floor). 2 stalls, 1 urinal, 1 sink. The first stall had a door which was only hanging by the top hinge. Upon opening this little slice of heaven I discovered the bowl had been used quite frequently and from the looks of things, had backed up long, long ago. I backed out of stall and made my way to stall two, which had no door. Upon entering I noticed the seat was askew and had enough hair on it to comb and style. I was at the break point though and had no other option. I pulled down my pants and contorted myself into a spiderman like pose in the stall, hovering about everything. About half way through, the door to the men's room opens, and the gentleman who runs the establishment starts walking in and sees me, in my spiderman pose, hanging from the stall walls, a couple inches above the seat. We make eye contact, and he turns and walks out. A couple minutes later after I finish and basically speed walk past the counter and out the door.

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