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Just got out of the local 7-11...while peruising their (lame) magazine section, I noticed Leann Tweeden on the cover of FHM. Across the cover it says, "LAST ISSUE", and the "FHM 2000-2007" in the upper corner...sort of the end of an era, I would say. Just a few years ago, I remember reading numerous articles about how FHM had put the magazine industry back on the map...we owe FHM a debt of gratitude for so many of our BOTD threads...just thought someone might be interested... :wallbash:



I haven't read the magazine in about 4 years, but it did provide me with some great memories...here are some oldies but a goodies, IMO:












Leeann Tweeden...now there's a woman worthy of a BOTD tribute one of these days.


I second that! She was my "it" girl for a long time.

End of an era?




For Horny Men ran out of horny men that wanted to buy their mag? :devil:

Not the end of an era, it's the end of life as we know it! :sick:

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